"Grave Danger" Discussion (Beware Spoilers)

Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoilers***

Posted by samanarkCSI:
Posted by GC_Mass_Spec:
Rock on Zuiker, Mendelsohn and Tarantino!! Thank you for two amazing hours of the best show around. While some may be hard to please, I am COMPLETLEY FREAKING SATISFIED!!!
First off--Catherine going to her dad for the money? A totally unselfish move that raised her quotient with me.

Ecklie? Dude, you get a pass for at least the first week of next season--or until your next weaslie act!

Grissom--that whole "Poncho" and hand to hand sequence was incredible. I would have been disappointed had there been a more phony show of emotion from him.

Warrick--beautiful job my man!

Sara--the run through the lab for the case file? And then the finger slam/point on the map locating Nick? Perfect.

Nick--George Eads, I am so glad you got to flex your acting muscles. You were amazing.

Finally, I loved the classic Tarantino sequence on the autopsy table--he brought his style to the scientific hallucinatory reaction Nick was having. I didn't see it as comic relief--I saw it as the scattered, disjointed thinking of a man trapped in a box, a totally surreal incident in itself. And Nicky's visit to the prison? Totally in character. And as far as the daughter is concerned--I just watched it for the second time, and she's smiling when she's back in her cell. Check it out, see what you think . I think she did know what her dad was up to, and probably could have helped them find Nick faster. I thought the season 4 finale was awesome with the guy that was a Chimera, but this one way out did it! :lol:

Hey, hey, don't forget Hodges, he saved the day!! He figured out that there were bombs in the box!!

o m g..EVERYONE put their hand in ..in saving PONCHO!!! this episode was sooo freaking intense!!! if Samanark came over to my house..she would have had nails driven into her skin from all the intensity!!!

..i don`t really wanna read all the posts in this thread...because there is just so many. LOL

and i`m just going to copy and paste my post from the myspace CSI group.



OH MY GOD....i was seriously like SCREAMING the whole time!! like..OH MY GOD!!! OH MY GOD!!! yeah..that was me. it was just sooo freaking intense!!!! like i loved how there was a little comedy in the beginning before all of the seriousness set.

but OMG, we've been wondering [at a CSI board] what he shoots at..it's the light! i figured OH MY GOD. and then we were also wondering...from the promos..grissom says, "MY GOD, HE'S BEING EATEN ALIVE!" O M G...fire ants! Grissom's entomology skills once again saves the day!

PONCHO!!!!!! THANK GOD! see guys..whoever DOUBTED my spoilers...shame on youuuuuuu.

wow..nicky's little dream..was just plain QUENTIN TARANTINO weird!

and the whole bombs under the plexiglass coffin....just as they find him...another freaking TWIST! AHHH! intense!!!

in a way...it WAS a cliffhanger y`know...when Grissom tells Ecklie.."i want my guys back". we get to find out NEXT SEASON ..what happens with that! i seriously want the team back together!!!! ...like NOW!!! Ecklie better not be a pain in everyone's asses and say NO!!!

ehh..well those are my two cents...i`m watching the Without a Trace finale right now
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoilers***

Posted by samanarkCSI:
Hey, hey, don't forget Hodges, he saved the day!! He figured out that there were bombs in the box!!
My bad!! Hodges did pull out a heck of a hat trick! ;)
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoilers***

I loved this episode. It was great. I could have done without the autopsy scene, but it was good comic relief. I also could have done without that "cowboy" attorney...but hey, beggers can't be choosers, right?!?

Everyone was great. Grissom showed just enough emotion as can be expected from Grissom, even though the victim involved was someone very close to him. I love how Catherine was so concerned about her team member...and how Warrick was so concerned about his "brother" on the team.

Something tells me that Grissom is going to "get his guys back." That scene, along with Ecklie's conversation with Archie (you go, token Asian guy!!!), leads me to believe that early next season the city's going to have to make some cuts and put the two teams back together (that's my opinion...but hey, I could be wrong).

All in all, great eppy...and it was worth the hype.

