Greg/Ryan - Florida isn't that far away...

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Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

I was the half-sister. :p Greg's mom cheated on his dad when he was thirteen. (Unlucky number, poor him.) And he spent most of his teenage years watching a baby sister. :lol: And when he went off to college, he promised he would come back for me, because our parents were being mean to us, and he just left me there, and when he came back when he was 22 he promised to come back when he had enough money to raise a kid. But he forgot me. Until I was kidnapped. And then he got in too deep to let go.

And Ryan comforted him while I was kidnapped. *squee*
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

I wanna have a threesome with them. :devil: Hehehe...

Body painting? As in liquid latex. squeeeeeeeee!! :devil: :devil: :devil:

I don't like nosebleeds. I got them a lot when I was little because of my allergies... i think. I got blood all over my shirts and on my pillows. Not fun.
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

sandersidle said:
and let Greg ping my pong
:lol: I practically laughed out loud in real life upon reading this :lol: (and it's 3 in the morning here... I almost wake everybody up :lol:) Omg that's so funny.

Hmmm should use that... but in my hands it could turn into something... naughty :devil: As in, Greg could ping my pong anytime... ;) :devil: :devil:

Haha I'm weird :lol: nevermind... it's 3 in the morning... what you expect?

Ooh that's one nice story you have, Lee! It's almost too good to be a dream! (I can't believe, why I always get the weirder dreams?? :confused: But eh, I don't complain, I like painting Ryan and ping Greg's pong :lol: :devil:)
OMG Greg promising to be back... it's a sweet sweet story *sniff*

Oh, 3.30 in the morning! I should go to bed... Good night! :D
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

I know! It's such a sweet story... I even cried when I dreamt it. (I get sentimental when I dream of Greg. But it's mostly mental. :lol: )

Haha, Greg pinging my pong... it's starting to make me wonder if he could beat Pong... :lol: :lol: :lol:

And painting Ryan... I'd almost suggest paintball if it didn't hurt. :p

ETA: Three things: I just thought up something: web page. And when she said Lee, she was talking about me. That's my nickname. It's the last part of my first name. And can y'all imagine Ryan and Greg singing the song, "I Just Wanna Live"?
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Hehe guys I googled "csi RuGged Wonders" to see if any other site started calling them that, and the first link is my profile on talkcsi. I was like woahh :eek: :lol: Becuase i say RuGged Wonders in my profile lol.

Haha paint ball with Ryan? Ohh I would like to do that. Then he could protect me from the evil balls :p :D *faints*

Hehe yes..I want Greg to ping my pong :rolleyes: :D
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

OMG this thread is too hott for me..threesome, body painting, pinging their pongs. Jake and Now someone mentioned Orlando Bloom, YUMMY. He was too adorable in LOTR, yes I'm a nerd, or well my kids love those movies so lucky I had some orlando eye candy to watch the 100,000 times we've watched it.
You got that wrong SS..I want to ping Ryan's pong..OH we are going to get in trouble right? We are just talking bout the game pong right????

OH body paint with glitter...make them all sparkly.

I'm bummin because I just can't have r/g dreams, not yet at least, in fact I can't have carwash dreams yet either. BUT I'm really bumming cause I use to dream about Ryan and my woman I made up for him all the time and now nothing. I've quit dreaming about him, I'm so bummin. I need my Togo dreams, I wake up feeling like shit now. Maybe tonight I will dream of body sparkly painting him.
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Well I want to Ping Ryan and Gregs pong..... :rolleyes: I've had a dream with Ryan in it. Wasn't hot though. He was a loser in my dream..If thats even possible. Then I had a RuGged Wonders dream :D But thats it :( I really want to play ping pong with Greg and Ryan. They can be a team, and when they win they can celebrate after....... :devil:
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

sandersidle said:
Hehe guys I googled "csi RuGged Wonders" to see if any other site started calling them that, and the first link is my profile on talkcsi. I was like woahh :eek: :lol: Becuase i say RuGged Wonders in my profile lol.

