Greg/Ryan - Florida isn't that far away...

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Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

I think Ryan was a jock/nerd. He did sports but not like football or anything, just like JOn..He did track, wrestling, which will help with his police work. But he was also in band, same as Jon to make him totally nerdie. SOrry if you guys are in band and think I'm calling you nerds, just from where I came from band peeps are nerdie. That's just my opinion. Jon alwasys says he was a nerd growing up, but I think he was probably the most popular nerd ever.
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

I think Ryan was probably maybe a bit of a quieter kid, not popular, but not quite as nerdy as Greg. :p

There's always been a scene in CSIM that's bugged me though... in "Silencer" (I think?), Aaron is drawing an organic compound, Ryan looks at it, and says "Ok, I flunked Organic, what the hell is this?" It always bugged me because I always took Ryan to be a huge over-achiever in school, but then he failed a SCIENCE class of ORGANIC CHEMISTRY when he has a Bachelor's in CHEMISTRY and a Master's in GENETICS? Seems way too unlikely to me. I mean, sure, it could have been one of those reeeeeeally hard classes that everybody fails - if I had a nickel for every time a person in my university calculus class failed a test, I could pay my tuition :lol: (but I never failed. ;) Came close once, though... dropped me from 3rd highest mark in my class to... well... not-so 3rd highest. :lol: Yes, I'm a nerd. :D ).

Hmm... although, I did just think of a potential explanation... perhaps I'll fit it into the fic that I'm sort of not really working on at all. I do have this whole elaborate life story worked out for Greg and Ryan and how they got together, and it actually fits shockingly well... I'll finish it eventually and share it, I swear! :lol: :D
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Organic chem is hard. I don't know first hand b/c that wasn't what I majored in, but I do from my hubby. He aced chemistry and Calculus in HS and helped me out with it. He aced it too our first year in college and was actually a lab assistant. He was majoring in BioChemistry. But then he took Organic, and well... he said that just went over his head. And I believe him. It's a really tough and complex class, especially if HE had a hard time grasping it.

But yeah, I agree with you there, Quicky. I wondered about Ryan saying that too and still be a Chemistry major and working towards that Masters in Genetics. I suppose he could've substituted a class, but that might be highly unlikely, especially if it's required. I dunno... *shrugs* I do see him as being a quiet nerd, smart, but not geeky (you know what I mean?) Like he played some non-jock stereotype sports and played in a band, so he's athletic in a way, but still smart and reserved.

I see Greg more as being kinda quirky and more fun (surfing and stuff) even though he's really smart too. :D
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

OMG I did too, at least I believe that was it. But then again there's been a few times that he's like said he didn't know something and I thought it was strange, just can't think of them right now. I know a couple from season 3. Now I don't know jack about chemistry, genetics and surely nothing about organic chemistry, but I still thought he should have known it. I hate it because so many times they make him look stupid not knowing something and they have calleigh or delko pointing it out to him. I thought he was suppose to be super smart too. I know he's the newbie but he's smart and shouldn't being playing dumb. It annoys me. I know nothing about greg but he's goofy and smart and he likes marlyn manson..eeww. Did anyone see E.Z in M.M. video, gross. I think ryan and greg would have different taste in music too. On csi lv they do have greg liking strange music right? Ryan seems like he would get into softer more instrumental music. What do you think?
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

they do that so people who have no idea what's going on (doesn't look at Twiz) can understand and stuff. but yeah they do that alot to Ryan, and i think they only do that because he's the n00b.

i think Ryan would like the same type of music Greg does. in s3 Ryan wore t-shirts and those funky zip-up jackets. then he changed, just like Greg. just stuff like how they work shows how much they're alike...which i think is adorable.

Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

All of you, thanks for the nice comments about my manip. :) I did it in a hurry last night, so I couldn't add special effects. (I got a bunch.) But my PSP is about to run out, and I only have a week left, sadly. I'm going to make a GRJ banner and a GR banner for my stories... and a full CSI banner. With all three casts. *rock on*

ANYWAYS... I found out how Ryan was diagnosed with OCD!! He like went through a robot phase when he was 8 because he read an article in one of his grandmother's old Reader's Digests about this autistic boy who thought he was a machine. He said "that the boy acted like one, referred to parts of his body as mechanical, insisted he be treated like one. He thought it sounded pretty neat, so he figured he'd give it a try. After about a week of taping batteries to his body and making a lot of beeping noises, his parents got pretty worried. So they took him to a shrink, who figured out he was obsessive-compulsive, not autistic."

All things in quotes taken directly (may have had some fixtures, like the "he's", I typed those) from CSI: Miami's Riptide. And I think Greg may have ADD (attention deficit disorder... I may have a form of THAT, :lol:) because he sometimes acts a little crazy. (Not being mean!)
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Yeahh, I saw Eric in the video. He was wearing a miniskirt..Am I the only one who thinks thats atleast a tiny bit hot? :devil: He also necks manson...haha.
Twiz said:
On csi lv they do have greg liking strange music right?
Well I believe they only show him listening to Manson..Well in one episode he was listening to something punk rock but I couldn't tell if it was Marilyn or not.

For some reason I can see Ryan listening to loud music. Not as loud as Greg, but just not soft. He seems too tough for that. Or maybe thats just the affect of his muscular arms :devil: *faints*
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

he said it was Black Flag. Grissom made him turn it off, beacause of his precious 'roaches.

Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

I think I saw that ep, he's in the locker room getting ready to leave...maybe the sherlock one..he's being tested and at the end he finds out he passed.

I found the mini skirt hott but not necking with manson, that grossed me out. I looked at him in a different way after that. OH and that video is the grosees sickest video I've ever seen and I myself get into some pretty strange music but that's just too off the charts of sick for me.
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

I haven't seen MM video, and I'm glad I haven't. Because after that video, there was rumors on the 'Net that ES was *bi*. But because of MM and ES being friends (ES was invited to MM's wedding in Ireland), the producers of CSI can use his music in their show. (I read the 'Net as much as my cousin does. It's a natural thing.)

^That's just something I am saying in relevance to Twiz's and Frostbite's posts.^

I can see Ryan listening to, (can you believe this?) country and Greg-ish music. The country for when he's sad, and the Greg-ish music for when he's just bouncing-off-the-walls happy. :lol: *runs out of the room giggling at the thought of a Ryan bouncing off the walls*
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Please don't spread it. I've read it on some website and underneath it said that ES still has to comment on his sexuality. So he may not actually be *bi*. It was a rumor on the 'Net. (I don't feel like quoting today. I'm very peeved at my English teacher.)

But yeah, a *bi* Eric would be hot. (Actually, a *bi* Greg would be even hotter... along with a *bi* Ryan... *runs out again, because she's starving for a Toaster Strudle*)
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Yeah I heard that rumor too. Thats mean how people say that about him :(

Butt..A bi Greg and Ryan would be hott..Because they would totally be into eachother. :devil:
And them together is superr hot :D
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

I know. When I read that I was thinking, "He can't be, he just can't be!" Then I found out it was a rumor.

But, yeah, a bi Greg and Ryan would be extremely hot. For your reasons exactly, sandersidle. :lol: (You took the words right out of my mouth.)
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

I see Ryan listening to lots of alternative and rock music. Not really quite as heavy as the stuff that Greg's into, but maybe close. Actually, come to think of it, I guess I see Ryan as having sort of similar music tastes as Jon.

I think that Greg and Ryan would have a few favourite bands in common, but that each would probably have some music that the other was like "UGH! What the hell is THIS?!" :lol:

As far as Greg's and Ryan's sexuality goes, I definitely would see them as both being bi, instead of strictly into guys (because hey, this is the Greg/Ryan ship thread, they're obviously not strictly into girls ;) ). To me they swing both ways. :D
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