"Grave Danger" Discussion (Beware Spoilers)

Re: Can't Watch

I don't know about Nick, but I know I'd have held out as long as the air did..clinging to hope.
Re: Can't Watch

Yeah me too. I mean, I know there's only so much suffering a person can handle (being bitten and suffocated is pushing it, for sure!) but I think it's only when you think that you might die that you realize how much you really want to live.

I think in even the weakest person, the will to live in a situation like this one might be surprising.
Re: Can't Watch

I tell you though, Nick was never a favourite of mine but there's sure a soft spot in my black little heart for him now.
Re: hours he was buried

I really hope that grissom can ease up with nick and help nick. i think that grissom trusts nick too much, don't you? hehehe. either that or no trust at all.
Re: Can't Watch

Yeah me too. I mean, I know there's only so much suffering a person can handle (being bitten and suffocated is pushing it, for sure!) but I think it's only when you think that you might die that you realize how much you really want to live.

I think in even the weakest person, the will to live in a situation like this one might be surprising.

Nick has always had surprising depths as far as I'm concerned. The fact that he was able to hold out during what could only have been sheer hell speaks volumes for his character.

His parents did indeed raise him right. He is not the problem child that some of the other CSIs are: well adjusted, thoughful, empathetic, generous, etc. I tend to think that's the result of a loving home.

TPTB tend to make him into a bit of dumb jock sometimes and that totally bugs me.

He does have a brain. You have to be pretty damn smart to do what he does for a living.

I just got done watching "A Little Murder" and "Felonious Monk" over the weekend and I hate how they make him out to be ignorant of other people or cultures. Even if it's something he's not familiar with, I can see him at least making an effort to be respectful. He's got that sweet, well-mannered southern boy demeanor.

One thing I can't particularly stand is the "ladies man" reputation he is supposed to have. They showed him having a small fling with Kristy the Hooker and make mention of one dinner with a female detective back in season one. Since then, nuthin'!!

We haven't seen Warrick date anyone either but he at least makes mention of various girl friends periodically. How else would he know about La Perla (sp?)? :D

To me "ladies man" equals "womanizer" and I totally don't see Nick being the kind of guy who goes through women like kleenex. He seems to have very old fashioned values.

If anything, he's the kind of guy your mother would love to have you bring home.

Can you tell who my favorite CSI is? I could go on like this for days. :D

But I will spare you all the torture of having to listen....for now anyways! ;)
Re: Can't Watch

It's been a while since I've watched the episodes mentioned above, but I don't think it's fair to call Nick outright ignorant (hey, we can't let the tptb ruin the character that easily). I was saying in another thread that Nick gives off the impression of being carefree and socially naive, so it's quick for him to make mistakes like that. However he is also sensitive and well-mannered, so he is always to accept criticism. And over the years, he has matured and become a lot more sophisticated in voicing his opinions.

The season 1 "ladies man" rep has been dropped long since. It makes sense to see it this way: we know Nick always wanted to distance himself from his family, possibly as a result of feeling overprotected as the youngest child. So as part of the distancing act, he tries out the frat boy, "multi-partner", womanizing lifestyle, which gave him his early reputation. After moving to Vegas and being on his own, however, he once again discovers his true self: sensitive, empathetic, and old-fashioned, thanks to his upbringing, and therefore decides that lifestyle is not for him. As he matures, he no longer feels the impulsive urge to deny his firm-rooted family values, b/c he has developed a secure and confident self-identity.

Whew...I wonder who my favourite CSI is? *eyes post* :D
Re: Can't Watch

I have soooooo many questions - but first I have to agree Catherine has to be knocked off her high horse. She needs to be reminded that these are her team mates not the competition.

And I believe Nick said "Disappointed you"

I am hoping someone can please explain!! - why was Greg so cold, Sara was wonderful, Warrick was amazing he made me tear up a few times.

Will Nick every find out that Sara figured it out in the end? I did not get the ending what does that mean the daughter will be a crazy like her dad??