Haha paint ball with Ryan? Ohh I would like to do that. Then he could protect me from the evil balls :p :D *faints*

Hehe yes..I want Greg to ping my pong :rolleyes: :D

I did the same thing (Googling "CSI RuGged Wonders") and my LJ came up!! It's the rugged_wonders one. And it's the third one down. Awesome.

I paintballed Ryan's pic on the page before this.
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Ah don't worry Twiz, I love LOTR too. I used to be obsessed over Legolas :lol: Yeah, I know, I'm such a nerd, leave me alone :lol: LOTR is my fave movie EVER! And I love Pirates of Carribean too, though now I'm cured of my addiction to Orlando... I have new addiction now... which you all might have guessed ;)

"Painting Private Ryan"!!! :lol: Oh God that's hilarious... I never realized his name could be connected to 'Saving Private Ryan'... Wow...
Hmmm... I want to save private Ryan from evil... ;) Oh wait, GREG could save private Ryan... :devil:
Eh, that gave me an idea for discussion. In which scenario you could picture Greg saving (private) Ryan? :D

Aah paintball!!! Is it just me, or it'd be HOT? I mean, c'mon, Greg and Ryan in full battle suit... *sigh* Yeah it's probably just me, I have this *thing* for men in uniform/holding a gun/in full black SWAT suit/well you get the picture... Ryan and Greg holding a gun would be so hot... I don't care if it's just paintball gun. I'd raise my hands up and surrender just for Ryan and Greg looking at me with those serious intense look *faints*

Oh quit the daydream... Greg and Ryan could play paintball. Ryan shot Greg and accidentally hurt him or something. Seeing Greg's down he rushed over and took off his mask, 'Oh my God Greg are you okay?' Greg suddenly grinned and shot him, "Hehe I got you!" Ryan's mad, "HEY!! THAT'S CHEATING!!" and started running after him around the place... :lol: Of course at the end he managed to get Greg pinned down and then.... :devil:
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Silhouette said:
Ah don't worry Twiz, I love LOTR too. I used to be obsessed over Legolas :lol: Yeah, I know, I'm such a nerd, leave me alone :lol: LOTR is my fave movie EVER! And I love Pirates of Carribean too, though now I'm cured of my addiction to Orlando... I have new addiction now... which you all might have guessed ;)

"Painting Private Ryan"!!! :lol: Oh God that's hilarious... I never realized his name could be connected to 'Saving Private Ryan'... Wow...
Hmmm... I want to save private Ryan from evil... ;) Oh wait, GREG could save private Ryan... :devil:
Eh, that gave me an idea for discussion. In which scenario you could picture Greg saving (private) Ryan? :D

Aah paintball!!! Is it just me, or it'd be HOT? I mean, c'mon, Greg and Ryan in full battle suit... *sigh* Yeah it's probably just me, I have this *thing* for men in uniform/holding a gun/in full black SWAT suit/well you get the picture... Ryan and Greg holding a gun would be so hot... I don't care if it's just paintball gun. I'd raise my hands up and surrender just for Ryan and Greg looking at me with those serious intense look *faints*

Oh quit the daydream... Greg and Ryan could play paintball. Ryan shot Greg and accidentally hurt him or something. Seeing Greg's down he rushed over and took off his mask, 'Oh my God Greg are you okay?' Greg suddenly grinned and shot him, "Hehe I got you!" Ryan's mad, "HEY!! THAT'S CHEATING!!" and started running after him around the place... :lol: Of course at the end he managed to get Greg pinned down and then.... :devil:

I love that!! Of course, Sil, they'd be going, "Ohhh, he got me!"
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Silhouette said,..... Oh quit the daydream... Greg and Ryan could play paintball. Ryan shot Greg and accidentally hurt him or something. Seeing Greg's down he rushed over and took off his mask, 'Oh my God Greg are you okay?' Greg suddenly grinned and shot him, "Hehe I got you!" Ryan's mad, "HEY!! THAT'S CHEATING!!" and started running after him around the place... Of course at the end he managed to get Greg pinned down and then

Man you can make even paint balling sound sexy.I want to play.

