"Grave Danger" Discussion (Beware Spoilers)

Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoilers***

Okay well i watched it fineally, and the awards go to....
I can tell you this they all did one hellva a good job on this episode, i took notes through it lol so let me sort them out, to some they might not make sense.

-First this was a very well thought out plan, to boot the guy was an engineer to begin with, who saw his daughter suffering and wanted to make those who caused it to suffer, the problem is if the evidence put her in there then he went after the wrong people.
I just wanted to state there are many kind of tracking dogs, the ones they brought in were considered surface trackers, they deal with people on foot and so on, they probably thought nick was taken near by and used them, they usually do in most cases.

-Who really broke the case, well some could name individuals, but all in all they all did, along with the help of a fire ant.

-Catherine, this couldn't have been easy for her (going forward then back), she had pride in her voice when she called to them to take the scenes, when she arrived on scene she was poker faced, but when she saw nicks bag and confirmed it was his, a shudder went through her and her face lost the poker look.
You could tell the moment when catherine made her decision that she was going to see Sam, the determination the straightening of her back, and then when she gets there he gives her the cold shoulder at first, granted all he wanted to here is you want my help cause i am your father, but that attitude made me want to kick him.
Catherine and Grissom must be back on track, he wasn't happy about the money so again he cleared it so she wouldn't be caught with it.

-Grissom, first arrival he was distant he was in check everything he has always taught the team, but it broke a bit at the scene, (Moving forward then back) did he take glee in the splatter test, cause that was freaky, Roy Rogers and trigger who would have thought it, and with pride to.
His emotions really showed when he insisted on taking the ransom note, and then the money, as to the explosion Now that packed a punch but grissom look like he had been in a face fight with a cat, and no marks really after that, amazingly fast healer these guys.
But his pride really come out when he realized Nick had been paying attention when it came to the ants and he was praising him through the monitor, and when he couldn't get through and used the nic-name "Poncho" there was emotion in his voice, to the point of "say i promise" he knew nick would keep his word and he was actually the first one Nick reached for he sobbed something, then saw Warrick.

-Warrick, (forward then back) the locker room talk lol that was funny i guess that coin brought warrick the luck he needed to find nick after all, but his guilt was felt over that coin and the last words about it, how he yelled at nick through the monitor and jumped back like he had been shot, then the locker room scene it was a stunning array of emotions and then when he his u got me laugh after he realized why nick shot the gun, and finding him, he wasn't leaving nick behind, lol i thought he had the funny "WHAT" look on his face when grissom said "Trust me" like What are you kidding me? look, i understood warricks grief at the scene but i just have to say...

-Greg you go guy, you are learning you are frustrated to and instead of using anger you kept your head about you, you dug your heals in and you learned a lot in a short time, already looking into the files nick had worked on, and him and grissom both noted the "Stalker" Case, least we know he is still in jail, LOL i am sorry but him and hodges and that board game, could he look anymore bewildered?

-Hodges Dude you wrestled with the delivery guy, what adrenaline can do to people, and questioning and figuring out the bomb set up in time, good work, you becoming regular on the show might just lead to something, you were slightly more up the normal ladder, keep going man.

-Sara, (Moving forward then back) how could she not realize that they were twins that were shot? One DNA pick up, i think she realized she missed that one to, i found a thumb and staring at the water in the fountain zoned out there, her emotions were on the surface maybe this will help her further deal with her problems.
But when she shouted he was losing it and then convulsions, then what is going on, i thought to myself, sara hun they don't know yet either stay calm.

