"Grave Danger" Discussion (Beware Spoilers)

Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoi

Destiny, it does make sense that they would do it that way. I wonder how far they were from the hospital as well, because I suppose that could make a difference too. It doesn't really matter though, just nitpicking. I didn't even mean to bring up the IV, I just remembered that other people had mentioned it before.

I agree, myfuturecsi, all of the guest actors did a wonderful job. I’ll just add my own thoughts to what you said.

Aimee Graham - I thought she was especially good in the prison scene at the end. After Nick basically told her that he wasn't angry with her or her father, you could see her defenses crumble for a moment, the hurt was so apparent on her face, and she looked like she was stuggling to hold back the tears. I can’t even imagine what those words must have meant to her, and how painful it must have been for her to hear. But then you see her pull up her defenses and the protective shell took over again. I also thought she did a great job, as you said, portraying her anger in the interrogation scene.

Now I’m going to go off on a bit of a tangent. I want to mention, as well, how wonderful I thought Jorja Fox was in the interrogation scene. Lots of people seemed to feel that the characters didn’t show enough emotion in this episode, but I completely disagree. I felt like the amount of emotion that was shown was entirely appropriate for the situation. They had to keep it together in order to find their friend in time and didn’t really have an opportunity to think about how they were feeling. I also felt like they showed emotion in small, very subtle, moments throughout the episode. One moment was in the interrogation scene when Sara accidentally said “Nick is still missing” and then corrected herself and said “The CSI is still missing.” And the way she said “Do you know where he is?” was really kind of heartbreaking. There were many other little moments like this, some of which I think you really had to watch for. Okay, end of tangent.

John Saxon - I don’t know what to say about John Saxon. He was wonderful, the perfect actor for the role of Walter Gordon.

Lois Chiles – She was very good as well, you could absolutely feel her pain. The whole time Grissom and Catherine were talking to her you could see that she was barely holding it together, and then when she finally lost it, it was very affecting.

Andrew Prine - My favorite moment in the scene when Grissom and Catherine met Nick’s parents was when Judge Stokes said, “There’s gotta be something we can do?” Until then he had been very poised and direct and it was like he suddenly realized just how helpless they were to do anything for their son. You could see the fear and desperation so plainly on his face, and then the way he looked at Grissom, anxiously searching for some sign of hope and not finding it. Just fantastic.
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoi

re; Jorja FOX

Total agreement, she was AMAZING.

Given the fact that this incident happened shortly after Ecklie had tore a strip off her about her aggressive way with suspects. I thought it was amazing how Sara was holding it together barely, when you knew all she wanted to do was grab Kelly Gordon and shake her to get any info out of her.

I love Jorja Fox, have been a fan of hers since ER whe she tore a strip of Carol Hathaway. Since then I've tried to follow her career.
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoi

At the end when they are putting Nick in the ambulance he's been covered up with a forensics jacket. I figured one of the CSIs must have taken off their jacket to cover Nick up, which I thought was really sweet. So, when I watched the episode again, I looked to see if anybody was missing their jacket, figuring it was probably Warrick's, but no one was without a jacket. I also noticed that it was a different type (warmer) jacket, but that’s beside the point. I think that would have been a really nice touch, and something that you might not have picked up on right away. Oh well, I guess they just had an extra jacket laying around. :rolleyes:

You know, I noticed that too and I went back to check it out. I kinda figured it was Grissom's jacket that he had in his vehicle,,,because he's the only one not wearing one. I just thought that it was the kind of thing a 'father' would do,,cover up his son to keep him warm.
Then again, just checked, again, Catherine isn't wearing one either, so maybe it's hers?

As for the medical procedures, Destiny's right, there are a lot of factors for putting the patient in the ambulance before commencing any form of treatment...they do the abc's and if the patient is not in any imminent danger they move them into the vehicle....I know 'cos my dad was a paramedic. ;)

I just love the way Nick reaches out for human contact in the ambulance. :) There's no way I'd have let go his hand! ;)
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoi

[/QUOTE]As for the medical procedures, Destiny's right, there are a lot of factors for putting the patient in the ambulance before commencing any form of treatment...they do the abc's and if the patient is not in any imminent danger they move them into the vehicle....I know 'cos my dad was a paramedic. ;)

I just love the way Nick reaches out for human contact in the ambulance. :) There's no way I'd have let go his hand! ;)

[/QUOTE]Does that include oxygen? I would have thought that would've been the first thing they put on him. But then I'm no expert. I did love him reaching out in the ambulance. I wish I could have seen more.

Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoi

Now I know our little Nicky had been somewhat starved of oxygen, at least for the last few minutes of his ordeal...and oxygen usually is a priority,,,,I guess they figured that his breathing wasn't labored and, although his sats levels would have dropped, he was okay to leave the mask off until they got him in the back of the ambulance...where they would have started the oxygen as well as placing him on a heart monitor.
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoi

Sometimes they use the type of oxygen tubes, it could be when they showed him it had came out like those suckers frequently do. :D

Where "Kayla" gets first hand experience through family lol so do i only they are or were patients. ;)
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoi

Now I know our little Nicky had been somewhat starved of oxygen, at least for the last few minutes of his ordeal...and oxygen usually is a priority,,,,I guess they figured that his breathing wasn't labored and, although his sats levels would have dropped, he was okay to leave the mask off until they got him in the back of the ambulance...where they would have started the oxygen as well as placing him on a heart monitor.


Now back to the IV, I noticed his hands were still shaking a bit in the ambulance, would that have made it difficult for the paramedics to put an i.v. I know how tough it for health care workers to get one sometimes if there is concern of injuring the patient.
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoi

That is true reguarding shaking, i have had people in hospital try to put an iv in me and one time they were a bit off and i was steady calm, and with that miss lets just say i had to soak my jeans to get the blood out. :lol:
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoi

Yeah getting the canular in right can be hard at the best of times! My mom will testify to that...one nurse tried five times, there was blood everywhere, and my mom had been pretty calm before that. Needless to say she was shaking by the fifth attempt!! I swear if she had taken a drink she would have been like a sprinkler! :lol:

Where "Kayla" gets first hand experience through family lol so do i only they are or were patients. ;)

Yeah we kinda cover all bets, so to speak, on the medical side, don't we Destiny? :lol:

It was cool having a paramedic in the family, I sometimes got to help save lives...he was always on duty!!! We'd stop at accidents and help out.

Anyway, back on topic...where was the medic that was supposed to be in the back with him? Was he at Nick's head out of camera shot? They usually have a seat up there, don't they?
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoi

The paramedic got in first and you couldn't see him because he was behind where the camera was. (I'm pretty sure...)
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoi

As far as Nick saying "Daddy" in the rescue scene, I am almost completely positive that's what he says right after Grissom tells him to put his hand on his hand. It's not audible, but you can see him mouth it. It makes sense, because in his mental state, at least when Grissom first called him Pancho, I think that he believed his father was actually there. If that isn't what he said, he did say something, some people thought it was "Okay."

I'm one of the people who originally thought he said "Okay." I've watched the scene repeatedly and still lean towards "Okay" rather than "Daddy", but I can totally see him saying "Daddy". He was in a fragile mental state and the use of a childhood nickname might make him think his father was present. It could be either one. I'm hoping that they clear that up on the Episode Commentary that will be on the DVDs. At least, there better be a commentary.
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoi

Yeah from GE himself,,,,or else we may just dust off that plexiglas box for TPTB!!! Grrrr! :lol:
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoi

Hi! I'm brand-new here and rather late to the party but this is the episode that turned me from a casual viewer to a real fan of the show. Just wanted to share some thoughts with folks who seem to be as affected by it as I was. Just wanted to add my two cents on the topic of Nick's relationship with his dad. IMHP, I think the writers were doing their darndest to show that Nick and his dad have a close and probably very warm relationship and I'd be very surprised if it played out any other way. First, of course, there are the nicknames which both of them still use. Not just any nicknames but those of inseparable buddies. But you can hear more concrete proof in the way that Papa Stokes refers to Nick. It's a theme that goes all through the episode - the "possessive" as a term of, well, I guess endearment is the best word. Papa Stokes never refers to Nick by his name. He always refers to him as "my boy" or "my son". It's so much a part of him that Nick even hears it in his hallucination (when Papa Stokes asks Dr. Al "how'd my boy die?"). I've always felt that when someone used the possessive in that way they're referring to someone precious to them. (I'm lucky enough to say that's how it is in my family). Later you hear the same thing with Grissom. After several go-arounds with Walter, Grissom finally gets fed up and snarls "where's my guy?" It's such a clear indicator of affection that Walter calls Gil on it immediately. And then there's that heartbreaking "I want my guys back" from Gil at the end.

Well, pretty long first post. Thanks for listening!
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoi

Welcome to the board Chorusgirl.

I never thought about that before, that Nick's Dad never actually calls him Nick. I definitely agree with your assessment about that and when Grissom later says "Where's my guy?" and how that tipped Walter off. Good stuff.

It's amazing that after all this time and many, many viewings of this episode people can still find new things that I never noticed before.
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoi

Well Walter did say, 'Oh he's your guy is he'

I loved it when he asked Grissom, 'are you two close?' and the silence that followed before Grissom answered, 'That's none of your business' that pause give us Nick fans a chance to say. NO. Grissom treated Nick like crap on many occassions.

I loved that scene with Grissom and Gordon, because as much as you hated Gordon for what he did to Nick and to Grissom with the explosives - poor Grissom - you couldn't help but feel his pain at that moment.

There was one scene where I felt so bad for Nick when the webcam light came on and they were all standing there watching Nick and he literally came unglued screaming and kicking and scratching. I almost wanted to jump into the tv and grab him and pull him out.