Glad to hear I'm not the only LOTR nerd here. Oh yes Orlando Bloom is a cutie but I didn't crush on him like I do Togo, he's just the ultimate man for me. I've always had star crushes but I'm beyond crushin on Togo.

I think Ryan and Greg would be really playful together, Greg would bring out the kid inside Ryan and get him to loosen up a little. I think they would have great adventures together and great... :devil: together.
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Haha, yup, Lee... It'd probably Greg saying that, with the naughty grin of his, from under Ryan... :devil: (hey, Ryan was pinning him down, right? ;))
Ryan would grinned back, "Yeah I've got you..." with this low, sexy voice of his. Their faces just a few inches apart from each other.
Greg would reply with, "And what would you do to me now, Wolfe?" in his equally seductive voice. Didn't bother to move or struggle free from the other man.
Then you see Ryan's smirking and... you know... :devil:

Oh God, I need smoothies...

Twiztid4Togo said:
Man you can make even paint balling sound sexy.I want to play.
What can I say, everything about them is sexy ;) I want to play too!!

Weird thing is, I always love making these little Ryan/Greg scenarios... In my head would just pop a cute scene or whatever... it could be considered little plot bunnies but I never seem to take them further than that...
Huh, maybe one of this days I should get myself to work and make it a full fiction :lol:

I never went as far as being an Orlando fan. I mean, I LOVE LOTR so much that I bought the extended DVD and plastered this HUGE poster on my bedroom's wall... and Legolas is so cool, the things he could do as an elf (wow I'm such a nerd :lol:)
But JT and ES? That's beyond crushing... It's a real addiction! :lol: They seriously even make me change my guy type criteria :lol:

Yeah, I agree Twiz, Greg would run around laughing and really let his goofy side out... while Ryan would be more serious at first, wanting to prove he's better... hey, he was in patrol, he was trained to carry and shoot a gun, while Greg don't know how. But then he'd loosen up :)
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Hello beautiful people aboard the RugGed WoNders Ship! :D

OMG! I was gone for what? A day? Maybe two? And you guys have posted like crazy! :lol:

Okay, first off, a threesome with Ryan and Greg? I DEFINITELY want to be in the middle of that one!! :devil: :D

Next, I am a HUGE LOTR fan! Yeah, I'm a nerd too, Twiz! *cough* hence my screen/penname *cough* :lol: I have all 3 regular AND extended DVD sets, and I had the biggest crush on Legolas/Orlando Bloom. What a cutie! :devil:

But, like you guys, I'm beyong crushing with JT/Ryan, and to me, he's just the hottest man I've ever laid my eyes on. :eek: :lol: :eek: When I worked back in Georgia, I had my desktop wallpaper set to Legolas, and my hubby (who also worked in the same place) used to make fun of me, saying that I "have a crush on an elf." :lol: It didn't bother me, though... I still thought he was cute... green tights and all! :lol: :devil:

But now, I'm super addicted to JT/Ryan, with Greg/ES trailing closely behind! :devil:

Silhouette I love the little scenarios in your head! Maybe you could write drabbles instead of full-fledged fanfiction. ;) Just a suggestion...

Okay, people... I'm actually going out of town this weekend for the Labor Day holiday, so I'll be gone for 4 days without internet access. :( At any rate, know that I am always working on that fic Twiz, and I'll be thinking about you guys as I dream me some Greg/Ryan hotness! :devil: :D Until then, keep spreading the RuGged WoNders love! :D Ta-ta!!!
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

aww ok byebye Shadowfax!! I will miss you :D

Ohh Irma (did I spell that right? :)) I love your paintball senario. I could totally see Greg pretending to be hurt but then shoot Ryan. Haha then Ryan gets mad but he forgives Greg...... :devil: Muahaha. "That's hot." :p
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

:D Awww, thanks! I'll miss you too, sandersidle! Oh, and I'm with you about the whole ping pong thing. I wanna ping Ryan's pong, too! :devil:

Or he could ping my pong ANYTIME!! :devil: :lol:
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