Greg/Ryan - Florida isn't that far away...

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Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

I hate "My humps", they played that song at my last middle school dance. It drived me CRAZY!! And it's about a girl's... GRRR..., my gosh! (Sorry, I'm mad today.)

If I talked this much while writing, I'd never have my story done. I can't write and talk. It's only one or the other.

I have four classes a day. So far, for right now, this semester it's English, Geography, Algebra, Wellness, and Spanish. The Geography and English switch out every other day, like on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays I have English and Tuesdays and Thursdays I have Geography.
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

I have four classes this semester too. (orientation is tmrw..ahh) French, English, Math, Music/Drama.

aww szmandatogoholic, why do not alot of people like you?

Haha i was laughing uncontrollably when watching the..My Humps video too :lol: :lol: Its soo funnyyy. The music totally doesnt go with it.
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

my schedual like that too. except i have half days every wendsday because i only have two classes, which makes it awsom. i have creative writing so i get to write Fiction.

omg Silhouette i love the pic! it's so awsom!!! ahh i love it!

Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

I'm like a freak, and most of the guys pick on me by saying that some boy wants to go out with me and he doesn't really want to. (This actually went on for about a month last year.) One boy even blew in my face this morning when I was walking to Wellness class. And sometimes I sit by myself at lunch; the longest was three weeks. When I had to sit by myself last week, I was thinking, "Why is it always me? Why not one of the popular girls?"

I made a manip more "appropriate" for our Greg/Ryan/Jake stories, if we wanna do it.


ETA: I gotta go. I gotta dry my hair and get in the bed. I have to get up early in the morning.
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Haha I have nothing against The Blackeyed Peas... it's just... cmon, Brokeback and My Humps??? Err... :rolleyes: :lol:

Well not talk like this... I mean, if I write this much when I'm writing a story (you could see I write few long paragraphs per post) I could've finished a story. But sadly, I don't write as much as my posts here...

Phew, I was so glad to have finished highschool... I was always into art and you can't choose the subjects you take here. I felt like I was wasting my time studying all of those subjects I hated. So when I graduated and went to study design, I was like, I'm freeeeeeeeee!!!! :lol: I hate taking all of those heavy sociology, biology books whatever. I can just bring a sketchbook in my bag now, it feels so great :)
I still don't get it why they have to force you to learn something you totally hate... it's wasting your time and energy and you won't be good at it anyway.

Haha I sound like a slacker at school... Nah, I tried to get good grades, but at the end I felt so fed up. I mean, getting a pretty good or average grades for a subject you hate? I'd rather spend my energy to do well in something I love instead.

Eh getting off-topic here... ummm any idea for a discussion?
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

i go to an art school! haha i have life drawing and creative writing and Anatomy, and i still write my stories. in fact i'm doing one now...

way off topic, let's focus on someting how hott Greg and Ryan look together...*drools*

Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

OMG! I totally love "My Humps"!!! It's so funny, and it was stuck in my head for about a week after I first heard it. :lol: I've never seen the video, though. :(

STHolic that's a cool manip adding Jake in the picture! :D And awww... I'm sorry to hear that you're left by your lonesome most of the day, but at least you have friends here who share the same Ryan/Greg love as you! *hugs you for good measure* :)

Girls, as far as school's concerned, I can only say that I do NOT miss it at all! Not highschool, and not college either. I burnt myself out making straight A's and wanting to graduate at the top, and the thought of having assigned work and research/writing papers hanging over my head just makes me cringe! *shudders* But hang in there... it'll be over soon (hopefully). I know I was relieved and ecstatic AND finally felt FREE when I finally got my degree and that diploma in my hand! ;) :D

Let's just say the only writing I like to do now involves fanfiction at my own leisure (though, that's not to say that I don't feel the pressure to update sometimes :(), but that just comes with wanting to finish the story. :D

Okay, back on topic (sort of)... what kinds of things do you guys think Jake will have in common with Ryan and Greg? And how do you think all three of them would get along?
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Hahaha szmandatogoholic, I love the Jake in the pic.

