Greg/Ryan - Florida isn't that far away...

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Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa jumped too quick...Ryan and greg have to have a huge fight first, we need angst. Greg will throw ryan out and he'll go to a hotel but then Jake calls him and he joins him at the hotel for some cookies and a few days go by and they are both miserable at work seeing each other longing to make up. Then they prove Jake didn't do it, it was Mel Gibson, (he just popped in my head) then Jake has a big party and invites greg and ryan and they make up then they all go for a midnight swim together after the party..
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Yeah, it was Mel Gibson, because he dislikes Jews, remember? And RW is part Jewish (or JT is, anyways) and he was mad at Ryan for something... but what?

And I am liking what we're coming up with. Maybe it can be a collaboration fanfic!
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Oh right. Forgot about angst.. wooops. Either way aslong as they end up together..all 3 of them...hehe :devil: Milk and cookies? What is he Santa Claus :p Nahh just kiddding. Maybe they can lick...wait nvm. pg-13 :devil: :D
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

szmandatogoholic said:
I could add it all together... CSI: BROKEBACK MOUNTAIN!! :lol: :lol: I'm soooo sorry, it's what popped into my head.
Your wish is my command...



I can't help it. I just have. to. make. this! :p :devil: You guys gave me this idea. So it's dedicated for all of you awesome people! Hope you lick... eh, I mean, LIKE it ;) :devil: :D
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Silouette that's friggin awesome..I have to show that to my hubby. He was going to try to make it, he's so jealous of ryan/jon and calls him gay all the time. He would love this thread. If he only knew the things I was reading and enjoying LOL...I almost feel off my chair when I saw that..Well now we have a pic for our story lol OMG I just can't believe how good it looks, like it's real. Now I'm not going to be able to sleep tonight. Thanks...
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Lol I just PMed you and not realized you've already seen it :lol:
Hahaha your hubby is jealous of Ryan? Awwww... LOL Don't show him this thread while eating/drinking anything, he's gonna choke! Well look at those hot previous posts... if only he knows what you're reading :lol:

I couldn't sleep last night either... The idea struck me around... eh, 3 in the morning :lol: I can't wait till morning to make it.

Oh I forgot to say... I love all the scenarios... I can't wait to read the fic! Omg Ryan/Greg/Jake... *dies*
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

HOLY CRAP silhouette!!! That is friggin AMAZING!!! Really, you did a fantastic job on that manip!! Absolutely perfect pics for it, and the way you put Ryan in Ennis' spot and Greg in Jack's spot really fits, because that's sorta how it would probably be - Ryan would be much less open about it, and more reluctant, whereas Greg would be more forward and such. And of course I always get a kick out of the text change; putting in "Rugged Wonders" instead of "Brokeback Mountain" was a nice touch. ;) :D Way to go!! *applauds*

Just out of curiousity, did you change any of the other text that's impossible to read due to the low resolution? I see the Ryan Wolfe and Greg Sanders part of course, as well as "Manip by Silhouette" but is anything else different? I'm curious. :D

ETA: Now I'm flipping back and forth between your version and the original (which of course I've had saved on my computer for a looooooooong time... or I suppose I could just go look at my DVD cover ;) , although it's a bit different) and admiring your handiwork. Man, that's good. :D
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa



GOD!!! :eek: :eek: :eek:

Silhouette You are FRIGGIN' AWESOME!!! *SQUEEEE!!!!* *hugs* :devil: :lol:

Damn! I had to do a double take just to make sure that that was really Ryan and Greg. It looks so real! WOW! :D

And love the Ryan/Greg/Jake ideas here, btw... ;)

Twiz *whispers* I don't really know Jake that well, and I don't really feel comfortable writing about people/characters I don't know much about. */whisper* But maybe once I've finished that other Ryan/Greg fic, and I've gotten a good grasp on who Jake is, then I *might* try my hand on it, but that would be a loooooong while. :D Sorry... :( In the meantime, I'm excited to see what others come up with, and I can't wait to read these fics. :D

Oh yeah... Twiz your husband gets jealous of Ryan/JT too? :confused: That's hillarious because guess what? My hubby gets jealous of him too! And yes, if he only *knew* the things I'm reading AND writing AND enjoying, he'd die! :lol: He knows that I think JT is cute, but Shhhh... *whispers again* must keep the SLASH reading AND writing part a secret. */whisper* ;) :devil: :lol:
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