-Brass, again we learn never tick him off wow, top of that i think he had a couple flashbacks there, i noticed his tone when he basically said you never stop watching them, and i have come to love his new way of knocking on doors a ram. :D

-Ecklie, Well he is human after all, i am still in shock that is what scared me the most seeing that, then he showed emotion when he was turned down, heaven help me, he even talked to archie like he was a human being and not a..a. tech, and he used grissom as a reference, what did they do with the real conrad ecklie? hmmm

-Nick, as i have said before sometimes it is easier to say lines, it is harder to give the emotional, physical and mental pain but he did it, and boy can that guy hold a tune, awesome singer, little rusty but otherwise nice work.
I am surprised that when the guy took him that he didn't choak on the gum as you later see him spit out, of which did we need to see him spit when he arrived lol yeah.
Okay who said ouch when he awoke in the coffin and banged his head *raises hand* guilty.
But i have to admit through all that torcher that man was still a csi right down to lock and load, to using gum for his ears, and his shirt for his nose, and not moving with the ants.
As to his parents he has his mothers emotions and his fathers determination, that is what kept him going until that one point, though at one point i would have loved to switch nick and the judge around to see how he would like one more day, but then i let it go, when his reality hit, but i think his mother just wanted him safe when she said she wanted him home, i don't honestly think it mattered where he was just as long as her son was alive, apparently and flying, get a team together yell pull and he cleared a good portion of that hole.

Okay other things i want to add in like this isn't long enough, Autospy at some points not real funny, other parts (no pun intended) cute, and george keeping a straight face like that was the ice breaker, but davids look of guilt that he wasn't at the scene earlier was gut wrenching.

Okay the SOB killed what 2 dogs :mad: and i rarely use that look, then took the cowards way out by blowing himself up, gee how nice to give that "might want to back up" warning.

All the cop cars in percussion when they discovered where nick was was an awesome sight to see, coming down the road, the lighting, the intensity that seen was the one that really hit its mark.
Glass coffins, i thought nicks coffin looked a little like dirt, then they showed him from the bottom of the coffin, i thought the plexaglass was just on top.
They located the transmitter but catherine literly tripped over nicks spot good thing she wasn't watching where she was walking, head turned just enough away and they could have missed it all.
Something did creep me out in this ep but i thought nicks message to the girl, was not to take what her father had done to him with her when she got out, but what really creeped me out, was i the only one that when she was back in her cell has the resemblance to catherine?

I again thing the Cast did an excellent job on this case, that includes, Archie and mia, this ep deserves the award, i would say just george, but you know it was the whole cast for me that made it all intense, i normally don't watch anything by QT so reguardless of if it was him or the regulars dealing with this, i think it still would have been nicely done.

Lines i thought stood out, besides "Where's my guy" and "I want my guys back".
Grissom: Two heads are better then one.

Sara: Twins? well thats different
Grissom: Techinqually its the same

Nick (to warrick): You play the science card and you're a copologist

Ecklie (To grissom): I want you to know the lab has only one case tonight same for the department.

Well thats it for me for now i took short notes and then played them out as i typed. hope they made some sense. ;)
Scent Dogs and Tug of War

A phenomenal episode except for a few weak points:

1. The scent dogs weren't able to pick up the kidnapper's trail in this episode. This isn't consistent with previous episode. In one of pervious episodes. The dog was able to pick up trails of a suspect who got into a cab and travelled across town. in fact, that episode used much of the graphic effects for that sequence.

2. How the team yanked Nick out of the box could totally broken his back just attaching the cable to his belt. Nick should've at least hold on to the cable. I know the belt/navel area is the centre of gravity for the body, that was still a technical oversight. The dirt from the backhoe didn't help either. It did not stabilise the weight at all. It may've dampened the explosion though. Sorry, Grissom's idea didn't work.

3. No mention of the medical danger of fire ants. They had a computer graphic showing ants biting Nick and camera going up the veins to Nick's heart. And that was it? Could it be linked to Nick's autopsy hallucination? There I was only led to think that Nick would have a cardiac arrest.

4. Why would there be trace of explosive in the dimples of the prototype box when no one blew up in the warehouse while they dug up the prototype box? That was just luck really. The perp could've easily had explosive under the dog's plexiglass box as well.

