"Grave Danger" Discussion (Beware Spoilers)

Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoi

Well I finally saw it. A friend had a copy and I was able to see. I think this friend is about to be my best buddy since I'll be teaching on Thursday nights (when it's shown here in Toronto) and even with time shifting I won't be able to see it (unless I can convince the scheduling god to not put an early morning class for me to teach). Sigh.

That whine cheesed out, what an episode! WOW. Just speechless. I am looking forward to the team being re-united and getting back to the basics of what it was about -- the interaction of the team and how they deal with the day-to-day of forensics.
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoi

Please tell me they're gonna re-run this...it's the ONLY CSI:LV ep I haven't seen and my VCR was non-cooperative that night (I wasn't home)...anyone think they'll run it again before Season 6 starts?

They generally re-run the season finale of any show the week before the new season premiere.
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoi

I have to say I have never cried so much! Nick's return to childhood behaviour really evoked something in me! It was horrific to see him go through so many emotions. I can empathise with being shut up in a coffin (something that happened way back at Uni - but that's another story) but it was having the gun that got me. What a person must go through to put a gun to their own head in a situation like that is unimaginable. Nick is going to be damaged beyond repair. Possible claustraphobia, jumpy at loud noises, for sure his nerves will be shot and he'll be even more emotional than usual. Hell, even looking at his locker may put the fear of God into him!

You think he'll go home to Texas for some respite? Or do you think the guys can get him through this?

Absolutely the best ep yet, in my opinion. Season 5 hasn't been the best since the team split. I just know Eckerlie can't deny Grissom's request for a reunion.

Can't wait.

PS. George Eads' performance was amazing.
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoi

I can empathise with being shut up in a coffin (something that happened way back at Uni - but that's another story) but it was having the gun that got me. What a person must go through to put a gun to their own head in a situation like that is unimaginable.
I agree. Sure there's the claustraphobia, the suffocation, the ants, the nightmares, but I think the memory of him turning the gun on himself will be the most scarring issue he has to deal with.

I wondered too how he would react in the locker room. Heck, even Warrick couldn't handle looking into his locker after watching Nick on the webcam.

I really, really hope he doesn't go back to Texas, purely for selfish reasons. :D
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoi

Now I think about it, Nick's emotional, but a fighter and he's a stubborn son of a ..... He'll stay in Vegas and get back on the job as soon as. He may cry every five minutes but then that's okay with me!! This experience will work out to be helpful to him in the long run...make him an even more sensitive and caring person...if that's even possible!
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoi

right... i'm doing a medical trial and the drugs are wearing me down, so maybe that's why but i was disappointed in grave danger. granted, i had seen some of the scenes by cheating and checking them out on the net, but i was not transfixed, i did not even crave a smoke afterwards.

the acting was top notch though, apparently the dudes at the emmies are blind and deaf (that scream........) to have not nominated george eads. kudo's too to william peterson, i had gathered from the postings his interaction with nicky wasn.t so cool, but i thought he showed more emotion than i've seen from gris in ages.

i'll be watching it again soon, maybe it'll be better on a proper screen with less side-effects from the drugs? here's hoping.
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoi

Yeah I noticed how Gris was more emotional than normal, even for him, but he kept calm, I mean someone had too.

Which reminds me how an earth did WP and GE miss out on Emmy nominations... I'm very cranky about that as they both deserve them :(
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoi

Hey there Hales *waves* haven't seen you around for a long time :D where've you been hiding? :) anyway, glad to see you back ;)
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoi

Hey wibble, sorry I've neglected to come in and say hi in the last couple of months, just there's been no knew episodes of CSI S5 so there didn't seem any point in moaning about it to you guys :) but I'm starting to miss this site so I came back.
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoi

Hi Hales! You're back! Where's your beautiful Nick avatar? I missed it. ;)
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoi

RE; Grave Danger-THE FIRST SCREAM-waking up in the coffin

I don't know about anyone else, but didn't that scream of Nick's just ring in your head..NOT to be too over dramatic because I KNOW it was fabulous acting on GE'S part--stupid emmy committee..but god I was a bit traumatized after watching it. That friggin scream of Nick's just sent chills down my spine.

My cat was sleeping on the loveseat when George/Nick screamed and she jumped up on all fours and ran upstairs..my daughter ran over from her playset and hid her head in my lap. So it can't just be me.

AND the Emmy Committee didn't think that was worthy of a nod..what a load of bloody crock..they need to be sent back to acting school and George Eads could probably teach them a thing or two..then afterwards fail them all..hahahahahahahahah..revenge is thou yours Mr. Eads..
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoi

Nick’s scream was definitely affecting. That was the most realistic scream I think I have ever heard from a male actor. Actresses are generally very good at screaming, but actors seem to think that they have to be really macho even when they are screaming. I’m looking at you Bruce Willis. George really put himself out there and made it real, which could not have been an easy thing to do. That really goes for the rest of his performance as well, for which I can not give the man enough praise.
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoi

2. If his parents were as well known and respected (big judge in Texas). How is it they could only come up with 20 grand. Heck I'm low-mid class income and I could come up with that. What a lousy scene they had too. Long enough for dad to call Nick Pancho.

4. The light in the coffin. For CSI's they weren't very observant. Hey look, every time the light comes on we blind Nick. Gee, let's do it again and again so we can watch him die!!

Getting money together, even if you're rich, is not easy. We are more and more living in a cashless society and people do not have physical cash lying around. Plus they would have been rushing to the airport to get to Las Vegas, whilst trying to get the cash together.

As to the light - how would the CSIs know that it was hooked into the same battery as the fan? Until they dug up the dog coffin they would have had no of knowing how the thing was set up.
Re: Post - "Grave Danger" Episode Discussion/Review ***Spoi

Our local station showed Grave Danger last night (finall!). I'm a CSI addict but not my husband. He has never watched a single CSI episode before. Yet last night he was transfixed. He sat throughout the entire 2-hr and even tried to find out from me what's gonna happened next. (I knew coz i've been checking out the spoilers! :p )

George's acting was fantastic!