(I wish I had the East Coast feed on DirecTV so that I could have watched it twice.)

Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoilers***

Ok, I've lurked here long enough. Tonight's been a rollercoaster, I get home from Star Wars to watch my taped CSI and now I need to talk about what I've just seen.

Wow. Just wow. Best episode ever. I don't usually get too emotional towards television lately but this was literally one moving picture.

George Eads conveyed my EVERY fear about being buried alive in the best ways possible. EVERYONE did such an outstanding job, from Nick's hysteria to Sarah's facial expressions towards the bomber's daughter (first a kind of respectful surprise at her being a horticulturist and then total disgust/anger at her sick comment moments later about Nick)...and The Grissom had me with the calculator while everyone was gawking at the webcam setup in the coffin. Go Gris. :)

That heifer of a daughter creeped me out, though. Even though I'm sure we may, I never, ever want to see that face appear on the show again. Brrrrr...

Good times, everyone, have a good summer and see you this fall. :)
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoilers***

I'm sure I'm echoing alot of people's remarks (over 150 posts...too many to read), but George was fantastic tonight! It was so hard to watch him locked in that box, buried alive. Definately a fear of mine! It was heartbreaking! And seeing the team watch him in there... When Warrick thought he was going to kill himself...etc..:( All the main actors were amazing! Nice to see Archie back too! :)
And Ecklie was...NICE?! That was a shocker!
Anyways, great episode, very intense.
Question about Warrick's story-- he's a cop?
Posted by jumpingbombangel:
That heifer of a daughter creeped me out, though. Even though I'm sure we may, I never, ever want to see that face appear on the show again. Brrrrr...
Yeah, she was creepy at the end. She looks like once she gets out of there, she's gonna raise some havoc like her dad!
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoilers***

So, when I finally get here this is already over a 160 posts deep...wow!

My quick thoughts, because it's all been said before. I would argue that this episode was as much Warrick's as it was Nick's. He was awesome! You could feel his anger, his unease, his worry. Just awesome!

I'm glad to see I'm not alone in actually liking Ecklie in this one.

And Hodges -- I love Hodges. There, I've said it. I'm not ashamed.

Not enough Brass, but when he was there, he was completely kick-a...butt. :)

Loved the ending with Grissom and his shift watching swing shift essentially drive off, with him wanting his guys back.
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoilers***

Amazing...thats all I can think about after two viewings.

After such hype people will find SOMETHING to complain about...however all the motions, the detaisls, an actual ending...I'm floored.

thank you QT..Thank you cast!!

Bows down to George Eads!!

I'll wirte more when I'm okay!!

Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoilers***

Man, my stomach is *still* hurting from the tension.

I agree with most of what's been said so far, but here are some other/differing takes:

--- I knew it! I knew it! I knew that Nicky loved country music!

--- I, for one, want a gratuitous shot of Archie loping 'round the Labitrail in every single episode after this. Bonus points if he's wearing shorts.

--- QT definitely is a fan of CSI if he knows exactly who to pair up to please the shippers. I don't think it was an accident that Grissom and Sara had their pre-terror conversation together, or that Catherine was the person to comfort Warrick later. (But, if that's the case... what's the deal with Greg and Hodges? Yuck!) And I, for one, liked Nick's and Warrick's conversation. I think it underscored the fact that both of them think Warrick's The Man... Warrick is the cool guy, and Nick looks up to him... and how that got flipped around later.

--- Where the hell did that lawyer come from? And can he come back?

--- Brass can be scary.

--- Can I just say that I came out regarding love for my ickle Ecklie last episode? So I totally beat the bandwagon. Hee.

--- I was really impressed by the internal logic in the series of events. The clues were rational, the team did whatever it could with them. In addition, the bad guy didn't have to be stupid for the team to find Nick; it was all dumb luck, really, when you think about it.... Crazy Dude didn't know his thumb was gonna survive the explosion, or that his daughter would mention she's a horticulturalist, or that Nick would shoot out the camera to make his air last. And he probably didn't expect the glass to break and let in the red ants. I wonder if he knew that one of the CSIs was an entomologist? At any rate, there was no point where I was going "Oh, please...." and I liked that.

