Greg/Ryan - Florida isn't that far away...

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Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

You didn't get much sleep? I wonder what kind of thought you were having, Twiz? ;) :devil: :lol:
LOL you're hubby is funny. I'd love to see his face when he saw the manip and say, "Ha! I beat you to it!" :lol: Oh God I wish I had a jealous bf that I could tease...

Ooh almost forgot about the Photomanipulation thread! I'll post there, sandersidle :)

Ahhh Shadowfax, that sounds so interesting! I can't wait to read it!
I'd love to read your fic too, Twiz ;) YAY for more new fics! I'm just so happy! :D

I wonder where szmandatogoholic is... it was her post that inspired me...
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Oh, Twiz that's too funny! At least your hubby has a sense of humor about it, even though he keeps manipulating your pics. I'm sure he'll get a kick out of Silhouette's manip. :lol: Mine, isn't too happy when he's jealous, so I try to be as discreet as possible (even though sometimes I slip and forget and he ends up seeing what I've got up on my PC :() Ooops! :lol:

How do I keep my writings from him? Hmmmm... very very carefully! :devil: :lol: I'm sneaky that way, I guess. He knows I'm on the computer an awful lot, and I've told him that I "journal" a lot (which isn't exactly lying, per se, since my writings do appear as entries on my LJ... Oh, and he doesn't know about my penname or my LJ and accounts either! :devil:). I usually do my writings when he's at work and late at night when he's finally gone to bed.

And all of my fics are "hidden" or "buried" within a larger general (meaning, "don't look here, I'm not suspicious-looking") folder. You'd have to adjust some folder settings in order to trace their true location before you can even view them. But even then, all of my fics are also password-protected... even the ones I beta for others. Wouldn't want him reading those AND knowing that I beta other people's work too, now, would we? :devil: Told you I'm sneaky! :lol:

Sometimes though, I'd work on it when he's at home and awake, and I'll just quickly minimize the window or open up another one to cover my work when I hear him moving about or coming into the office. Oh, he does get plenty suspicious, but what he doesn't know is that he "reaps the benefits" of my reading AND writing het and slash smut too ;) (though I've never published either one). :devil: Um, ooops! T.M.I.? :D Tee-hee! :lol:
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

I haven't figured out how to password protect mine yet. I think my new puter has it, but I haven't messed with it. Everyone in my family knows NOW not to looksie at my writings. I've went off a few times....When I first started writing I just moved my story to a different folder every other day and renamed it a lot...I'd name it something dumb like chase bill paid....cause he doesn't mess with the bills. So he'd think it was something to do with bills and wouldn't look. I've learned to be sneaky too.
I think I am going to try to write a little story with the things I was's stuck in my head now and after reading all the r/g fics on here now I think I'm inspred to do one..NOW it won't be nearly as good as shadowfax's, my imaganation isn't that good, and it will be short. Give me a few days..My kids are in school now and hubby works nights and sleeps all day..heheh. I have till Friday till I have to deal with the family..lots of alone time for r/g.
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

*blush, cough* :eek:

SQUEEE!! :D :D :D I would LOVE to read your fics Twiz! I'm so glad you've been inspired by R/G. :devil: Plus, they're your ideas, so who better to write them than you? *nudges* Oh, and nice to know I'm not the only one being sneaky. ;) Heh-heh! :lol:
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

now i'm blushing....I'm not sure even if I wrote it I'd let anyone read it...i'm shy. Also not good at writing once again. BUt I love doing it. I'm having so much fun doing the carwash rp..we should do one in here.. Is anyone up to starting a rugged wonders rp? Are we allowed to do it? We could do it in the fan fic right? I mean that's free to do whatever in there right? I don't know much. Or is anyone up to writing it with me? I'm doing 2 car wash stories through email with 2 peeps on the board, it's lots of fun. We each do one characters role and go back and forth..anyone up to doing LA brokeback CSI? We'd need a Jake..go with my idea I had..
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

I would love to do that. I like writing too, I just usually do RPs, I don't really write fanfics. You would prolly have to ask Sissi though, cause they did tryouts and everything for the RPs. So I donno if you can just start one.
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

that's what I was thinking but I've seen others doing them, but I guess they have been going on for a while. Doing it through the email is fun...we go at our own pace and no one else can read it but us :D I don't like peeps reading my stuff but to get help would be great.
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Twiz how does the e-mail thing work?