5. Why didn't they search the engineer's laptop? I'm sure there would be much more info on there.

6. There was really no reason Nick was buried where he was. It was pretty arbitrary that the only reason was that the engineer's daughter used to work in that nursery. If nick was buried anywhere else, Nick would've been dead. No fire ants for one.
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoilers***

I agree the daughter did have an attitude, and the general i hope he is dead message was something that was really not necessary, but neither is what happens in those prisons.
Her own father couldn't handle seeing her, i don't care if it made me throw up after each visit i would show up so that person didn't feel alone with no outside connection.

But she did help them, why mention plants and digging, and burying and so on, she was trying to tell them something, thing is was she even awear of it, i doubt daddy told her much if anything, so it could be when they told her it snapped together and she had nothing to lose.

Nick wanted her to know she wasn't her father, and what was done to him, though on her behalf wasn't something IMO she should walk out of prison with.
But its still creep about the looks comparison i mentioned in the other post.
Edited to say...thanks Destiny and Tally for keeping this up a little longer than normal. Should be interesting to see what everyone says.

*waves goodnight at Destiny who is up later than usual* :lol:
aww you are welcome, it stands to reason really this is an ep event, it is also the last show, and like the first it deserves the same respect.
*Waves* actually i am usually up going over the boards until about 5-6 am my time depending, i was up for over 24 hrs due to some personal problems that needed taken care of so i fell a sleep for a nap about 6 pm last night and woke at about 8 pm, which is why i am glad i taped CSI and WAT.
Though i imagine there will be some slow down as they are repeats (not major majors) so i can get some rest for next season. :D
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoilers***

Wow, just wow... and I wanna see it *mock whine*

Okay what was Brass's reaction like? I read that he yelled at Kent (was that good?) and attacked the courier (was that good?)

How did the team react to the webcam feed?

Also how did Nick's folks react to Nick's situation in the coffin? and were they nice parents? and was Nick's father really nice?

How did Warrick's reaction to the gun go off, Like?
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoilers***

First of all, I would like to say it is 5 in the morning here and I should really go to bed but there's no way I could without reading everyone's posts and replying.

Gil: Are you guys blind??? Other than in Committed, I think this is the most emotion he was ever shown! I think it was Ann Donahue who said that Nick and Gil have always had a father/son relationship and that's how Gil acted. I was getting very teary-eyed when Gil called him 'Poncho'!

Catherine: I swear she was going to breakdown if it had gone on any longer! I was surprised to see Sam Braun again and I thought it was really brave of her to go to him. It just shows how much she cares about Nick.

Warrick: I do believe he was crying at the place where the kidnapper blew himself up. I think I saw tears. Anyway, I'm really glad they made him emotional because Nick was his best friend and he must've been feeling bad about the whole coin flipping thing.

Sara: She wasn't in here much but you could definately tell she was freaking out about seeing Nick die. It was good to see how Sara reacted to another CSI being in trouble because normally it's her. I mean, it's happened to Nick before but nothing quite as bad as this.

Greg: His hair's deflated again...sorry, that's not what I was going to say. I thought it was really cute to see Hodges and Greg playing the board game. Greg seemed to be dealing with this a bit too well though, not too much emotion. He seemed stressed and all but not really sad. If anything, he seemed to be in a state of shock.

Nick: Words cannot describe George Eads' performance. He's the only one on CSI thus far to make me cry. All night long I was trying to hold it together and I kept saying that there was no way they could kill off Nick. I swear time stopped when I saw him lying on the autopsy table. I knew after David said 't's a shame, I'm really going to miss him' that it was a dream. He would never be that calm about it! Anyway, I was nearly bursting into tears and so was my mom and older sister. It was very emotional and I didn't think a show could do this to me. But it did and if I was going to be bursting into to tears by something, I'm glad it was for Nick. I was amazed at how well he was keeping together. I would've been wigging out way before that! Especially with having to wait while they piled dirt on top of me to counter-weight the explosives.