--- LOVED Warrick's breakdown and confession that he would have taken the gun route before that point. I thought he did a good job... and, for once, Catherine was a damned good supervisor as she dealt with him. That said, I'm just as happy that the rest of the team held it together, yet the actors were able to show a lot of quiet emotion. Nice job, not too over-the-top.

--- I don't watch a lot of QT movies, 'cause the subject matter's usually too intense for me... but if the morgue scene was a Tarantinoism, then I for one am grateful that he put it in. Not only did it give a gleefully evil view of our two coroners, it broke up a little of the tension for me. Although, after becoming a hardy CSI-watcher, I didn't find it all that gross. (And was I the only one who initially panicked when the Evil!Coroners hauled Nick's body out of the cooler?)

--- Grissom, I love you for calling Nick "Pancho". Who knew you could act like such a daddy? And that "put your hand on my hand" part... Imagine if Nick had died: "Of all the souls I have ever encountered, his was the most.... bug-like." (Cue "Amazing Grace".)

--- Um, yay for Gil demanding his boys back, but does Catherine get a say in that?

--- Contrary to most (maybe all!), I actually liked the ending. I felt for that woman in prison; she had no clue what was going to go down in that warehouse three years before, and she's paying one shit of a punishment for five years because of it. (Or am I the only one who winced at her description of her life?) At any rate, even though Nick was losing it right there, she tried to act all tough with him at the end, like she just didn't care.... I for one found it really chilling that as the camera lingered on her face in the last shot I had absolutely no idea if she was playing him or not. Maybe that three years had eroded her to the point where no, she really didn't care if some random CSI just went through hell because of her father. Nick was not the only victim in this episode, and I loved that QT didn't forget that.

--- Final word: So worth the hype. Which is, for me, a major relief. Now, if I could only get rid of the pains in my stomach....
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoilers***

Posted by MissDee:
--- Grissom, I love you for calling Nick "Pancho". Who knew you could act like such a daddy? And that "put your hand on my hand" part... Imagine if Nick had died: "Of all the souls I have ever encountered, his was the most.... bug-like." (Cue "Amazing Grace".)
Grissom was great with Nick at the end. I liked how they incorporated Gris' reading of lips and how he's the only one who knew what Nick said to him on the recorder (while buried).

--- Um, yay for Gil demanding his boys back, but does Catherine get a say in that?
I think he said "I want my guys back", referring to the whole team, Cath included. You're right though, maybe she likes things the way they are now...I guess we'll just have to wait until next season!
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoilers***

Hi Everyone!

I am new here, but have read these forums in the past...tonight's episode was so gut-wrenching that I HAD to register so I could throw my two cents in!

First of all, I am NOT a Quentin Tarantino fan by any stretch of the imagination! However, I thought he did a great job with tonight's episode. He stayed true to the characters, which a lot of "guest directors" don't do.

On some of the issues from earlier in the thread...

Since I've worked with these things, what Catherine found at the scene where Nick was buried was a small video transmitter. NOT a cell phone. These transmitters work on very low power for long periods of time on frequencies that can transmit for longer than expected distances. Somewhere there had to be a 'receiver' that was getting the video and putting it up on the web link they were getting back at the lab.

The "Autopsy Scene" would make perfect sense, actually. Nick was being slowly oxygen deprived and poisoned by fire ants! It would not be far-fetched for him to hallucinate at that point, even about something ridiculous to numb his mind. Science aside, it was perfect placement on comic relief at a time when it was most needed!

At first I had the same complaints about everyone just standing around until I realized that they really had NOTHING. The people that COULD be working on things (like tracing the scrambled IP addresses) were working on it. There wasn't anything for the rest of them to do but watch and worry.

And they couldn't use heat-reactive cameras to find Nick because you need to know where you're looking! Once they knew, the easiest thing to do WAS find the video transmitter. Good technical call on that one, guys!

