Greg/Ryan - Florida isn't that far away...

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Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Oh Shadowfax, there are no words.
I had to take a moment to SQUEE over the wet!Ryan, but then it was all Awww!
I certainly feel special being on the dedication list as well! *blush*
And feel better!
Dont hide from the plot penguins! :D
They do good work! :)
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Hi, Lyn! Welcome aboard to the WONDERful thread of RuGged Wonders! :D (boy that's long :lol:)... Here, have some smoothies cuz it tends to get REALLY hot in here ;) *hands smoothies, sundaes and drool bucket ;) :devil:*

Lyn said:
Actually, I think it'd be kind of cute, Ryan fussing over something, and Greg just...looking at him until he stops, and Greg can say, really sweetly - "...chill."
Awwww that's so cute :) I can totally picture that actually...

Well Twiz, I have to say I kinda like the idea that Ryan is straight, but then he meets Greg, they click right away, and... things happen ;) :devil: Just the idea that Greg being his first and Ryan gets so nervous, and Greg trying to make him to relax... I think it's cute :)
Haha I like the idea that Greg being so hot that he makes a guy (Ryan) questions his sexuality :devil: (or vice versa, either way it's hott :devil:)
I just can't picture Ryan with any other guys beside Greg. I want them together. Period. :D

OMG Shadowfax I love you for temporary cure my craving! :D YAY new fic!

*goes to read*
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

that was an amazing story ShadowFax! i was crying at the end!!! thats sooo cute!!! i love, love, love it!! :D and thanks for the dedication again ;)

haha they're both so hot just by looking at eachother they question there sexuality?? huh. sounds good to me :devil:
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Thanks for the dedication again, Shadowfax. Will read this one too, this weekend or so (I don't wanna feel rushed). Thanks! :)

And welcome to this thread, Lyn. I'm sure you'll enjoy this place, we're all crazy for this ship, after all :lol:
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

I've read it and left a review, Shadowfax :D

sandersidle said:
haha they're both so hot just by looking at eachother they question there sexuality?? huh. sounds good to me :devil:
Sounds good to me too :devil:

Hmm have to make this 3 lines on topic eh? Hmm...
Okay... do you think it's possible that they actually have known each other (from the past)?

I think it'd be so cool if they do a crossover then when Greg sees Ryan, he's like "Hey Wolfe, long time no see!" :lol: And everyone just stares at them "You two know each other?" :D I bet Grissom just goes "Good, no introduction needed. Now case #1..." and just continue with the cases :lol:
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

yeah! thatd be awesome! "Ryan, you didnt tell me you were a CSI?" or something like that. Grissom would actually do that. he'd give them one of his "your weird" looks and then just go on with the cases :lol: i would be so shocked if i was watching the episode and they just start talking about the last time they saw eachother. i would fall off my chair! :D
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Yeah and it'd be so funny if they mention something 'suspicious' like:
Greg: Where are you staying? You could stay with me, you know, like the old times... It'd be fun.
Ryan: Are you sure? Don't you still have that old stinky single bed?
Greg: What? Nah, double bed now... Spacious. And I promise, clean sheets... C'mon, it'd be fun!
(...and everyone just stares at them weird)
Greg: Oh no, wait guys, it's not like what you think...

:lol: :devil: Yeah well, put 'fun' and 'bed' in the same sentence, and try to explain that to your boss :lol: :devil: I'd LOVE to stand there and tease them about it *giggles*

Where's Ryan from? Maybe they were friends in highschool, or that Ryan was a friend of Greg's friend or something...
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

I'm here :D

I'm not sure where Ryan's from, actually. And I probably should know that, since he's my favorite CSI character :lol:
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Hmm I'm not a 'Ryan expert' so I wouldn't know if the info is in his profile or in an episode somewhere...

But if it's never stated in the show where he's from, I guess we could make up everything we want, right? ;) :devil:

Oh, the beauty of this ship!
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

oh. i dont know where Ryan is from either! but we could always say he is from New York so he met Greg and they loved eachother but then they both had to move away and then they get reunited in the possible crossover. :lol: or atleast thats what i like to think :D i agree Silhouette, that is the beauty of the ship, we can say anything we want :devil: :D
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Ooh I like your scenario, sandersidle!
Hmm in my CSI WONDERland ( ;) ), they were roommates. They secretly had feelings for each other but then each one had to move away without a chance to tell each other what they really felt. They went separate ways in hope that time would 'cure' the longings, but they could never really forget each other... So when they meet again in the crossover, they'd be, "This is the only chance..." and they'd admit they love each other and... oh you know what happens next :devil: :D
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

I know Greg's from California but has been all over. I know absolutely NOTHING about Ryan. But we could say he's from NY.
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