SILHOUETTE I LOVE YOU!!! :D :D OMG! That picture is amazing. I like, died. Wow, wow, wow. :D :D

Hmm.. I think instead of milk and cookies it could be like, smoothies, or sundaes. Even they can't stand there own hottness. Haha. :devil:

Then a pool party? Hehehe... :devil: It could prolly be one of those really nice pools with the jacuzzi and the waterfall and.... omg my brains about to explode. :devil: :devil:
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

OH. MY. GOD. THAT IS SOOOO FRICKEN COOL SILHOUETTE!!! That is amazing!!! Im saving that forever!! :D :D Your amazingggg!!! Ok by looking at that pic, and knowing what that movie is about...I NEED a fricken ice cold shower!!! I Need a RuGged Wonders!!! *fans self* Holyyy Molyyy. Hahaha.

Pool Party?! I'll bring the chips :D

P.S. Im still freaking out. Im giggling uncontrollably :lol: :lol: Hehehe. :D
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Awww thank you :D I had so much fun manipulating that pic :D :devil:

To answer your question, quickbeam, nah I just changed the title, the cast, and... eh, the 'manip by silhouette' part :lol: (I thought it was too small to read?) I wanted to change the other part as well but it was too small and really unreadable due to the low resolution (you could see it's kinda blurry)... I would love to make it bigger but the Ryan and Greg pic I have is that small, I can't stretch it too far.
So I only changed the bigger fonts, leaving 'Love is the force of nature' as it is just because I really love that line :)

Yeah I think it'd fit, Ryan being Ennis and Greg being Jack. Greg would be more open about it.
And well, part of the reason was because I found the perfect profile picture of Ryan (oh God doesn't he looks SOOOOO GOOD profile??? *sigh*) I found a few pic of Greg profile but the lighting of CSI:LV is SO DARK (still a mystery how they could work the evidence under such low, blue lighting *shakes head*) it was impossible to manip that into this daylight mountain lighting :D

And I like Ryan's serious expression. Like, I think Ryan would be more discreet in the relationship, while Greg is the easy going one. Ryan being serious, while Greg being... hmm, flirtatious ;)

I think I kinda made Greg a little bit taller, you can't really see though... I believe he's taller than Ryan, right? How much taller?

Hahaha glad you like it, shadowfax *hugs back* :D
Ooh you have a fic in progress? Ah I wanna read it!! (Damn this RuGged Wonders craving! :lol:) What is it about?

ETA: hollie, sandersidle! Glad you like it :D Yeah while I was making it my imagination runs wwwiiiiilllllddddd too :lol: Ooh pool party... I like that idea :devil:
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Silhouette I still can't get over that picture! :D

Anyway, the story's about Twiz's idea mainly: how Greg and Ryan's families would react when they break the news of their relationship to them. It's kind of complicated right now, and well, I'm *working* on it, but it'd be a while before I have anything solid for you guys to read. :( But don't worry... I'll make sure that y'all would be the first ones to read it when I have a chapter written out. :D
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Yey! It's sounds really, really good. I can't wait.
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Silhouette, you should post your pic in the Photo Manip thread! People would love it ;) :D

0o0ohh can't wait for your story Shadowfax!! :) Thats ok though, take your time ;)
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

OH Silhouette I just got on here and looked at that pic again and ssqqquuueeee, your making me squeeee. I had thoughts all night last night, didn't get much sleep. That pic is so awesome, I can say it enough...friggin awesome.
Shadowfax that's so funny about your hubby too. It's great, I love it when he teases about Jon. Once I had the pic of eric/ryan leather jackets promo last season as my background and I went to the store when I came back in between them it said " we're gay" I can't leave the man alone for minute. He's always maniping my pics. When "nailed" was coming up he put a gun in front of his face shooting him on one of my background pics. He's done more but those we're the funniest. I get a kick out of them. BUT he did try to do the brokeback mountain one. He found the same brokeback pic and was searching for a good ryan/jon pic but never found one..I will show him this.
Shadowfax how do you keep your writings from him? I think once mine peeked, my son said he saw him lookin at something that looked like my story.....eeeerrrr.

I can't wait for that story either. I'm sure I'm going t be blown away by it.
I may try to write a story with my ideas, it will be short, nothing major, or at least I will try. It's just stuck in my head now,,thanks to that pic.
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