Greg/Ryan - Florida isn't that far away...

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Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

They're nice and cute. And they'd also probably get along great, not to mention get a lot of comments on how much they look alike.
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

so, how'd you think their families would react to this relationship? ;)
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Ha! I'm baaaaack from my mini vacation, people! *waves hello* I've missed you guys and this thread. Glad to see you're all keeping it active and away from the bottom pile. :lol:

Anyway, just wanted to drop a line to see how you guys are doing. I'm catching up on a lot of my work, so hopefully I'll be able to post more as the weeks wind down. Until then, keep posting b/c I'm usually lurking when I can :devil: and I'll catch you guys soon!

Oh yeah, I also posted my first fic on the fanfiction forum. Yay! For those of you who haven't read it, I posted my first Ryan/Greg fic: "Nerds Like It Hotter." That way, you guys can go read it should you get another Ryan/Greg fic craving :devil: hee-hee! :lol:

Later, guys! :D
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Yah, I noticed! I also posted my first fic, too.

I've gotten four binders for school. :eek: And now I need pics... Some of Greg... some of Ryan... some of both. :devil: Ooh, one of the first times I've used that! And life_style, I think they should just SUPPORT them! I have a friend on another site who's either bi or gay (one or the other, can't remember) and his parents are kicking him out.
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

welcome back ShadowFax :D

im back too! (from being gone for one day :p) haha im an addict i know

ohh i like the idea of Ryan having Greg up against a wall with passion :devil:

I think think that their families should support them too. if they got to know the other person i think they would like them.. thats really sad that your friend is getting kicked out szmandatogoholic
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Oh someone should write a fic about them coming out to their parents and maybe have some angst with it. Like maybe one's is ok with it but the other tells them to stop the relationship or they will be disowned. I read a fic somewhere about ryan/eric and it had eric meeting ryans mom and she was weird but ok with the gay thing. THen I read another one about them where ryan came out to his uncle Ron, which I loved them having him since it's the only relative we know ANYTHING about, and that's just his name. But anyways it was really sad cause the uncle was pissed and Ryan killed himself...UGH. Bad story. But it was really a good read, interesting read.

So who's up to make one about that? Shadowfax?????
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

:lol: Who me?? :rolleyes: *looks around, whistles* :rolleyes:

Are you volunteering me now, Twiztid4togo? :lol: As if I don't have enough plot penguins to deal with, you naughty, naughty, lady! hehehehee... :devil:

I dunno... I'll think about it, but I'm not making any promises. :p I have a hard enough time completing multi-chapter fics, and a plot like that could get complicated. Lets hope a oneshot plot penguin would show up soon and see what we could come up with, shall we? :devil: :D
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Twiz, you could write it. ;) I know you've written fics before just never posted them in public... you could consider it your "coming out" fic! (While the pun was not initially intended, once I realized what I was saying, it became COMPLETELY intended :lol: )

IMO, I think Greg's parents would probably be more okay with it, and probably expect it more. After all, what with Greg being so buckets of crazy, I think they probably are ready to accept anything. :lol: Plus, there's a decent chance they're pretty liberal, what with raising such a wild child.. although perhaps it's the opposite, and they were extremely conservative and it caused Greg to rebel (hmmm, that'd make an interesting story). Ryan, on the other hand, would probably be more of a problem. I see his parents as being a lot more conservative, and would maybe have an issue with it. But, Ryan doesn't really seem very close to them anyways, so maybe if their relationship is bad enough, he would kinda rub it in their faces or something. Oh, so many possibilities. If only TPTB would give us more info about their families!
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

I was actually thinking about the same thing Quicky. Oh, and since you're a Ryan/Greg fan, have you read my other Ryan/Greg ficlet, "(Don't) Cry Wolfe"? Here's the link, if you haven't:

I also posted it on the fanfiction thread here, so you guys can come and read it whenever you get a Ryan/Greg fic craving. :devil:

Twiz, since you already have the 'plot' why don't you write it? *nudge, nudge* :D
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Omg I started reading The Thin Yellow Line. I'm on Chapter Five now and all I have to say is .. WOW! Like omg. Chapter Three was like ... indescribable. And I loved it soo much. :devil:

I think that Greg's parents would be pretty okay with him coming out. But I mean, you never know. We only really know them, not their parents.
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Hey guys!

You know how like some people are always saying how Jon and Eric look alike? Well, to me, they don't really look alike, and I can't see the resemblance. But I did come across an icon with pictures of both men, sid by side, and I must say it's the first picture that I thought they looked almost similar :eek: (at least their expressions did, hee-hee!). Anyway, here is the link:

What do y'all think? :devil: :D
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Wow they really do look similar in that picture. Their hairstyle, expressions, and clothes are almost exactly the same. I already thought they looked some what similar to begin with, but this proves it.
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Shadowfax said:
:lol: Who me?? :rolleyes: *looks around, whistles* :rolleyes:

Are you volunteering me now, Twiztid4togo? :lol: As if I don't have enough plot penguins to deal with, you naughty, naughty, lady! hehehehee... :devil:

I dunno... I'll think about it, but I'm not making any promises. :p I have a hard enough time completing multi-chapter fics, and a plot like that could get complicated. Lets hope a oneshot plot penguin would show up soon and see what we could come up with, shall we? :devil: :D

I didn't know which to quote, so I quoted Shadowfax's post.

When I'm not busy with homework and *gasp* detentions (because I was tardy for the second time, so I got a detention), I'll work on the story. AFTER I'm done with my contest story.

I'm gonna ask for help from here, though, on: title, and info on Greg and Ryan. PLEASE? I'm not too good.

ETA: If this isn't on topic, I'm sorry. But it's somehow related to G/R, ain't it...?
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Shadowfax said........ Who me?? *looks around, whistles*

Are you volunteering me now, Twiztid4togo? As if I don't have enough plot penguins to deal with, you naughty, naughty, lady! hehehehee...

me did I say something??? OH yeah I did. OH yeah I did kind of volunteer you too. Come on you would be the best at writing this, but only if you think it's a good idea. I'm so interested in what RYan's family is like and I'm upset we haven't got anything on them yet. SO when peeps make up stuff I love it.

Myself I think Ryan comes from a low middle class family. I think his dad has a hard laboring job. Maybe working on the docks unloading ships or something. He was tuff on Ryan growing up, tryin to make him a good man, doing manly things. So him being gay would destroy his father. His mother was a timid woman that stayed home taking care of the family and went along with her husband on everything even if she had her own opinions. Now Greg I'm not sure if his family has been shown on the show but I think he came from more of an understanding family that understood him and accepted him the way he was, anyway he is.
Come on a need a family fic and some major angst..feed the angst whore in me.
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

I've already volunteered to do it. :p Y'all don't have to scrabble over it now.

Greg has always mentioned "Papa Olaf" once or twice. Example: "Papa Olaf was one of those guys that needed hydraulics." :lol:

(And I like what you said about Ryan. It sure seems like him.)
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