Greg/Ryan - Florida isn't that far away...

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Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

quickbeam_cw said:
I see Ryan listening to lots of alternative and rock music. Not really quite as heavy as the stuff that Greg's into, but maybe close. Actually, come to think of it, I guess I see Ryan as having sort of similar music tastes as Jon.

I think that Greg and Ryan would have a few favourite bands in common, but that each would probably have some music that the other was like "UGH! What the hell is THIS?!" :lol:

As far as Greg's and Ryan's sexuality goes, I definitely would see them as both being bi, instead of strictly into guys (because hey, this is the Greg/Ryan ship thread, they're obviously not strictly into girls ;) ). To me they swing both ways. :D

Well, like I said, I don't know why I posted country. Maybe it's because he's in Florida. Who knows? *shrug icon here*

But like you said, Ryan may listen to Greg-ish music. (That's what I call Greg's style of music.) Or he may just listen to his own type of music, called "Other". :lol: It could be a little of everything or a little of nothing.

But we all could see them as bi, I mean... uhh... you took the words out of my mouth quicky. :D :) :p ;)
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Hey Quickie your still around, YAY. I think they would be bi, cause we know Ryan had a thing for reporter and boa ,UGH barf on both. I'm not really into shipping them completely, but you guys write such great fics I can't stay away now. I don't want Ryan to be gay, not at all, but I like reading your stuff. Oh I would rather see him with Greg then with boa or reporter, for sure. So I'd have to say Ryan would be bi, and greg I think he'd be completely gay, though he did have a thing for sara, so....In my eyes if it ever happened greg would be more the one to start it,have experience in it and Ryan would be sexually confused and curious. Plus gregs too cute to deny. Ryan would experiment with his sexuality. I just couldn't see ryan completely devoting himself to men. JMO
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

WOW I missed a lot overnight! Hold on...

Okay, start with Manson thing. Well I like a few loud and strange music myself but still, I found the video so sickening and it just grossed me out... BUTTT, the necking part... "That's hot" :devil: (got to quote Ryan on that)

I think they could have a same taste in music.
Hahaha Ryan and country music? STH, are you sure you don't think that just because I put Ryan into cowboy hat in the manip? :lol:

Well Jon was in a ska band right? I could totally see Ryan being in a band in highschool or college. So I could see his music taste as more of the indie side, like he'd check out these unknown, indie bands and indie festivals... Which Greg would too, I think.

But Ryan has OCD... could that effect his taste in music? I mean, he probably doesn't have much of a rebel side as Greg has. So he probably listens to something more 'clean and organized', if that makes sense :lol: I think instrumental could work... but not the classic kind... more of the electronica one, like the sort of music they use on CSI's investigation scenes... Cinephile, etc... Could totally see him going home at night after work, put on that kind of music, and just chillin' in his living room... Just what I think :)

About their sexual preferences... I watched Oprah today and there's this girl saying she was always attracted to guys until she met this one girl and fell in love with her. So I thought, that could happen. Maybe both Ryan and Greg have always been attracted to women, until they meet and fall in love with each other :) That could happen. I like that idea myself... That way it really shows that they are meant for each other! :D I love the idea that by meeting each other, they both discover a new WONDERful world that they didn't know exist before... :)
(and... psst, if they swing both ways, that also means I could join the threesome :devil: :lol: Shhhh, don't tell anyone I think that ;))
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

I see Ryan as the kind of quiet, focused, nice guy who spent all his time studying in school. He wasn't popular, but he wasn't nerdy either. I see him as most people, the kind of guy that blends in.

I can also picture Ryan listening to some country, don't know why though :lol: But other than that, I picture him listening to soft rock, kinda like Creed or Nickelback, that kind of genre.
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Ohh thats a good idea Silhouette, Greg is inlove with Sara until Ryan comes along and Ryan is inlove with.."you know who" ;) until Greg comes along and then they fall madly inlove :devil:

:eek: Threesome with Silhouette! Nooo :( I wanted to be in the threesome...I mean.. They're all yours :lol: ;)
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

You could be in the threesome too if you want, sandersidle :lol: Hey a girl can dream ;)
Well as much as I want them to be mine, nah they just belong to my fantasy. In real life? They're each other's property :D :devil:

Hmm yeah I always view them not as being gay, but like I said. They meet each other and both discover a new world :D Each other's presence made a powerful impact that will change each lives forever! (Wow I sound like a movie tagline :lol:)

Yeah, I think so too, life_style. Ryan as a quiet, focused guy... Being somewhere in the middle, neither a jock or a nerd. Maybe he had a close circle group of friends, and was sort of doing his own thing...

Hey, could they've gone to the same high school? What do you think they'd react to each other if they've met in highschool?

