Greg/Ryan - Florida isn't that far away...

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Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

awww ShadowFax, thanks for putting my name in your fic :D

ewwwww a threesome with ryan/eric/horatio!! *barf* thats sick!! ew ew ew ew im sorry we ever got on this topic! so i will talk about greg/ryan kus thats actually hot :devil:

why did i fall inlove with this ship?
1. gregs hot
2. ryans hot
3. them together is smokinnn! :devil: (ha yes i said smokin :devil:)
4. because then i can see manips of these two guys (courtesy of Silhouette :D :devil:)
5. i can find links to hot fanficts about ryan/greg on this thread :devil:
6. i think they would have fun together..:devil: and get along really well if they ever met :D

thats about it :D

i dont know what RuGged Wonders fic i first read. but ShadowFax, i think yours was my second one :D
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

:eek: sandersidle, I think you just broke a record! Six, yes SIX, ':devil:' smillies in ONE post! :eek:

Though, I have to agree with your list... it really deserves having six evil smillies :devil: :lol:
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

OK I just started reading the "thin yellow line" and it is the first r/g fic I've ever read, BUT I never got to finish it. When it was first put up on nerds with badges it wasn't done and so I was getting parts and somehow it took too long or I got confused and I never finished reading it. Today I read to chapter 3, funny that's where I ened last time, but I will finish reading it this time.. I must say OMG that scene with them in bed....*ran to cold shower* that's why I had to quit reading this time, after that I just couldn't concentrate much.
I think my first fan fic I ever read was one with Ryan and about taken cold showers...whoa. I didn't like and still don't like them paired together, just don't see it, but damn that scene in the closet or bathroom was friggin hott. I wish I could find it to read it again...I had it saved on my old puter but I didn't get it on this one. Anyone know which fic I'm talking about? Help..
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

No I don't know that fic (never read any Ryan/Delko fic, sorry...). Maybe you should ask in Ryan/Delko thread. :)

I've read Thin Yellow Line like ages ago that I almost forgot the story (in my head mixed up with other fics :lol:). Hmm by your description... I think I need to read it again...

So, Chapter 3 eh? ;) :devil:

*prepares a bucket of cold water* Just a feeling that I might need that later :lol:
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Silhouette said:
:eek: sandersidle, I think you just broke a record! Six, yes SIX, ':devil:' smillies in ONE post! :eek:

Though, I have to agree with your list... it really deserves having six evil smillies :devil: :lol:

muahahaha :devil:...what record??? i know we had 35 :devil:s on a page but in a post? hehehe :lol:

hey on the other page ShadowFax has 6 :devil:s on her post too ;)
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

you will need that bucket of cold water and maybe some smoothies to help with the drool factor..and help cool ya down.
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Hmmm... my first Ryan/Greg fanfic that I read... I'm actually pretty sure it wasn't The Thin Yellow Line, but I can't remember what I read before that. All I know is that I had read a couple here and there, and then was recommended to read TTYL, and read the whole thing all at once. :)

I started on Greg/Ryan because, well, of course they're both awesome separately, so why not put them together? :lol: I'm actaullly not really that much of an 'extreme shipper' it's just that for a while I was reading any and all fanfiction I could get my hands on about my favourite characters (ie: Greg and Ryan). So, when the opportunity came to have fanfiction with BOTH of them, I of course jumped around squee-ing.

ETA: All right, so now here's my next question: When did you first start shipping Greg/Ryan?

As for me, I started posting in this thread a couple weeks after I joined Talk CSI, so it was somewhere in that vicinity. Originally I had been a big LV fan, and read a HUGE pile of Sandle, because it had Greg. Then, I converted to Miami, and read as much Ryan fic as I could get my hands on. Soon after, I joined the forum, and the rest is history! :D Greg/Ryan was the first slash pairing I ever read. :D
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa


Oh God ....

Sorry I'm still hyperventilating...

Damn, I need that cold water!! Where's that water bucket when I need it?? Smoothies, please, I need smoothies!!

Ahem, yes, I've just read again TTYL chapter 3 and boy, do I need a cold shower at 2 in the morning.... :devil:

PS: Sorry quickbeam, I'll answer that tomorrow morning cuz I'm unable to form any intelligent feedback under this condition. Breathing properly is already hard--I mean, difficult.
Damn I can't believe even the last word of my previous sentence provoked a certain imagery... *pours cold water over self*
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

i started shipping them on page 6 :lol: hehe. well actually i have before that but then i actually posted in this thread.

i was kinda like quickbeam :) kus i watched LV and thought greg was hot and now i wastch Miami too and i think ryan is hot so why not put them together! :devil:
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

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Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

I started to ship Ryan/Greg the minute I finished TTYL, because I absolutely loved that story and it put lots and lots of great imagery into my mind :lol: So really, I owe it all to the writer (which unfortunately I can't remember the name of, at the moment).

I fell in love with it because it was sweet, but still hot (without being totally perverted, if it was, it was because of your own imagination, so yeah, my imagery was perverted). I don't think there were many clichés, which there normally can be in fics. I just loved it.

So since that moment, I've been a hardcore Ryan/Greg - shipper. Love everything about them :sigh: They're my number one ship, actually :)
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

I kinda don't wanna read TTYL now. :lol:

Oh, goodness. I started to ship R/G when Shadowfax or someone in the JT thread told me about here because of my screenname. I've been here for a few weeks :p ever since. And I post after school once I get the chance.

RuGged Wonders forever! :)
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Ah, yes... I believe that was me who lured you into this thread szmandatogoholic :devil:

Sorry, off-topic for a sec: Twiz I know which Ryan/Delko fic you're talking about, but I can't remember the name either. I do know that I read it in NWB and it was the first slash fic of them I've ever read and actually how I got turned on into slash to begin with :devil: :D

Okay, back on topic -- I didn't realize I had used 6 :devil: on my post, but I couldn't help it, as you well know... :devil: (Ooops, there it is again!, hehehe :lol:) But yay for tying that record with the lovely sandersidle :D

Anyway to answer the previous questions posted:

I liked Greg in CSI first, and I thought he was cute. But back then I wasn't a huge fan or anything. And then I started watching Miami and saw Ryan, and immediately, I was like, "Whoa! Who is THAT Hottie?" After that, I became obsessed with JT/Ryan, and he's my fav character. But I still loved Greg, so when I found NWB, I thought it was WONDERful b/c it was a site dedicated to my two most fav characters! :D But really, it wasn't until I read TTYL that I even considered slash for these two. :p
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

I was trying to find the site nerds with badges today and I couldnt find it, it's a site dedicated to ryan/ greg mostly shipping. I yahooed it and didn't see it. Does anyone know about this site and know if it's still around? It was great for finding info about them. If anyone has it could ya send me a link or something, or pm me. There was few good fics on it with them, that's where I first found TTYL. The last few times I went to the site there wasn't much activity.
Thanks shadowfax for the info..if ya figure it out pm me..please.
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

It's still around and here's the site:

And you're right... there hasn't been that much activity in there. I've posted a few things, but I haven't really seen any Greg/Ryan fics in a while. :( Mostly Greg/Nick.

G'night guys! I just wanted to stop by and catch up on this thread, but I gotta go to bed. It's only 11:10 pm, and I know the night is young, but yesterday I came down with a cold, and today I feel really drugged up and groggy/dizzy/disconnected. In a word, I feel *blech* sick. :( I'll check in in tomorrow, but after that, it'll be a few days before I could log in again. Ta-ta! :)
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