"Grave Danger" Discussion (Beware Spoilers)

Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoi

^^ You're right, although I felt that he would have said something more to his family, at least mention his siblings, before addressing his colleagues. So I thought of the possibility that maybe what we got to hear were the most important parts of the message, he could have said something else during the times when the scene cut to Grissom in the lab.

Anyway, this is all pretty irrelevant. I was bored, and found it a little strange that Nick didn't mention the other members of his family, so entertained myself with some pointless nit-picking.
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoi

You know I was watching the scene where the crew first watch Nick on the webcam and I really felt moved by GE's gutwrenching performance in that scene.

And that guy didn't deserve at least an Emmy nod..those Emmy people have their heads filled with rocks.
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoi

By the way, I still bawl my eyes out.

Didn't the first time because nickslittlestfan cried enough for both us, someone had to say, 'there,there he's okay'
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoi

You know, I didn't cry at all when watching the episode, and I really thought I would have. I think I may have gotten it out of my system after watching Nick's goodbye message on the internet about a hundred times before the episode aired. That made me bawl.
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoi

Well I cried the first time I watched it...certain bits got me:
..the look on Warrick and Sara's faces when they saw him in the box the first time
..Nick's mom's reaction when she saw him
..Nick's goodbyes
..the whole Poncho scene with Grissom
..when Grissom said "I want my guys back" (still gets me even now!)
..Nick's little sob when he visits Kelly Gordon..

Boy that's nearly the whole ep!! Seriously tho' I did really cry...I had some serious empathy going on that night...I have since managed to control the wibbles...except for Grissom and his "I want my guys back"!!
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoi

The next question I will pose..as part of my 'Grave Danger Traumatic Recovery Therapy'...I do recall after watching the show putting a Monty Python dvd on for humour.

- red ants
- the song by the turtles--you don't stand an outside chance
- the song Nick sang at the beginning
- dog entrails
- bubble gum
- the names Poncho and Cisco
- the frightening aspect of being buried alive
- Quentin Taratino--I think he's more nuts then ever.

And finally ladies and gentlemen, I was listening to a radio show on horror movies and people were selecting movies from 'Psycho' to 'What You Did Last Summer' and someone, not me, called in and mentioned Grave Danger as one of tv's scariest moments for them. What it was for me is that it's that being buried alive is almost everyone's worst nightmare. It's one of mine.

So Eads, you've got a place in tv history, be proud of that. In ten years most people won't remember DH, but bring your name up and they will say, 'yeah that's the guy who played Nick on CSI who was buried alive and eaten by ants. That to me is even better then some statue that you'll be using as a paper weight in the celebrity retirment home when you're 100 years old.
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoi

It's really scary going to bed one night, not knowing what your dreams hold for you. then you wake up in a cold sweat, bawling your eyes out because you lived out Grave Danger in the coffin yourself. Luckily no one woke up from account of me sobbing into my pillow. Confinded spaces and bugs are my biggest phobias and it's just so scary and I hope never to have that dream again. It's like I was seeing the whole thing through Nick.
Whoa, I still remember so much...
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoi

This thread was about to drop onto page two, and since I refuse to let it die, I thought I would mention something I noticed a long time ago but forgot about.

At the end when they are putting Nick in the ambulance he's been covered up with a forensics jacket. I figured one of the CSIs must have taken off their jacket to cover Nick up, which I thought was really sweet. So, when I watched the episode again, I looked to see if anybody was missing their jacket, figuring it was probably Warrick's, but no one was without a jacket. I also noticed that it was a different type (warmer) jacket, but that’s beside the point. I think that would have been a really nice touch, and something that you might not have picked up on right away. Oh well, I guess they just had an extra jacket laying around. :rolleyes:

Of course, this brings up some other points, that have been mentioned before, like why didn’t they have blankets in the ambulance, and why didn’t they start an IV on Nick, especially since he must have been dehydrated? The only reasoning I can think of is that they were in a hurry to get him warmed up in the ambulance because he was probably, and looked to be, in shock. But still, how long does it take to start an IV? The mind, she boggles.
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoi

It could have been nicks own jacket, maybe someone grabbed it when they left the lab and figured it would be familiar to him and put it over him.

Most the time, the first thing they do is get the person on the gerney, and into the ambulance, then from there they remove the jacket and put covers on them, start the ivs, and this way if they have to give them anything else by iv they are already at hand, also they may have hooked him up to an EKG machine to keep monitor of his heart, which requires electrodes attached to the upper chest.

As to how long it takes to put in an iv? depends on the person, some have smaller veins then others some larger, some veins that play hide and seek, while others might just stick right up there saying hiya.
Also keep in mind the situation they were assessing him wasn't the easiest and if the ambulance was close by it would seem better that they get him loaded and in there then start the iv, as the ambulance had been on scene since they arrived.

Just my thoughts.
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoi

It could have been nicks own jacket, maybe someone grabbed it when they left the lab and figured it would be familiar to him and put it over him.

Most the time, the first thing they do is get the person on the gerney, and into the ambulance, then from there they remove the jacket and put covers on them, start the ivs, and this way if they have to give them anything else by iv they are already at hand, also they may have hooked him up to an EKG machine to keep monitor of his heart, which requires electrodes attached to the upper chest.

