Greg/Ryan - Florida isn't that far away...

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Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Oh that is a great idea for a story Silhouette. Undercover as a prostitute and Ryan in a g string or thong..OMG. I think Greg would make a better woman, he's more girly looking. Though ryan's got great lips and with lipstick I bet they would be so kissable....tied up on the bed..OMG, your so bad.
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Yeah, Sil, I still need your help. I have a crossover CSI banner on the way from a friend on who makes awesome graphics; she made my siggy and avi.

I found this Greg/Ryan fic on FFN and I have been reading it. I absolutely love it!! Why Can't I?

I've been offline since Friday, and I had to wait for the maintenance of the site to finish before I could get back on. All I can say is I'm glad I'm back home. :lol: What I have missed... what I have missed. Prostitues, G-strings, and whips and chains. Is Lady Heather slinking around or something? Trying to tell us that Ryan and Greg should pay a visit to her? :lol:
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

:( Stupid downtime.. anyways yay its back up again. My computer is being slow because of the maintenace.

Haha Twiz, Ryans lips are kissable without lipstick :devil: Mmmmm. :lol:

Silhouette, thats hilarious! A g-string? :lol: :D
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

My comoputer's being slow, too, because of the maintenance. And Ryan's not just kissable... He's so kissable, huggable, lovable, unbelievable!! :lol: And so is Greg! (The "kissable, huggable, lovable, unbelievable" part is a country song I've listened to quite a bit.)
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

szmandatogoholic, how do you want me to help you? You need links to the pics, sent you by email, or...? Just PM me, I'll see what I can do :)

Ahem, Greg and Ryan in Lady Heather's sounds hot ;) Greg could use some liquid latex :devil:

LOL Twiz, I agree, Greg is more girly *giggles* but that's why, it'd be funnier if it's Ryan doing the undercover work, cuz... can you imagine him in a tube top with all those arm muscles of his??? :lol: :lol:

A dialogue just popped in my head again...
(continue the car convo)
Greg: How much you say your service cost again?
Ryan: Uh... I asked the others there, theirs are $65 on average.
Greg: ....
Ryan: What?
Greg: I can afford that.
Ryan: *choke* WHAT?
Greg: *drives the car into a motel parking lot*
Ryan: Greg!!!

:D :devil: :lol:
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Silhouette said:
Whoa, whips and chains? Miniskirts?? :eek: What did I miss???

Ryan and Greg undercover as women?? :lol: I'd love to see that happen too! Hmmm it reminds me of that movie Hollywood Homicide. So Harrison Ford's character comes to pick up a prostitute, turns out it's one of his undercover agent dressed as a woman. It's so funny because Josh Harnett's character before asking him when was the last time he got laid, and he just went "None of your business", so when Josh saw Harrison's car from afar, picking up this guy dressed as a woman from a street, he thought 'Oh my God, I don't know you're that desperate' :lol:

It'd be so funny if Ryan has to do some prostitution undercover thing dressed as a woman and Greg comes to pick him up in his car...
Greg: How was it?
Ryan: Uh, the g-string is kinda itchy...

Someone should write a fic! Hold on. Whip and chains? Ahhhhh!!!! Stop torturing me with these thoughts. I want Ryan tied to the bed and Greg could do whatever he pleases... :devil:
Gotta shut up now before the mods chase me with pointy sticks :p *runs after mind into the gutter*

HAHAHAHA!!! This reminds me of a song by Toby Keith and Willie Nelson. (For those of you who haven't heard of them, they're both country singers.) They sang a song a few years ago called "Whiskey For My Men, Beer For My Horses" and they were acting as cops in the music video, and there waqs an extra guy (I can't remember who it was) and at the end, he had to go undercover dressed up like a woman!! :lol: :lol: :lol: And Greg and Ryan dressing up like women would remind me so much of this video.

