"Grave Danger" Discussion (Beware Spoilers)

Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoi

Yeah Nick did say 'Oh shi...' because I think he realised just how close he came to pulling the trigger.. It was like 'another second and I would have blown my head off! Oh shi....'

When he was saying his goodbyes, does anybody know verbatim what he said to Grissom...I could only make out "I hope I never did anything to disappoint you" which fits in with Grissom's response 'No, Nick you never did'
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoi

Yeah I watched it again and it looked like he used the word 'meant' but the phrase seemed longer.

Anyways, did anybody else notice his feet? Just after he shot out the light the camera pans down his legs ... his feet are splayed out like a ballet dancers. Now I'm no expert, here, but don't they look a little fake. I mean, to get your feet in that position takes muscle control and given that Nick was celebrating his success and relief in shooting out the light, his muscles would have relaxed somewhat and his feet would have been in more of a natural diagonal position, pointing upwards to the outer corners of the box, would they not?

I don't think they are GE's legs!!!!

Nit-picking? Hell, no,,,just ultra observant!
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoi

Me again! Just watched it again'cos it was bugging me not being able to remember what Nick said when they opened the box. In his scared kid voice he pleads "Can I get out?"

Oh the pain as my heart wrenches!!
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoi

watched it again too and i agree, difficult to make it out though, he's a tad hysterical and freaking out for some reason.

can i just reiterate how grissom was anything but unemotional, he accepted nicky's relating to him in a father role as a badge of honour, does everything perfect. i've always felt myself identifying between those two characters so i judge them more harshly, especially gris (the more frustrating part) and for once i can't even imagine criticising grissom.
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoi

Yeah Gris was great in that ep. :)

I can't get over his last line: "I want my guys back"

It wasn't so much that he was asking for his team to be reunited it was more in the way that he said it...he seemed kinda buttwhipped! I got the feeling he was thinking that this might not have happened had they all been working together and not been split up...maybe there was an insinuation in there that he feel Catherine isn't as good at being a supervisor?...one of her guys got into trouble.

That said, plenty has happened to Nick under Grissom's supervision....
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoi

Wow that was the best CSI Episode I've ever seen. Then again, I've just bought Series 1-4 on DVD from Ebay so I might be re-evaluating myself on that.

I loved the song on the tape as well, that added to the episode and the tension.

Brilliant acting by everyone involved, and I can only hope that QT writes more episodes, because this was phenomenal. Also, a nice scene to see Grissom going back to the insects to help find Nick. But, I don't think the daughter was needed in the episode though, and the end scene was a bit of a let down, the whole CSI team being re-united may have been more appropiate, but overall a brilliant episode, and I think I'll watch it again today for the thrid straight day on the trot.
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoi

The autopsy/hallucination scene most likely had more appeal to those who appreciate dark comedy. Everyone's tastes are different, and I know that that kind of humor isn't everyone's cup of tea.

That being said, I really, not enjoyed per se, but I found the autopsy scene to be a much needed stress reliever. To me it was very cathartic, allowing me to release my emotions of anxiety and fear. And of course, as soon as it was over, those emotions came back tenfold. What I'm getting at is, as a member of the audience, I'm glad they had the hallucination sequence. I fear without it, it may just have been too much for me to handle.

I also liked it as a plot device. I feel it really gave us some insight into how Nick thinks he is perceived by others. And it makes perfect sense that Nick would be hallucinating at that point.

So I say yay for the autopsy hallucination.

I thought it was a great scene, especially as just for a split second when it first started, I thought Nick had actually died and it was for real.

Plus it was really Tarantino-esque
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoi

Yeah I was screaming at the screen "Don't you dare end on her!!" which, of course, they did! LOL :lol:

I would have liked them to have included a scene with Nick and his parents being reunited at the hospital. I keep picturing him in his hospital bed, a little tearful but keeping it together...until Mom walks in and he just breaks up.... :(
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoi

That being said, I really, not enjoyed per se, but I found the autopsy scene to be a much needed stress reliever. To me it was very cathartic, allowing me to release my emotions of anxiety and fear. And of course, as soon as it was over, those emotions came back tenfold. What I'm getting at is, as a member of the audience, I'm glad they had the hallucination sequence. I fear without it, it may just have been too much for me to handle.
I totally agree Act. Everybody in our house was glued to the finale and everybody was so tense that we were finally able to exhale for a minute. Plus, when have David and Doc Robbins ever gotten to do anything that silly? (Or anyone else for that matter...) It was a nice departure from a show that is pretty structured in its format.
I also liked it as a plot device. I feel it really gave us some insight into how Nick thinks he is perceived by others. And it makes perfect sense that Nick would be hallucinating at that point.
I know I would be. *shudder* You know, on this show, they're sometimes really cavalier about death (understandably - if you were serious about it all the time, you'd lose it) that this exaggeration of this fact worked well.
So I say yay for the autopsy hallucination.
I thought it was a great scene, especially as just for a split second when it first started, I thought Nick had actually died and it was for real.
I say yay too. In fact, I'm going to go watch it again. :)
Yeah, before they started acting, well, not like themselves, I thought Nick had died. My roommate and I had a bet going on whether or not Nick would die (I said he would) and she was getting ready to hand over her five bucks when we said "hold on a minute..." :lol:
Plus it was really Tarantino-esque
And I got that. But my mom, who's a huge CSI fan, really didn't like it, as she's not really familiar with Tarantino's, er, interesting sense of humour.
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoi

Wow that was the best CSI Episode I've ever seen. Then again, I've just bought Series 1-4 on DVD from Ebay so I might be re-evaluating myself on that.