Hodges: He was so sweet. I just wanted to give him a hug all throught this episode! Especially at the end when he warned them about the bomb. You get a cookie Hodges.

Ecklie: :eek: Let it be known throught the land: Ecklie does care about other human beings!! He was so amazing in this episode and I'm glad we got to see the lighter side of him. It's not to late to come back to the light side! If he puts the team back together, I would marry him! And that guy not wanting to pay for the ransom made Ecklie seem like a saint! I was getting teary-eyed when Ecklie said he would take the blame!

Ending: I didn't like it too much but it is typical Nick to let someone know he doesn't blame them. Although, I didn't hear the last thing he said to Kelly. Anybody know? Anyway, I would've preffered it showing him in the hospital and like have all the CSI's (including Ecklie) waiting for him.

Final thoughts: *jumps up and down while chanting* ARCHIE, ARCHIE, ARCHIE, ARCHIE, ARCHIE, ARCHIE!!!!!!!!!!! That would've been a great ending too! Having Nick and Archie reunite! Anyway, I love the dude and this seemes like the most Archie has ever been in an episode. I'm complete now.

Oh, and what was Archie talking to Ecklie about in the beginning? I was so shocked that those two were actually walking and talking to each other that I missed the conversation.

Anyway, loved this episode and I would give it higher than the highest number out there! Best CSI season finale thus far and it ranks pretty high as one of my favorite episodes!
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoilers***

Posted by Mightion:
Couple points, short and quick:

1. Boy, was Nick lucky that that backhoe was there.
Yeah, but backhoe is pretty common in a nusery i guess. Dirt and tree moving.
2. Boy, was Nick lucky they had the KEYS for the backhoe.
The boss of the nusery was there. But what REALLY lucky is that they found the boss that late at night, although we don't know what time it was. Nick was real lucky he was buried there. Without the fireants, nick is done. Or at least they would've had to bring out the chopper with infrared sensors like in a CSI miami episode.

4. Good episode, I thought... until the part where Nick went to the prison. That bit was rather unsatisfying, I thought. Must have been at least a few weeks or so, cause Nick looked in perfect health.

I wonder why they didn't show Nick interact with members of the team and family, and instead, just focusing him and the prison girl. Ran out of time i guess. Or it wasn't necessary, we all know it was all hugs and kisses. But what we couldn't guess was that he kinda forgave the prison girl and her father.

5. I wonder what Nick said to Grissom when he was talking into the tape recorder - they cut to Grissom watching him, reading his lips, and saying "You never did, Nicky."

I'm guessing Nick said: "Sorry i failed you" or something along those line.

6. Boy, Sam is gonna have a fit when he gets that blood soaked cash back. He's gonna have to find a way to launder all that money. :D
Yeah eh! I hope sam is gonna get his money back. If he doesn't want it, i'll take it!
Re: Scent Dogs and Tug of War

I don't have any complains for anything. This episode was toooooo good, so I just had to dug some forensic flaws(posted in 'discrepancies' thread).
QT just proved that he is number one fan of CSI...faithful viewer he is. Can we keep him? pleaseeeeee? the writers need to take some more lessons from QT about the characters. Funny thing that the ones who have created them have forgotten their track. Oh keep Zuiker as well.

It was the first time I brought my Elmo to squeeze...(almost ripped its head about ten times).

When they tossed the coin...I went "OMG they're tossing for 'who gets to be in the coffin with limited air and play with fire ants' " *shudders* scaryyy.

Grissom did great by being so fatherly...the poncho scene at last drew adrenaline in my mouth. The freezing of the fire ant on the video and Grissom's brilliant entomology mind was awesome.

Warrick !! oh my Warrick!! He won my blood pumping organ today along with Nick.