Greg...and Ryan...together??? HOTx1047594 lol. Too bad theres not probably going to be a crossover..not to come down on the RuGged Wonders love!! Next season...If it doesnt happen this season! ;) :devil:
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Awww thank you Frostbite, glad you like it :)

Art school? How cool is that??
For the first time in my life, I could walk around, listen to music, even eating snacks while in a class :lol: (highschool was so strict) My friends always get jealous cuz during finals I only go to campus to submit my work in an envelope, while they have to study for days and go through essays questions and such. Well they don't know I spend days glued to my computer working on Freehand :lol: And I still have to study theories like Art History too, but I like it :)
Well for me highschool was hell cuz I hated all the subjects, except drawing/art and english :lol: But college is great so far :) Apart from me missing my beauty sleep... :lol:

Ooh like what you do with that manip, STH... haha nice touch

Awww... don't worry, hun... you have your friends here :) *hugs*
Hmm I don't know why, when I see US movies there's always be this popular and unpopular thing going on. I was like, huh, is that really what's in reality? Cuz I don't have that here... well, yes there's the girls who always surrounded by hot guys, and the smart kid who always get good grades, but it's not that dramatic. Everyone seems to be comfortable with their own circle of friends and the gap isn't that big. The lines just a blur. You can't really point and someone and put a 'label' to each person. So I still can't understand it... I just think it's rude that those people pick on you like that...
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

I meant to respond to this earlier, but it slipped my mind. Thanks for the info regarding the e-mail thingy, Twiz! That sounds interesting. Glad to hear you're having fun with that. :)

So, just out of curiosity, who's up for the RP if we got to do it? :D
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Aww, sorry to hear you're having a rough time, STHolic, but I promise you, it WILL get better. :) I've only been out of high school for a year, and I'm just totally amazed and giddy about how much more pleasant the post-high-school world is (at least to me) because you get to make your own path in life and be who you want, with much less of the crap you get in high school. Sure, there will always be jerks and idiots no matter how old, but there's also tons of genuinely nice, caring people, too. :D And that includes all of us! <3

Something I've been really enjoying about this forum is that all these wonderful people who are fan-ish like me converge in one place. This really has been a happy place for me to come, and know that there's plenty of folks who will always be there for support, even if it is only online and not in person. It's like having another family that's only a mouse click away. :D *happy, sentimental, emotionally touching moment* Awww...

And, now for my on-topic part of this post (although it's related to the other stuff), we could discuss a bit about what Greg and Ryan's high school/college lives were like. Take Greg for example, in some ways he's the stereotypical 'geek' with his chess team membership, and science nerd, but when he grew up, he was able to find his place in the world, and he's totally awesome now! He has thousand of fangirls squee-ing over how great he is! And even though the one thing he's missing is that 'special person,' we know that somewhere out there, Ryan is waiting for him, and eventually Fate (or TPTB) will decide to intervene and bring the two together, because there is someone out there for everyone, it's just a matter of time until you find them! *glows with optimism*
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Oooh! I like the way your mind works, Quicky! :devil: And even if fate doesn't bring these two hotties together, well... WE could always do so in here and in fanfiction. Though, it'd be nice to see it canon as well. :D
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Silhouette, your manip :eek: My internet's been down for two days, and that is here to great me.. Absolutely gorgeous :D
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Haha we're talking about school? Well i'm still in jr. high. [grade 8] So I don't get my schedule til the first day. But I am in gifted and talented Algebra and Science, which is gonna kill me. Thank god for CSI.

szmandatogoholic you prolly don't wanna hear my sob story about school, but lets just say i was best friends with the 'popular girls' until they started being bitchy sluts, so i had like no friends, except for my best friend for awhile. But to get back on-topic I LOVE your manip with Jake in it. Hehehe :devil:

About the e-mail fanfic thing... that sounds cool. And I would totally do it if you guys want me to.
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

szmandatogoholic, aw i didn't see your post till now. You'll always have friends here!!! :D *hugs*

aww quicky, your cute!! :) I agree with you though. The reason I come on so much is because you guys are awesome!! If I have a bad day I can just com on here and I feel betterrr :D...or maybe its just the hottness of Greg/Ryan :devil: hehe jkkk ;)

Hehe ok so we know Greg was a nerd in highschool. What do you think Ryan was?
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