"Grave Danger" Discussion (Beware Spoilers)

Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoilers***

So when would they sleep, alot of places like that have what are called racks, its a room where they have bunk beds that they can go in and quietly get some sleep, if they have to, alot go home for a couple hours.

Whoo Hoo! Pyjama party with Nicky and the guys!! :lol: ;)
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoi

So when would they sleep, alot of places like that have what are called racks, its a room where they have bunk beds that they can go in and quietly get some sleep, if they have to, alot go home for a couple hours.

Whoo Hoo! Pyjama party with Nicky and the guys!! :lol: ;)

If only they would show that in an episode. The ratings will be huge! :lol:
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoi

:lol: Anyone who watches say Law & Order SVU, you might have seen where they went to a room to catch some sleep, that would be considered the "rack". ;)
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoi

You know, I thought I heard Warrick saying that they started at 3 pm during one of the earlier season eps?
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoi

Well if they have to fill out paper work from the night before or have court where they have to start getting prepared they could start earlier or run later then their shift start or end time to.
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoilers***

Swing works from 4-midnight, graveyard works from Midnight-8 am, but there are times when in the middle of a case they may have to stay over to continue to work on it, or if they are short staffed so they borrow a member, also there is the fact that only somethings can be done either in the morning, afternoon or night.

So when would they sleep, alot of places like that have what are called racks, its a room where they have bunk beds that they can go in and quietly get some sleep, if they have to, alot go home for a couple hours.

In the case of Grissom and them it could be that their case had a priority thing going on in which case they had to be there earlier to work on what they needed.

Hope that made sense.
It still confuses me because on that night it looked like Nick and Warrick were just starting work. I could be wrong though.

Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoilers***

Well it could be in some ways, Warrick might have been changing to go finish up paper work (See above your post) and nick was coming on shift and preparing.
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoilers***

Well it could be in some ways, Warrick might have been changing to go finish up paper work (See above your post) and nick was coming on shift and preparing.
Ok That makes sense. Thanks. :D

Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoi

Happy Birthday kasey! :D Sorry - random off-topic comment there but had to say it :D
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoi

Happy Birthday kasey! :D Sorry - random off-topic comment there but had to say it :D
:D :)Thank you so much. That is so nice of you. I guess 41 isn't too old. :lol:

Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoi

I'm looking to re-download all of these promos since I lost all of them off my old computer. Anyone have any links that still work?
The ones in this thread are as dead as a CSI corpse.
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoi

Yeah, I guess Destiny...

It's just that around here, the night shift starts at 11pm, so a 3pm start for the swing would make more sense.

Whatever. Doesn't matter that much, I guess! ;)
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoi

I don't know if it's really worth the headache of trying to figure out the shifts. I don't think the writers give it that much thought. ;)
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoi

I don't know if it's really worth the headache of trying to figure out the shifts. I don't think the writers give it that much thought. ;)

Oh I so totally agree and does it bug the heck out of me. They have a great dramatic episode where they split the team and then ....... nothing. Half the time Grissom shows up on a job Catherine is working. They are always overlapping their shifts even though we rarely saw anyone from days let alone swing shift (who knew it actually existed?) before the split. The only thing the split has done is prevented the littlies from working together. Why, why, why did they do this to us? They could have used this split to show the two different styles of Grissom and Catherine, the conflict over the use of resourses. But oh no .... Deep breath, deep breath.

Getting back on topic :) I guesss I'll just have to put the fact that the two teams were working at the same time in the writer's don't love the show as much as us and so don't notice the little details that we do box.
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoi

I'm looking to re-download all of these promos since I lost all of them off my old computer. Anyone have any links that still work?
The ones in this thread are as dead as a CSI corpse.
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