Sorry. Just had to say that.
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Happy B-Day Silhouette, I'm chasing you around the board wishing you a happy B-Day..I left you a present in the Togo thread... :D
That is true about ryan and greg both dressing like a woman, ryan would be funnier and imagine greg pretending to be his pimp. He would be negociatiing a price with a dude and going really cheap because he's such a odd looking woman. But ryan with his ocd would have to have his makeup perfect...ok my mind is gone. Ryan in a pink tank top and jean mini skirt...nicely shaved legs..
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

I've said it before: Ryan's been a body double for Shania Twain. So he's probably shaved his legs before. :lol:

One will have nice, manly legs and the other will have nice, womanly legs... :devil: *evil giggle*
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Silhouette said:
A dialogue just popped in my head again...
(continue the car convo)
Greg: How much you say your service cost again?
Ryan: Uh... I asked the others there, theirs are $65 on average.
Greg: ....
Ryan: What?
Greg: I can afford that.
Ryan: *choke* WHAT?
Greg: *drives the car into a motel parking lot*
Ryan: Greg!!!
Hahaha :D :p

Woahh Ryan and Shania Twain! o_O lol!
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

no no no shania twain... We don't want to put her in here, he's gregs in here, hehe.

Silhouette that is so funny, you get the greatest thoughts, I want thoughts like that in my head.
Can you imagine Ryan and greg going home that night after ryan had to do his undercover prostitute sting in a dress. Greg would have him make him dinner dressed like that. How about before, they go shopping together for his girly outfits and greg makes him try stuff on and model it in the store hehe. NO I couldn't see ryan doing it but maybe Ryan talked Greg into trying stuff on so he'd be able to see what it would look like on him. Yeah greg dressed in drag strutting around a store like he's on a catwalk..Oh my mind is being funny now. Must go lay down now.
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Wow, this thread has grown.

Just thought I'd let you guys know that I've got several chapters written on my Ryan/Greg fic, and I figured I might give you the preview I had mentioned way back before this thread grew out of control like a weed. If you want the preview, pm me and let me know (or email me at with the subject as "Ryan/Greg fic"). I'm only sending it to those that send me a message. If you want to know whether or not the fic as a whole is good or not, ask twiz. Just don't try to get more than that out of her, I trust that she won't tell you any details.
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Twiztid4Togo said:
Silhouette that is so funny, you get the greatest thoughts, I want thoughts like that in my head.
Trust me, if you do, you'll have to always keep a bucket of ice water ready within handreach :lol: I practically need a lot of cold showers in a day :devil:

Hehe you do chasing me around the board wishing me happy bday :lol: But that's why I love you :D I saw the present, it made my day! :D

Body double for Shania Twain??? Really??? Whoa that's one more Togo fact I just discovered :lol: Mwahahahah nice shaved womanly legs :lol: I could imagine, that's so funny! So when you see him, you see his nice legs first and you comment "Nice legs..." then your eyes go up... up... and notice his big arm muscles and you go o_O :lol:

LOL Ryan serving dinner in that clothes :lol: Maybe he could wear, like, a maid uniform :lol: Kinky... :devil:
Hehe love that picture of them shopping *giggles* That'd be so funny!

Btw yesterday to celebrate my bday I was searching for Ryan and Greg bday fic. I didn't come across Ryan/Greg one, but I read one of Ryan/Eric/Horatio. Well okay I don't like the idea of Ryan/Horatio, but the fic is SO HOT. Kidnapped Ryan :eek: It's his bday and he's blindfolded and tied to the bed... omg RAWR... one way to celebrate a bday :devil: I want Ryan and Greg to do that to me :devil: :lol: (hey a girl can dream)
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Hello beautiful people of the awesome RuGged WoNders ship! :D I'm baaaaack! Where are you guys? :confused: Where's my welcome back? And where's my RuGged WoNders smoothie?? *looks around :eek:, feels alone :( and pouts* :lol: Just kidding!!

So, what did I miss? G-strings, thongs, and maid uniforms? Kinky!! :devil: Gosh, I've missed this thread! You guys have incredible minds to come up with half of this stuff. :lol:

Speaking of dreams, I actually had a dream about Ryan and Greg last night. Unfortunately, I can't share them with you because I actually dreamed about the fic that I've been writing for Twiz. :p I've been thinking about that fic all weekend, trying to work out some of the details and imagining them happening. Well, I finally got to dreaming 'bout a couple of the events, which should help me write about them some more. YAY! *happy dance* :lol:

So, are there any new fics floating around that I don't know about? :confused:
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

*welcomes back with a smootie and a long hug* HEY! :D

Can't wait to read your fic. :p
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