I think a RuGged WoNders RP would be a great idea, but I for one, can't put in the time to do it, though I'd love to read it if you guys decide to do it. Hollie and Twiz, you guys should definitely do it! :D

As far as your fics are concerned, I'd still want to read it/them even if you decide not to publish it/them, Twiz! I love reading fanfics about Ryan (well, most of them anyway... there are some pairings that I just can't see myself shipping). So, I do hope you'd let me know when you've written one, regardless of whether or not you want to publish it. :D
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Ohh a RuGged Wonder RP sounds fun! :D But I don't know if I have the time. Im only going into gr.9 but just incase I don't want to let you guys down if I don't have the time but I start doing it :) Like Shadowfax said, you guys should do it! Sounds fun! :D
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Hey shadowfax it's simple. Me and Dutchie are doing a carwash story. She talked me into auditioning for Ryan in the carwash rp. I had never done anything like that, so I asked her if she would be interested in practicing. We each do our own parts of Ryan and Calleigh. We email each other back and forth with our parts. It was going great till she went MIA. I don't know if she would be interested in postin it on here once we're done. It's fun because we both keep throwing twist at each other. We never know what the other is going to say. It's fun. Since I'm not sure about doing a r/g fic doing something like this would be fun.
me and Dutchie's is already 7,571 words and 24 pages long, not bad.
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Silhouette said:
I wonder where szmandatogoholic is... it was her post that inspired me...

I'M HERE!! I've been at school all day. And my internet was cut off for almost half the day, too!

I love that manip!! *takes and puts in a very safe place* That is probably the best thing I have seen, besides the couch manip. I have been dying to see "Brokeback Mountain", but haven't been able to. (YouTube, here I come.) I am, though, going to go back to my work. *goes back to finding out what the colors of the Colombian flag mean*

I love this thread. :lol:
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

szmandatogoholic, there you are! Ah, real life taking over, eh? School's starting next week for me and oh how I dread it... I need more holiday! :(
Off-topic// STH, I remember I saw a Brokeback clip on YouTube. It's short but got the 'interesting' parts of the movie (if you know what I mean ;))... but eh, bear with the background music, that is, My Humps by The Blackeyed Peas :lol: (I know!!! I fell of the chair laughing, I need to turn the volume down cuz it's so distracting! :lol:)

Ooh RuGged Wonders RP! That sounds fun... I think with the new RP rule it should be RPs that are allowed by sissi, 2 RPs each round, so you could suggest it to her for the next round. I think she's gonna make a poll though... so if everyone here want to participate, I bet we could win that poll :D
But eh, I don't know when the next round would be... I have yet to start the Sandle RP with hollie! (Just finished, or almost finished the on-going old RP)

I'd participate if there's RuGged Wonders RP though... it'd be so much fun! We have so little to go with this pairing so we could make up everything we want and there's gonna be a lot of twist and turns!

hollie is a great RP player... I'm lucky to have 'partnered' with her in the Sandle RP. I think you should try writing fics... You'd be as good at it, I'm sure :)

Twiz, you know I'd love to read anything R/G... so I encourage you to try writting it. Don't feel intimidated... only if you want to publish it, if not that's okay... but you know, I'll be here with my craving ;)

My God I talk too much! :lol: Shuting up now... *zips mouth shut*
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

HAHA my humps? Seriously!? Thats hilarious! *runs to youtube* Im definatly checking that out! :devil: :lol:

I start school in 7 days too. *whispers 7 days* Its evil i tell you. Sorry ;)

Tell me if you guys start a RuGged Wonders RP. Id loveee to read it if ya know what i mean :devil:

Lol Silhouette you dont talk too much! I can barely get past the 3 mark line! How do you do it? I need advice! :lol:

EDIT: I saw the brokeback mountain video...very nice lol..
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

If we start a RuGged Wonders RP, I call Greg. :p :devil:

I'm glad I was missed. :D I am glad that at least someone misses me, because hardly anyone at school likes me.

O/T, but for sandersidle and Silhouette-I've been in school for three weeks now. And so far I've been demoted to Algebra instead of Geometry and I'm about to be demoted back to regular English and W. Geography. :( (And in my honors English class, we write more. :p)
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

LOL My Humps, no kidding... I was laughing so hard! It should be romantic, and hot... but the background music... oh dear lord, what was the person thinking?? :lol:

I have no idea myself, sandersidle... damn if only I talk this much when writing a story, I'd probably have a whole novel done by now :lol:

Uh-huh, 7, it's evil... *nods* I still can't believe my schedule, I have classes up to 5 pm almost everyday! Darn, there goes my social life :mad:

Awww szmandatogoholic, I missed you... Eh, so Algebra it is? Aww dude that sucks... :( Hope you're gonna cope with it though... Looking at my own schedule, I think I'd go through so much lack of sleep again. Nice... Last semester I used to go 3 days without any sleep. Made me feel like a zombie... Coffee is my friend :lol:
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