As to how long it takes to put in an iv? depends on the person, some have smaller veins then others some larger, some veins that play hide and seek, while others might just stick right up there saying hiya.
Also keep in mind the situation they were assessing him wasn't the easiest and if the ambulance was close by it would seem better that they get him loaded and in there then start the iv, as the ambulance had been on scene since they arrived.

Just my thoughts.

I didn't really care where they got the jacket from, I just thought it would have been a nice touch if Warrick was suddenly without a jacket, because he had taken it off to cover Nick. Not a big deal, just something they could have done, otherwise they might as well have just covered him with a blanket rather than a forensics jacket.

About the IV, I was under the impression that that was the first thing they did. In "Play With Fire" Greg had an IV started when they were wheeling him down the hall. But, like I said, they probably thought it was more important to get him warmed up. When I had to have an IV it took about two seconds for them to put it in. Granted, the situation was different, more controlled, but still.
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoi

One thing I noticed about that scene in the ambulance is that is hands were still shaking.

And I know this was mentioned earlier, but when Grissom said to him, 'put your hand on my hand' I read Nick's lips and it did seem like he said 'daddy' so my apoligies to anyone I disagreed with. They were right.

Or he might have said okay.

Boy talk about inner trauma.
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoi

Usually the first thing that goes on a person is oxygen, the only time an iv is started outside an ambulance is if they are to unstable to be moved, or they actually have the time to deal with all that, but i have experienced alot of times when it was oxygen first, iv in the ambulance if it can be held off that long, and how far they are from the ambulance.

At that point the Script just says he nods...
GRISSOM: Put your hand on my hand.
(Nick concentrates and puts his left hand flat on the box cover directly under Grissom's.)

Don't know if that helps.
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoi

Usually the first thing that goes on a person is oxygen, the only time an iv is started outside an ambulance is if they are to unstable to be moved, or they actually have the time to deal with all that, but i have experienced alot of times when it was oxygen first, iv in the ambulance if it can be held off that long, and how far they are from the ambulance.

Okay, thanks for the info. Most of my medical knowledge comes from ER, :rolleyes: so I'm sure it's not incredibly accurate. :)

At that point the Script just says he nods...
GRISSOM: Put your hand on my hand.
(Nick concentrates and puts his left hand flat on the box cover directly under Grissom's.)

Don't know if that helps.

As far as Nick saying "Daddy" in the rescue scene, I am almost completely positive that's what he says right after Grissom tells him to put his hand on his hand. It's not audible, but you can see him mouth it. It makes sense, because in his mental state, at least when Grissom first called him Pancho, I think that he believed his father was actually there. If that isn't what he said, he did say something, some people thought it was "Okay."

As far as it being in the transcript, there are a couple of other times when Nick says something in this episode and it isn't in the transcript. When he first wakes up in the coffin and he finds the tape recorder he says "What?" and after the team first turns on the light and he's calmed down and looking down at the light, he says "Okay." There's also some debate as to what he said when they opened the coffin lid. I'm sure that he says "Warrick" when he takes Warrick's hand, but the rest is hard to make out through his sobs. I'm pretty sure I caught an "Out" and a "Please."
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoi

Thanks Ford-Perfect

Lip-reading is not one my better skills.

I just wanted to take a moment to compliment the additional actors that were on the show, I might not have their names rights

Aimee Graham-sister of Heather Graham , who played Kelly Gordon was wonderful and very convincing, you could feel the anger coming off her.

John Saxon-Walter Gordon-you felt both fear and pity for this father whose daughter was jailed for bad evidence-as far as he was concerned

Andrew Pine - Judge Stokes - great job, was able to demonstrate fear through frusteration and anger. Loved the way he took on Catherine and Gil, 'well what the hell do you know'. Then later, his comedic side showed through the hallucination.

Lois Chiles-Jillian Stokes, Nick's mother- you could feel the pain she was feeling. As a mother, I could really put myself in her pain and justice imagine how terrified I'd feel if it were my child in that place. Loved how she said to Catherine, 'i'm not here to show my support, i just want Nick home.'
The above two really seemed to put Grissom and Catherine in their place and reminded them who the REAL parents of Nick Stokes were.
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoi

Reguarding the medical knowledge like i said its personal experience, i have dealt (as some of you know about me) with the ambulances alot when it comes to my family.
(Heartattacks, heatstrokes, aneurysms, broken hips, seziures, ect).
Also a trip of my own when they thought i was having a heartattack (i wasn't come to find out) but they put oxygen on me first and then in the ambulance got me positioned and locked in and started the iv.
I rode in the ambulance once with my mom, when she didn't give them a choice lol, they did the samething for her.

Which surprised me at first as well, i never noticed much before, choas followed by running to gather things, then hop in car and take off, i have sense paid attention more.
Anyway one day i asked the driver who was also an emt, and he said that there are several reasons they wait till they are in the ambulance.
one is the condition of the patient if they are stable enough, those around the patient (somethings so excited by events it cause more problems), conditions of the area they want it as clean as possible.

Alot of times they will start the needle in but the iv won't be hooked into it until they are in the ambulance, but even then because of people freaking out and such they want an enviroment where its calmer.

As to the episode i will have to watch my tape again to see it again, to see i can't give an agreement or not on it.