I forgot to tell you, I had my first ever RuGged Wonders dream last night! (Wooohhhoooo I'm so proud! *throws confetti* :D) It's weird though... In my dream it was Delko and Horatio going to Vegas. When they're back, Delko's like, showing Ryan the pictures of while he was in Vegas (heh, like in vacation lol) And Ryan just pointed to one guy in the picture, "Who's this guy?" Delko just said, "Oh, one of the CSIs I worked with. His name is Greg Sanders... what about him?" Ryan just stared at the picture and said under his breath, "He's hot..." :D
Well, yeah, could he fall in love with Greg just through a picture? In my dream he could ;)
But it was a very, very weird dream. I played ping pong with Greg and did face-painting with Ryan! :lol: How absurd!
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

I wanna play ping pong with Greg! And face painting with Ryan? Why do you get all the good dreams? I'm soooo jealous right now, cause I have yet to have a RuGged Wonders dream!! But I mean I can't really remember my dreams most of the time anyway...

Don't diss Manson people. I love Manson. I personaly think he is a musical genius, but that's just me. :D
And I love theat music video. It's really, really, really, unbelievably HOTT!! :devil: Except for all of the women wearing nothing or nothing but like leather bondage. I don't like that, but everything else is really cool and hott and awesome!!! :devil: :devil:
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

That's the most awesome dream I've ever heard, Silhouette! :D Ping pong with Greg and face painting with Ryan... tee hee! I haven't had a Greg dream that I can think of, but I've had a couple shirtless Ryan dreams... *drool*

Hehe, I love Marilyn Manson, too. I agree with you, hollie, he is a musical genius. And since Greg likes him, I guess I should like him too. :lol: J/K, contrary to what some people would tell you, I CAN indeed think for myself. :lol:
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa I reading threesome here??? I want in..LOL Quicky you are still around..did you search anymore for that mystery shirtless ryan/ jon pic? I have..

sry Hollie just manson scares me and I dont scare easily with music. I'm into some pretty ruff music myself but I just don't get manson. Everyone has their own taste.
I think ryan could handle gregs music but I still dont think it's his fav kind, rockish punk for ryan.
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

I've had about TWO RuGged Wonders dreams. For example:

The first is a crossover and involves LV, Miami, and NY. And also involves Greg's unheard-of-until-now younger sister. Greg and Ryan meet and when Greg gets very emotionally involved when he meets the mastermind of the kidnapping of his sister, Ryan comforts him. (It was in a movie format, so the kidnapper was Jake Gyllenhaal [ :D ] and his little sister was me, named Kaira.

The second one was nearly the same, basically, but minus Jake Gyllenhaal + Orlando Bloom = a RuGged Wonders dream. :lol:

Sorry, I can't be in the threesome, I'm the little sister. :lol: :lol:
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Well yeah, but I played the ping pong in the tennis court! :lol: Really really an absurd dream... but dreams are suppose to be absurd, aren't they? And I guess the face-painting part is kinda cool... I just hope it was body painting instead ;) :devil: (you know where my mind is going...)

Shirtless Ryan dream? Now I wish I had that!

I don't dislike Manson personally, I agree he's a musical genius. I know the video has this very deep meaning... but still I can't stand watching it, it's too graphic and sickening to me.
Except the necking part of course ;)
Damn I wish Greg/ES had been necking Ryan/JT instead! :devil:

I hope that's what I'd dream tonight :lol:
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

I actually like a few of his songs. Which is weird because im really not into that kinda of music, and I respect him as an artist :)

:devil: Yes, a threesome. Ohh your right Silhouette, I can have a threesome. As long as its my fantasy :lol: :lol:
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

I would have a threesome if I wasn't the little sister. Maybe in another dream... :lol:

Man, a threesome with Greg and Ryan would be hot...
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Ahem, yes, threesome... And body painting... :lol: :devil: Damn I'd love to have that dream for tonight!

Oh God, why they're so hot??? Oh this is one funny fact I forgot to tell. I practically got a nosebleed while I was making the Brokeback manip... I am not kidding. NOSE BLEED!! That's how damn HAWT they are, they caused me nose bleeds! :eek: :lol: RaWr... :devil:

Rockish punk for Ryan? OH YEAHHH!!! *headbang* :lol:

Jake being a kidnapper?? Whoa your dream beats mine, STH! :lol: And you could just be a step sister, no blood relation, if you know what I'm thinking ;)
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Ohh right! I forgot to comment on your dream Silhouette! You are soo lucky. You got to spend quality time with the hottest guys in the world!! I want to paint Ryan :devil: and let Greg ping my pong :lol: Hahahaha that sounds really...strange. :D But still, lucky youuu.

Haha a nose bleed? Thats pretty darn cool!
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