I don't think there will be much re-evaluation going on. Having seen all the previous seasons with the exception of a few season 5 episodes, GD is by far the most dramatic and cinematic of all the epsiodes. Sure there are some other amazing ones, but nothing comes close. Who can argue with 2 hours of CSI goodness? :D

You bet against Nick?
And you call yourself a fan...jeeez!!!

C'mon, you know we're all suckers for some seriously dark Nick angst. ;)
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoi

Yeah but to bet that he wouldn't live? That would mean no more angst, period!
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoi

I know by now it probably seems a bit boring but the Tarantino episode was something of sheer brilliance. Personally, I loved the autopsy scene - it's amazing Tarantino managed to incorporate humour into his somewhat macabre episode.

The CSI Guy[/b]
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoi

I was told to post this here.

This is for a Anglican newsletter I'm running, and being the editor, I have lots of freewill-lol.

This is merely from a Christiain perspective folks. It is definately not an attack on QT'S brilliant production of Grave Danger. I have nothing but highest admiration for the man.

And it is also my way of relaying the message about the power of prayer, which I often wish CSI had some of, but being a science show..I doubt for that.

Just my opinion, no arrow pleae.


Anyone who knows me, and knows me well, knows a few things about me. That the loves of my life include God, my daughter,my pets, my friends, U2, politics, writing and last but never the least, CSI-Crime Scene Investigation. Featured Thursday nights at 9 pm on CTV, it depicts an eccentric group of forensic scientists who use the laws of science and reason to solve crimes in the fantasy world of Las Vegas.

The season finale for this year, however, moved away from the usual banter of DNA and finger print. Under the direction of gore film director, Quentin Taratino, featured a two-hour show where fear took a hold of the group and made it the driving force behind one of the most frightening TV tales I have ever seen. The last time a program put me on such a roller-coaster ride was the nail-biting Jays game in 1993. This time, however, I embarked on the dark side of human nature through this finale.

Titled Grave Danger Volumes' 1 and 2, character Nick Stokes, played by George Eads, is dispatched to a fake crime scene. Nick is grabbed from behind and knocked out by ether. He later finds himself buried alive in a plexi-glass coffin with additional air supply, cut off unintentionally by his co-workers who receive a link to a web cam in his coffin. There was a light in the coffin that was also being run by the same battery operating the additional supply.

Actor George Ead's performance was both realistic and heart-wrenching as he took us through the stages of coping with such a horrible situation. First is character, Nick, pushes the coffin's lid in a futile effort to escape, then screams in frustration when he realizes the futility. Second stage finds him passing the time singing, the third recording a goodbye tape, the final stage where is rescued he decided to end his suffering by pointing a gun to his chin. However, his friends rescue him from such a fate when they uncover him and pull him out sobbing and traumatized.

Being a Quentin Taratino show, we are treated to a mixture of science and horror and emotion. And while this made for wonderful drama, it was also a spiritually draining show for someone with a strong faith in God because as realistically frightened as the character was shown, thanks in good part to the fine acting depicted by George Eads, the brutality of the torture was so that I myself wondered what I would do in such a predicament. For certain, I'd be the same way, however, I'd add something more to help me cope. I would endlessly pray for my survival and for strength from God to get me through this horrid time.

Nick is the Job of the show. He is a soft-spoken, empathetically character with heart of gold, but with the of luck of Job as his character is put through many trials over the seasons from dealing with murder, his own life in jeopardy many times over to just constant re-affirmation of human cruelty to one another. But throughout it all Nick's heart is full of empathy and for his friends and for victims of crime.

Job was also a man with a heart of gold and loving nature. His faith was so strong, that God chose him to be the devil's personal punching bag. Like Nick, towards the end of his torture, Job was becoming mad with fear and anger over the traumas inflicted on him and at one point questioned God, but his faith remained strong throughout the Devil's torture. God never left job, no matter how bad things got. Eventually, Job’s life turned around as the devil realized Job was not going to turn on God even though trauma and pain had captured his existence.

CSI is a science show that for all its wonderful drama lacks spirituality about it. And in fact, seems to show a cynicism towards spirituality. In showing the depravity of our society, however, I find every week I gain a new appreciation for God, as it seems the show’s characters are all a miserable bunch no matter how successful their careers are, or how good-looking they are because they are knee deep in society’s depravity through the crimes they solve.

God is with us, no matter how buried deep we are in our own troubles and sorrows. At times he seems as if he is far away from us. Had Nick been a real person, God would stay with him, even if he had never asked for it. However, I think having the character pray to God to see him through this ordeal instead of holding a gun to his head to escape his misery would have a been much more positive message for viewers out there, some whom like myself felt traumatized by watching a beloved character tortured. However, a show based on pure science figures it also makes for great drama to have a character attempt suicide. I fell hard for it as my tissue box was empty by this time watching Nick go from a macho science man to an emotional and traumatized wreck within 12 hours of captivity.

Life is about pain and suffering, unfortunately, that is why it is important for us to put God first in our lives, as opposed to the cold reality of science, because while science is an important and much needed tool, is not a comfort zone, but simply a reminder of life's trial and tribulations. God on the other hand is about hope, hope when there is none, hope when we are buried in life's Plexiglas'coffins and being bitten alive by its sorrows. We've all been in Nick's frame of mind at one point of our existence, seeking a way out of our miserable existence using tragic means, and this where we need to turn to the Lord even more for his guidance and love to give us that inner peace we need to see us through until we can be pulled from the hole and continue to journey forward.
