Greg/Ryan - Florida isn't that far away...

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Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Ryan and Horatio??? :eek: omg eww... that'd be as weird as Greg and Ecklie *cringe* I'm lucky enough the only Ryan slash I've came across had been either with Greg, or Greg and Nick so yeah it's hottttt :devil:

Awwww hollie, glad you like the pic :) I hope it makes you feel better, I heard how upset you are from the other thread :)

Shadowfax, you're going to Jakarta? YAY!!! :D Maybe I'll get to meet you then. But eh, my (speaking) English is so horrible you won't know what I'll be saying :lol:

Twiz, for LV I've watched Season 6, it's just separated like 3 months from you (I guess if it starts september there, it'd be December/January here). But Miami, grrr, it takes FOREVER. I'm still caught up with the EARLY of S4 :(
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

im confused...what happened hollie???

i know. weirdest fic ever :lol:
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Ewww... Greg and Ecklie?? *washes mouth out with soap*

I just now realized I never did my homework.
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Great manip, Silhouette! I'm impressed at how well those two pics fit together, good job noticing that. :D

Hmmm... there seems to be a lot of naughty thoughts going on around here. :lol: My proof of this: there are 35 of these ---> :devil: on this page alone! (Most of which came soon after that wonderful manip :D ) Oh well, I guess I can't really blame ya, after all, it's Greg and Ryan. ;) :p
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Of course. Very naughty thoughts go on here. Just with the manip alone I had bad thoughts.

*I love this thread*
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

sandersidle said....edit: its called "His Shirt" it said what characters were involved (ryan wolfe, calleigh duquesne, and Horatio Caine) but i didnt see that!

OH thanks so much for the heads up on that one, I really don't want to read that...
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

I was just trying to find "The Thin Yellow Line" and I didn't... find... anything. *yawns*

I really need to do my geometry homework... and study for my Spanish test... but instead I'm on the 'Net.
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

if you just lype in 'Thin Yellow Line' on Fanfiction, it should come up. if not i can PM you the link

Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

I did that a few days ago and it said "nothing matches your search, please try something else" or something like that.
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Gah! You guys post so fast! I come away to do some work, and now we're on page 12! YAY! Not that I'm complaining, mind you... I'm loving this... lots of Greg and Ryan hotness! :devil:

Speaking of "Eewww fics", I'm of the same mind as the whole Ryan/Horatio pairing. It's just... weird and, well, eeewww. I just don't see the chemistry there, and believe me, the first time I read one (because it's Ryan and I was curious), I was like, "WTF?!?! Gross! *gags*).

So, to that end, here are the names of the other fics on that have Ryan and Horatio in it (aka: fics to avoid if you don't want to gag) and both of these are rated M:

"Birthday Plot" - Actually an Eric/Ryan/Horatio threesome (yuck on the Horatio inclusion :p but Eric/Ryan would actually be hot! Ooops, did I just say that here? :devil: :lol: *hides* Please, don't hate me :lol:)

"Slave For You" - RyanOC slash and Ryan/Horatio implied, but Ryan's apparently only involved with this OC b/c he doesn't think Horatio feels the same way about him *blech* :p)

Okay, to balance this gag-inducing bile fest out :(, you can find "The Thin Yellow Line" in this link:

And that includes all 12 chapters of them. :D It's the first Greg/Ryan story I've ever read, and the reason why I fell in love with this pairing to begin with. It's a really WONDERful story... one of the best I've seen so far. You guys should definitely read it!

Oh, and for those of you who didn't read it in the previous pages, I brought a gift dedicated to everyone of y'all (yes, that includes all you newbies and people I've not had the chance to talk to :( Sorry... but I will soon :)) It's a Greg/Ryan ficlet, and here it is again (forgive the repetition):

Check it out... *nudge, nudge* You might find your name on it, hehehehe... ;) :lol:

Silhouette I'll talk to you about my flight to Jakarta later. ;) Right now, I'm going to bed... G'night and Good morning to everyone! :lol:
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

shadowfax said..... "Birthday Plot" - Actually an Eric/Ryan/Horatio threesome (yuck on the Horatio inclusion but Eric/Ryan would actually be hot! Ooops, did I just say that here? *hides* Please, don't hate me

OK my stomach is flopping just the thought of that, UGH. A threesome, eeewwww. I can see my face is all scrunched up reading that. So much for needing a drool bucket, this I need a puke bucket for...

shadowfax said....Check it out... *nudge, nudge* You might find your name on it, hehehehe...

I'm bumming my name wasn't on it...but it really was, above it you mentioned not getting SUEd and my name is SUE, so HA you did put my name in there. hehehe.
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Oh gosh I'm so sorry I didn't include you! *hangs head in shame* :( And yes, I read your wonderful review! Thanks for that. You are marvelous, my dear!! :D *buttering you up for failing to include your name* :devil: :D

Hey, but at least you found your name within the disclaimer! :lol: "You no 'SUE'"... except you really are, hehehe! :lol: I did, however, include all newbies to this thread categorically speaking. ;) But I'll make sure to include you by name next time (and you'd most likely be in there twice! :devil:):lol:
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Hey, quickbeam! Yeah I guess we broke a record by having 35 ':devil:' smilies in one page :lol: but eh, it's not (entirely) our fault that we have two hotties as our 'muse' ;)

Okay, Shadowfax... take your time :) I'm not going anywhere :D

Well before I even know this ship exist in TalkCSI, I was like, 'I love Greg. And Ryan is hot. Hey why not both?' then I just typed both of their names into the FF search engine. I've always been into slash but I never thought someone else would actually consider this ship beside me (cuz they never have a scene together). I always come across 'Greg/Nick' or 'Ryan/Delko' but they never sound 'perfect' for me.
So it started from curiosity and how I wanted to have this two guys together in my head. I can't believe they could fit so perfectly and I've hooked ever since :D

So, I was wondering, what makes you first fall in love with this WONDERful ship? Is it fanfic? What's the first ever RuGged Wonders fanfic you ever read?
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Welcome to this thread, Twiz, nice to see you here :)

And yes, The Thin Yellow Line is probably the best fic I've ever read, and as Shadowfax said, it's the one that made me fall in love with this pairing too :)

Like your fic, Shadowfax, and thanks for mentioning me :D
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

I think I read that thin yellow line but I'm not sure. It was mentioned a lot on the nerds with badges site and I read a few over there, oooo I haven't been to that site in like 8 months, whoa. SO anyways I'm going to read it and see if it's the one I've read before, if it is then it's probaly the 1st R/G fic I've read.

Thanks for the nice welcome Life Style, this thread is too hott not to come to.

Ah Shadowfax it's ok, at least my name was somewhere...
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