Greg/Ryan - Florida isn't that far away...

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Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

No, that's Jon. We're talking about the characters. ('Cause I know Eric, the guy whom plays Greg, is really from Milwaukee.)
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

I seriously don't know where Ryan's from... Jon is from Boston, that's for sure. Does Ryan have Jon's Boston's accent?

Hmm what other possible scenarios of they have met before? Any ideas?
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

ohh i like your scenario too Silhouette :devil:

hmmm. i dunno. maybe Ryan came to Las Vegas and he went to one if the strip clubs :devil: and saw Greg there and umm..they kinda thought eachother was hot :devil:

haha i just realized i used 3 ':devil:''s without meaning too :D
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Jon lived near Boston and every now and then you can hear his accent come out in Ryan. Last season seemed more so often. Now on the puter extra scene on CBS.COM they had an addition bio for RYan and they didn't say he was from Boston but they said he went to Boston College, so that led me to believe they will have him from the Boston area too and maybe that's why Jon's accent is slippin out more, they gave it a go. I always write in my stories he's from Boston. Now we know that Ryan did go to college in Miami somewhere because he took Calleigh's semenar once, it's mentioned in an ep. That's why I was shocked to see they had him going to Boston, but anyways I just figure he talks about paying student loans so in my stories I have it that he ran out of money and couldn't afford to finish his degree at Boston and went to Miami for work on patrol and to go to college there. Also Calleigh mentioned once he took nightschool, this season he talked jobs he worked to get through school. SO that also makes sense that he had to work to get through school. I could be wrong but I'm obessed with Ryan so I think I'm pretty close.
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

I know a scenario.

Ryan had lived in New York for a few years after college, trying to get a job in the law enforciment business, and he met up with Greg, who was also trying to do so (because Greg is two years older than him) although Greg has had a harder time because he has been missing home and been wanting to go back to California, and ends up doing so, and also ends up going to the LVPD Crime Lab, while Ryan moves to Miami, and they lose contact.

A happy story with a sad ending. I kinda had a heartbreak.
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

aww only one new post :( oh well

i like all the senarios. :D has there been any more info on a crossover. because i really think the writers would make Greg and Ryan meet. it would be funny because they look alike (to some people) but they're completely different. also Jon said that he wants to meet Eric so this would be the perfect time, it would be really cute :D and hot :devil:
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Okay, I just typed out this big long description of my theory, and had it worked out quite nicely. Then I realized that it's the biggest friggin' plot bunny I've ever had. I get the occasional plot bunny, but usually I just ignore them until they go away because I'm not much of a writer. But this one just works perfectly and I thought it out quite nicely, and I just might ACTUALLY write it! So, instead of ruining the entire plot by posting it here, I erased my post, and replaced it with this, lol.

But, here's the slight outline of my theory:

I always assumed that Ryan was originally from Boston (due to his accent), and went to college there for his Bachelor's degree in chemistry. Then, I think he went to Miami for his Master's in genetics, and then to do his CSI training. During his education in Miami he worked patrol... but that means that sometime in between he would have had to get police training. Perhaps he did his police training somewhere else... possibly even Vegas. ;) :D :devil:
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

I like all of your scenarios :lol:

And I definitely think you should write a fic about that, quickbeam :)
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Eh I'm in a hurry but... did I just hear someone say 'biggest friggin plot bunny'??? YAY FOR PLOT BUNNIES!!! :D I sense a fic is lurking somewhere ;) You should write it, quickbeam!

Wow thanks for the info on Ryan's biography, Twiz! I really need a lot of catching up :lol:

Anyway yeah sandersidle, it's gonna be a great chance for Jon and Eric to meet. Oh God, I hope there's gonna be pictures of them shooting a scene together or hanging together in the set... Or eating lunch together... ANYTHING!
In my mind there's this picture of them hugging each other's shoulders with a caption that says "Eric Szmanda and Jon Togo during the set of CSI... 'We hit it off and we're good friends now' says Togo" ... I'd faint!

I'm hyper again :lol:
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

yeahh! i can actually see that happening. i would be soo happy. What if they did work together on the crossover (greg/ryan) but they didnt like eachother!!..wait then there can be angst :devil: because then one of them can get shot and they'll both realized their secret love for eachother. :D
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

I'd be so sad if they would work on a crossover and they'd totally hate each other's guts :lol:
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Hehehe I love angst! :devil:

Maybe they work together in the case and then they have an argument about something. Maybe Greg jokes about something and Ryan takes it too seriously. Or Greg makes a mistake and we know Ryan has OCD so one little thing could set him off. Or Ryan gets angry with a suspect (ahem, shoving someone against the wall again, everyone? ;)) then Greg's like "What 's up with that?".

Hmm tension. I wonder if Ryan could get that mad at Greg that he shoved him against the wall? :eek: But then, of course, he realized what he was doing. He quickly said sorry but, you know, only to realize he still had Greg pinned. He didn't let him go... Anger turned into passion... and... ;) :devil:
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

exactly. But I don't think they'd hate each other, they both seem to be nice guys :)
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