Could be one of the best episodes yet. I won't say THE best because many of "the best" eps are good for unique reasons.

Certianly, the season premeiere in September will certainly be interesting...to say the least!

Happy to be aboard,
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoilers***

Please tell me if you can, all that happened after Nick shot out the light! Cable went out & I missed the rest of the show! I am truly beside myself here. Can ya help a girl out? Thanks...
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoilers***

That was CSI at it's best.

Except I was sort of disappointed. Stupid network censorship. I guess after watching QT classics like Pulp Fiction, I'd expect some more badassing and gore.

Except I will say that the morgue scene would definelty be television highlight of the year.

Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoilers***

Posted by MissDee:
Contrary to most (maybe all!), I actually liked the ending. I felt for that woman in prison; she had no clue what was going to go down in that warehouse three years before, and she's paying one shit of a punishment for five years because of it. (Or am I the only one who winced at her description of her life?) At any rate, even though Nick was losing it right there, she tried to act all tough with him at the end, like she just didn't care.... I for one found it really chilling that as the camera lingered on her face in the last shot I had absolutely no idea if she was playing him or not. Maybe that three years had eroded her to the point where no, she really didn't care if some random CSI just went through hell because of her father. Nick was not the only victim in this episode, and I loved that QT didn't forget that.

Wow. Thank you for saying that. I just finished reading all 173 posts before this, typed up a brilliantly drunk response and somehow disconnected myself from the internet.
I think you, so far, have been the only one to mention the daughter in any sort of "good" light. Yes, she could possibly have helped them, yes she could have been less of a "bitch" in her attitude...but come on, the woman's in prison, for something she probably didn't do, she was just informed her father (who stopped seeing her 6 weeks into her sentence because he couldn't handle seeing her being traded by her cell mate for lesbian love trades) blew himself up...what sort of reaction is everyone expecting her to have?! I'm confused by this. I watched a documentary on PBS a while back on women's prisons, and the completely dehumanizing effect (affect?) the experience has on them. Yes, I know most people in prison "belong" there, whatever that means. But there is something wrong if the so-called rehabilitation process turns one into an animal. Maybe a little off topic there, but those are the thoughts I'm having right now. I hope that girl gets some help in the future.

And one more thing before I curl up into a little ball in bed, where was Greg? Not even considering the fact that I am a complete and utter Nick/Greg shipper, but did the camera man not know how to find him? Where was his reaction to all of this? Down in "The Fort," we've been talking about how numb he seems lately...but I don't know, I couldn't really tell since I barely caught a glimpse of him!!!

I'll have to watch the ep again to get a better (read=more sober, lol) feel for it...but I think so far, I liked it. Very QT (but not enough!!!), not sure it was worth the hype and hysteria, but I've stopped biting my nails 2 and a half hours later...that's a good thing!

*wanders off in search of my bed*

Edited to say...thanks Destiny and Tally for keeping this up a little longer than normal. Should be interesting to see what everyone says.

*waves goodnight at Destiny who is up later than usual* :lol:
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoilers***

aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh is all i have to say! and the tears came a rollin' for warrick getting emotional when talking to cathrine. and it was a stream from my eyes when grissom called nick "pancho" and the whole hand on the plexiglass thing. i agree with everyone else's comments.

*collaps on the floor from such a great episode*
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoilers***

Gah! Far too many posts for me to get through, but this is the stuff I noticed:

- Of course QT is going to put his own stamp on the show. Otherwise what would be the point of him directing it if it looked like every other CSI? It's nice to mix it up once in a while.

- The autopsy/hallucination scene rocked. It's exactly what I would expect from someone completely panicking and the humor of it was a good way to keep it from being *too* intense.

- Grissom, emotionless????? I don't understand that at all. After being in a field where you see tons of weird stuff every day, blocking emotions becomes second-nature. But to me, Grissom's emotions were crystal clear.

All in all, I think it was an awesome episode, and I think QT did a good job of sticking to CSI's overall feel.