Greg/Ryan - Florida isn't that far away...

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Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

3 amigos? Why not the three musketeers? Or FOUR musketeers then :lol:

Well anyway... anything other then 'the three blind mice' sounds good to me :lol:

Hmm... Ryan/Greg Hotness Squad? ;) Maybe we should be the Street Team? We should get more people into this ship!!
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Oooh, ooh, don't forget me! I've just been away for the last few days, but I'm glad to see that there's been quite a few posts here while I was gone. :D

Perhaps if they crossed over, they could all be in Vegas, and then even if Greg is mostly in the lab, Ryan would still potentially get the change to see him frequently. ;)

Or it'd be fun if one of the other characters mistook Greg for Ryan or vice versa, and was just like "oh, sorry, I just saw a fine specimen of a man and automatically assumed it was *insert Greg's or Ryan's name here*" or "whoops, I'm just so used to drooling over *insert name here* that I thought you were him when I started drooling over you" :lol:
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Oh, pick me! Pick me! I wanna be part of this ship... just haven't posted in a while 'cause I've been busy. :(

Please don't sail away without me... *pleads puppy eyes* :lol:

I'm back for a little while (today), but I'll be gone again for a few weeks because I have deadlines out the yin yang that are due in September, so I'll just be lurking more when I have the time, just to keep up with the posts. I might try to post some every now and then, but please don't forget about me...

I may be watching from the sidelines, but I'm definitely involved. :D And yay for the new posts in this ship!! :lol:
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Hi quickbeam and shadowfax, no of course we won't sail away without you both! :D So... we could be... the 6 amigos! :lol:

quickbeam_cw said:
Or it'd be fun if one of the other characters mistook Greg for Ryan or vice versa, and was just like "oh, sorry, I just saw a fine specimen of a man and automatically assumed it was *insert Greg's or Ryan's name here*" or "whoops, I'm just so used to drooling over *insert name here* that I thought you were him when I started drooling over you" :lol:
Haha I wanna be a guest character playing a labtech and do that scene :lol:

Hmm... if Greg stuck in the lab... As soon as Ryan walks into the DNA lab, he'd be like, "I need to proce---" stare in awe at the beauty before him ;) And then, you know, he'd try to find excuses to go to DNA lab...
Ryan: "Eric, is that blood sample you're holding? Here let me get that to DNA... Calleigh, something for DNA? Umm no? Oh well maybe... Alexx?" :lol:

And of course, once they're in DNA lab alone... Ryan could put aside the test tubes to get some :devil: :lol:
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

:lol: :lol: I just love the way your mind works Silhouette!! Wicked. :devil: And totally funny! :lol:

And thanks for not sailing away without me... :D
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

What can I say, I have two hot creatures as my inspiration to start with ;)

So, you think if they do a crossover, would LV team go to Miami or vice versa?
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

:lol: That is true... :p

Well, I'm not sure... but it seems that Miami is the only who who has done a crossover with the other 2 shows, so I wouldn't be surprised if LV goes to Miami again. That would be cool. Although I wouldn't mind seeing Miami go to LV either just for a change and to see how they react to being in Vegas! :D *ahem* Actually, I really just wanna see Ryan interact with Greg *cough, cough* :devil: :lol:
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

I hope that Miami would go to Vegas, since in the first crossover, when Miami was first starting, Vegas went to Miami. Plus, if Miami went to Vegas there'd be a lot fewer people to send over... Vegas has soooo many main characters right now, that Greg would probably end up getting left behind. :( Either way, it would be neat to see all of the characters in 'a different light' (literally - Vegas in the hot Florida sun, or Miami at nighttime under the glow of all the casino and hotel lights).
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

ohh sorry guys!!! haha the 6 amigos and anyone else ;)

hahaa Silhouette your funny! :D

i want the crossover to be in las vegas because there was already one in miami and like quickbeam said, i would want to see how the miami CSIs would..."act" in LV ;) *cough* ryan and greg *cough*
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Whoa! There must be a Greg/Ryan bug fluttering about... I keep hearing some *cough* Ryan and Greg *cough* coughing lateley. :devil: :D *runs off to catch the Greg/Ryan fever* :lol:
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

i already have the greg/ryan fever! i always have it ;) who doesnt. i think anyone has to agree that ryan makes you feel hot...greg makes you feel greg and ryan make you burn up...hahaha wow i need csi. im deprived :D
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

:lol: LMAO!!! Damn you guys are hillarious!! :lol:

Of course I already have the Ryan/Greg fever! :eek: So, how 'bout we go around and try to spread it? :devil: :lol:
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

hahahaha bad we cant actually attack the ryan/jon thread. but we would get in trouble for talking about a ship hehehe :D
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

LOL! The Ryan and Greg Fever! I like it! For some reason I had this mental image of people purposely spreading some Greg/Ryan chemical/biological weapon... instead of anthrax you spread gregryanthrax. Only it wouldn't be a bad thing at all... it'd be spreading love not war! :D

Hehe, make love, not war. *passes out daisies and prances around like a hippie*
Re: Greg/Ryan [Crossover Slash] - Florida isn't that far awa

Oooh, I love the name Quicky! :D

The GregRyanthrax: Weapon of Choice for Spreading Hot Burnin' Love and Not War!!! :devil: Catch the Fever!! :lol: Hee-hee! Sounds almost like hippie propaganda to me! :lol:

Edit: Or it could be the "Gregoryanthrax" :D Poor Ryan! Sandwiched between Grego and thrax... :lol: :lol:
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