For once I actually thought Sara's 'murder gene' comment was gonna be activated on that girl...I really thought she would attack her. But soooo helpless she was.

Catherine: redeemed. Back to kick-ass-season1-Cath. Missed you honey.
Ecklie: half redeemed(till the team gets together)
Greg: I need to visit him with a pair of scissors. Please dear, don't make your hair gravity friendly.

Nick? what about him? *shudders* No, I'm not in denial that he was tortured like that. No I don't think that was Nicky...

Now I might actually throw colonies of fire ants at tptbs if they don't give George his Emmy, period.
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoilers***

I agree that if the CSI team started screaming and bawling, it would look phony. Grissom is well, like Grissom. If he shed tears, it would not look real. I also agree why didn't the team use the body heat sensing machine to pinpoint where Nick's grave was? The writers wanted to draw-out the search I would imagine.The part where they find a small casket for the dog had me fooled into thinking they found Nick's casket. As there was an hour of show left; that seemed very unlikely. This was a nail-biter; great episode!
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoilers***

The ep was great!
I thought Nick was going to die, but it was a nice suprise he didn't. I was crying alot, but it was really tears of joy.. :rolleyes:
I loved Catherine in this ep as well, she was very good. everyone was great! even Ecklie! :lol:

So, Nick won't come back in season 6?
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoilers***

I agree about the more emotion thing, but I have a new found love for Warrick. Plus when Nick was saying on the tape that he hopes he didn't disappoint grissom, and grissom said "You never did, Nicky" I bawled like a baby. And when they pulled out the coroners slab and Nick was on it, I swear, I was going to beat the crap out of Tarantino. That was NOT funny to fluck with my emotions like that. I'm sorry, am I gushing? That episode deserved everyone of those four stars. Other thoughts: Ecklie is still a butthole, and he better put Grissom's team back together, but that would technically be demoting Catherine, and I think that would piss her off. Greg needs a haircut. Nick needs to avoid trouble, and Sara and Grissom need to get together before I implode from the waiting. Wow, this was my longet post ever. Cool. BTW... I love Warrick's reaction when they finally dug up Nick, and he was telling him to put the gun down, and grissom said get out of there, and then grissom got out of there. Totally heartbreaking. Kudos to Tarantino. Great job, feel free to come back, just don't kill anybody who was ever on Grissom's team. (except for Sofia- you can kill her off). heres a hint : coughcough::ecklie::coughcough. :devil:
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoilers***

Posted by Destiny:

-Greg you go guy, you are learning you are frustrated to and instead of using anger you kept your head about you, you dug your heals in and you learned a lot in a short time, already looking into the files nick had worked on, and him and grissom both noted the "Stalker" Case, least we know he is still in jail, LOL i am sorry but him and hodges and that board game, could he look anymore bewildered?
Thank you for coming to Greg's defense, I just don't understand why people keep saying he's been numb or unemotional. Example "Spark of life" Greg's eyes were tear filled almost the whole episode - and you call that numb?
Greg deals with things with humor because that's who he is and I think he was very emotional over Nick which was evident by the spat with Warrick. Come on give Greg a break after all he is new at this CSI stuff and I think he's dealing very well...those of you who say hes numb need to rewatch this entire season maybe you'll reach a different conclusion. btw-LOVE THE HAIR
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoilers***

Nick's father called Nick Poncho, and he was able to read Nick's lips calling his father Cisco.
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoilers***

Posted by Kaye:
Oh... wow. That was so good. I liked the new style quite a lot. The flashback and flash forward and the country music. That was completely creepy but fit the story perfectly. And we got a logical answer to why Nick would shoot at the foot of the box and we also saw that his hearing DID come into play. So... yay!

I personally thought they did a very good job... the hullicination was very... god, it was just weird. I think Al and David probably had too much fun doing that scene, hehe. Poor Nick.

What I did not like:

1) The commercials. Grrr. 'Nough said.

