Greg/Ryan - Florida isn't that far away...

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Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

I'm like sandersidle. I've always been a Greg fan since the first time I watched CSI, then as you know, I started to watch Miami too and oh my God another hottie! :D :lol:

So, long story short, I've always been into slash. I used to read slash about punk/emo bands, and at first I didn't see slash potential in CSI. Then I started to see a lot of Greg/Nick but it doesn't sound right for me. I was like, "Nick? Umm... no. Greg should be with... hmm... oh wait, I know!" It just popped like that in my head, Ryan and Greg, two hot guys, hey why not? ;)

So I started looking for their fics. And that's before I discovered TalkCSI. I think I joined the thread a few months ago? Ah yep, page 3, that's about it. :D Aww can't believe we've reached page 12 now! And it's been so alive now (I remember the first time I joined the WONDERful crew, the thread was kinda dying a bit). So happy to see it grow! :D
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Shadowfax said:
Ah, yes... I believe that was me who lured you into this thread szmandatogoholic :devil:

Sorry, off-topic for a sec: Twiz I know which Ryan/Delko fic you're talking about, but I can't remember the name either. I do know that I read it in NWB and it was the first slash fic of them I've ever read and actually how I got turned on into slash to begin with :devil: :D

Okay, back on topic -- I didn't realize I had used 6 :devil: on my post, but I couldn't help it, as you well know... :devil: (Ooops, there it is again!, hehehe :lol:) But yay for tying that record with the lovely sandersidle :D

awww shucks :D *blushes* :lol:

wow did i hear right? i thought there was a Nerds With Badges thread...but theres a site!!?? hehhe thats sooo cool :D

yeah Greg is my favourite csi lv character, and Ryan is my favourite csi miami why not put them together :devil: aww i only put 1 ':devil:' in my post..ok well now two. ':devil:' hehe :D
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Now we're obsessed with ':devil:' smilies :lol:

Yes there's the Nerds With Badges community :) Though I was kinda dissapointed cuz it's not for Greg/Ryan only, but everything concerning Greg OR Ryan. So rather than full of RuGged Wonders hotness, it's filled more with Nick/Greg and Ryan/Delko :(

Hmm that reminds me... is there any new RuGged Wonders fanfic around?

Seriously, I think there's a lack of Ryan/Greg fanfics... Who thinks we need more and we can't get enough, raise your hand! :D *raises hand*
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

*raises hand* i agree!! ive only read like 2 :( kus those were the only ones i could get my hand on. if i find anymore i will share :D..there has to be some. there too hot not to write about :devil:

yeah the Nerds With Badges isnt just greg/ryan. :( still cool tho :)
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

I think when I first get into this thread, someone (onigami, I think? Oh where are you?) PMed me the links to a few Greg/Ryan story... Though from what I remember it's not solely Ryan/Greg, but yeah it's still better than nothing right? :) I could PM you the links if you want?

Oh wait, I might just post some here. Have you read Out With It? And I remember this fic called The Optimist’s Guide to Christmas which I loved cuz it's so funny and cute :D

Jezz I think I have RuGged Wonders craving...
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

haha same...well here you can have a RuGged Wonders smoothie ;) *hands Silhouette a smoothie*

wow that fic is sooo long!!! i'll read it later but pizza is coming soon and i dont want to get into it or i wont eat :lol:

right now im searching the internet for greg/ryan fics :D if i see any i'll post :)
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Right now I'm bummed because I may have to go back to Algebra even though I've already gotten the credit. :( But I corrected the Geometry teacher today about perimeter because she said it was P= 2lw and I went up to her and I told her that it was P= 2(l+w) and she told me that she "preferred the 'lw' over the other formula". And now I'm being recommended for Algebra. Maybe I peed the Geometry teacher off...

Please pass the smoothies/Icees, my throat is KILLING me!! (And I am trying to think of something for two stories.)
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

I loved that x mas story, very cool. Thanks to shadowfax I was able to find nerds with badges and I was shocked to see most of the peeps from her on it..nice. When I first started going there during season 3 of CSIM I didn't know much about LV, I hadn't watched it many times, so I didnt' know Greg and when I went there the site was dedicated to Ryan and Greg and I didnt know it was more slash then anything. I was just finding out some cool stuff about Jonathan Togo, then I started reading the fics and I was like WTF, they have them gay,eeewww. BUT then I read on and I was like, yeah I need a cold shower now. SO I kept going there reading. But as time went by less and less peeps were postin stuff and it was really less and less Ryan/ Jon and more Greg/Nick, which a few were hott. SO I kind of quit going there since there wasn't much new info or peeps there, then when I got my new puter I lost the link to it. NOW I'm back. I couldn't remember my name or password so I had to reregister for it, eh. So now I'll be spending time over there reading more Ryan/greg fics.

I dont kno why but I dont want to think of ryan as gay but him and greg do make a cute, good, convincing couple, unlike nick and greg, I just dont see it. They both have goofy attitudes which is good, but they have opposite attraction too, ryan ocd, greg slob, to make it interestin.
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

I'm going to apologise in advance - mainly because I tend to lurk round the shipping threads (they move to fast for me, what can I say) :D So you might not see a lot of me.

But for the record? This ship? YES. I've been gagging for this one for ages and I'm somewhat surprised that there was a thread for it. Crossover ships seem to be my secret shame, as I'm forever doing it, but this one is one of my favourites :D I've been thinking about it since Ryan actually joined Miami, but this is the first time I've seen others who are as weird-minded as me. I love you people! In a good way. Seriously.
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Lyn welcome to the thread, please post whenever you get the chance, love to hear from you.

Ryan shouldn't be that concerned that Greg's a slob though. well, maybe Greg isn't even a slob! after the explosion i bet he'd be a slight bit OCD himself, if not because he can stand enclosed spaces, but because if he doesn't have everything in order he might think something would happen.

Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Thank you Frostbite :D I live between two places, and can only post from one of them, so I tend to get back after several days and find myself either wading through pages and pages of stuff or dipping into threads.

I don't think Greg's that much of a slob - he couldn't be, working in the lab. Something of the lab has to go home with him? Actually, I think it'd be kind of cute, Ryan fussing over something, and Greg just...looking at him until he stops, and Greg can say, really sweetly - "...chill."
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

oh man Lyn that sounds adorable! i can totally picture that! now if only that would happen in real life...or in the t.v. world, that's just as good...if not better.

Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

omg thanks for the link Silhouette!!! that was such a good story. its long but amazing. i loveeee it :D i need a cold shower after that story. even though it wasnt too bad :lol: but they're hott :D

welcome to the thread Lyn!
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Okay, I'll catch up on the thread later...

Hello ladies! *beams* :D

I come bearing another gorgeous treat! :devil: :D Click on the link to open your present. You wanted it, you got it, hehehe!

I'm feeling sick and drugged up and bored at the same time, but somehow I got hit with inspiration, so I wrote this ficcie, like, today! YAY!!

Check it out and spread the word about it, will you? I've dedicated it once again to all of you lovely people in this hot and sizzling RuGged WoNders Ship!! :D

Oh yeah, please let me know what you think of it... probably on, since feedbacking fics isn't really allowed on this thread anymore (am I right on that? Not sure... *shrugs*) Oh, well... okay, I'm rambling. I gotta go eat dinner so I'll catch you guys later!
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

OMG...your awesome, that story had me going from the start to the finish. Man I'm stunned you wrote it in a day, WOW! I love it, absolutely love it. Here's a big bowl of chicken noodle soup for ya, hope it helps. OH and thanks for the dedication, boy do I feel special.. :D
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