2) The ending. There was no Nick and parents interaction. We did not see him in the hospital. He just visited the jail house to talk to the daughter. True, having no hard feelings toward her is totally Nicky but I would have liked the show to end with Nick breaking down in the hallway or meeting Warrick who drove him there or something... not with the daughter who had no heart.

3) The loose ends and inconsistincies. There were quite a few, so I doubt I could name them all. However, like I already mentioned, there was nothing with Nick's parents. The box was apparently caving in on itself which is what makes Nick make that final goodbye in the first place, and yet nothing happened when four guys were standing on top of it? Yeah, right. Those were two just to name a few.

What I really did like:

1) The music choice. Country fits Nick perfectly and having him open the show with him singing some country song was very funny and in-character. I also thought him trying to console himself in the box and try to get somebody to hear him by singing loudly was a very creative idea as well.

2) The science. I was very afraid that the show was going to lose its whole scientific feel and it was all going to be all action all the time. However, we got a good dosage of science, but not too much to make us all be bored to death.

3) Characters. Ecklie was fantastic--he really came through in this episode and I knew he would. Grissom--I was kinda iffy about him in the beginning when he didn't seem at all upset that Nick was gone, but the ending scene with "Pancho, listen to me" and all that jazz was really cool. Warrick was wonderful in his little outburst; was it just me, or were there tears in his eyes? Catherine is on my good side once again. Hodges was really cool; that was a whole new side of him that we have never seen before. And, of course, Nick stole the show. Greg... well, to be honest, I don't really remember him much in the episode, did he have ANY big parts? And Sara... not a whole lot of her like I guess either.

All in all, I was very pleased with it. It kept me on the edge of my seat and had me shouting at the TV to save Nick. Very suspenceful and very well done. There were some parts that I didn't like, thought the show could do without, thought the show needed, but all in all, very nice work Tarantino.

Out of ten, I'll give this show a 9.6--very, very nice work.

I agree 100% with all your likes and dislikes....especially the stupid commercials. Every freakin' 5 minutes!!! Sheesh!!

I would like to add that I thought the last 10-20 minutes were amazing. George Eads did a fantastic job of being on the edge of completely losing it. I can't imagine how difficult it was to emote like that when you don't have any other characters to play off of.

The scenes where they had already scraped the dirt off and the only thing separating them was the plexiglass were awesome. The way Nicky wailed is desperation when he thought they were abandoning him because of the explosives made me want to cry. Heck, I did cry.

And then when Grissom climbed in and put his hand against the glass and called him Pancho....heart-wrenching!!

On the tail end, I could have done with more interaction with the parents and would have liked to see something at the hospital or in the ambulance instead of that stuff with Nick visiting the daughter in prison.

Here's hoping that next season they really let us see how this experience has changed Nick and how he struggles to overcome what happened.

If they just have him back to his old self like nothing happened, I will be totally pissed.

I'm also looking forward to some really amazing fanfic as a result of this ep....it will help me pass the time this summer waiting for Season 6. So get writing guys!!!!
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoilers***

:rolleyes: That's so silly. They can't help Nick if they get all weepy and emotional. They had to be professionals and do their jobs.

I thought it was plenty intense. And George Eads was AWESOME!


p.s. I'm with Warrick, btw. Before I saw this ep, I wouldn't have lasted 15 minutes; I'm SOOOO claustrophobic.
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoilers***

Random question I had - if they weren't digging up Nick when they dug up the dog - then why was he hearing things that would suggest that they were digging him up at that time?

And what caused the box/"coffin" to all of a sudden shatter?

Obviously they meant us to think (unlikely as it was, given the point in the ep that it happened) that Nick had been found.

We don't KNOW what happened, but the backhoe they used at the end of the episode was pretty nearby. Maybe someone ran over the area where Nick was buried and did it fast enough that they didn't just crush him.


p.s. What I want to know is how Nick missed seeing a webcam that was right over his face.