Don't get me wrong I loved the show but watching it a few times these questions keep popping up
Re: Can't Watch

It's been a while since I've watched the episodes mentioned above, but I don't think it's fair to call Nick outright ignorant (hey, we can't let the tptb ruin the character that easily). I was saying in another thread that Nick gives off the impression of being carefree and socially naive, so it's quick for him to make mistakes like that. However he is also sensitive and well-mannered, so he is always to accept criticism. And over the years, he has matured and become a lot more sophisticated in voicing his opinions.

The season 1 "ladies man" rep has been dropped long since. It makes sense to see it this way: we know Nick always wanted to distance himself from his family, possibly as a result of feeling overprotected as the youngest child. So as part of the distancing act, he tries out the frat boy, "multi-partner", womanizing lifestyle, which gave him his early reputation. After moving to Vegas and being on his own, however, he once again discovers his true self: sensitive, empathetic, and old-fashioned, thanks to his upbringing, and therefore decides that lifestyle is not for him. As he matures, he no longer feels the impulsive urge to deny his firm-rooted family values, b/c he has developed a secure and confident self-identity.

Whew...I wonder who my favourite CSI is? *eyes post* :D

Very well put indeed. Even in season two during "Primum non Nocere" he metiones not having luck in the ladies department for a long time, even asks Warrick is he can take a shot at Lillie, of course Rick vetoes that right away.

Warrick atleast mentions ladies names, or hints he's seen certain lab tech's tatoos, the man is hot so I uderstand. However, no real mention of even a date for our lad for five years!!

Jeesh..not that I'd be happy with an office romace or anyone TPTB would tromp out. Just mention a girlfriend, the man's not celibate for goodness sakes!

Re: Can't Watch

I have soooooo many questions - but first I have to agree Catherine has to be knocked off her high horse. She needs to be reminded that these are her team mates not the competition.

And I believe Nick said "Disappointed you"

I am hoping someone can please explain!! - why was Greg so cold, Sara was wonderful, Warrick was amazing he made me tear up a few times.

Will Nick every find out that Sara figured it out in the end? I did not get the ending what does that mean the daughter will be a crazy like her dad??

Don't get me wrong I loved the show but watching it a few times these questions keep popping up

I personally thought Catherine was wonderful in the finale. And no worries, this incident will certainly remind her that she can't just play boss all the time, these guys are her friends.

Greg's coldness baffled me too. The only explanation I can think of is: he uses humor as his only coping/defense mechanism, and since this experience was too intense to allow that, he went into shock.

Now that I've thought about it, I really like the ending. It's hopeful enough that we see the beginning of Nick's recovery, and ambiguous enough that all sorts of interpretations are left open.
Re: Can't Watch

Warrick atleast mentions ladies names, or hints he's seen certain lab tech's tatoos, the man is hot so I uderstand. However, no real mention of even a date for our lad for five years!!

Jeesh..not that I'd be happy with an office romace or anyone TPTB would tromp out. Just mention a girlfriend, the man's not celibate for goodness sakes!

I agree! :mad: Five seconds is all that's needed!

Out of my love for the character, I blame the lack of dates entirely on the stupidity of writers. Surely Nicky's had girlfriends, he just doesn't like to announce it to the world. We all know he has a privacy issue! Which makes me wonder (and to get back on topic ;) ): how will he react when he finds out the team watched him in that box?
Re: Can't Watch

He'll be mortified, stricken...and very guilty... although why I haven't figured out yet, unless of course he feels that way because the team had to go through it, and we all know Nicky and him trying to think of others before himself.
Re: Can't Watch

Warrick atleast mentions ladies names, or hints he's seen certain lab tech's tatoos, the man is hot so I uderstand. However, no real mention of even a date for our lad for five years!!

Jeesh..not that I'd be happy with an office romace or anyone TPTB would tromp out. Just mention a girlfriend, the man's not celibate for goodness sakes!

I agree! :mad: Five seconds is all that's needed!

Out of my love for the character, I blame the lack of dates entirely on the stupidity of writers. Surely Nicky's had girlfriends, he just doesn't like to announce it to the world. We all know he has a privacy issue! Which makes me wonder (and to get back on topic ;) ): how will he react when he finds out the team watched him in that box?

Something tells me that the gf Warrick mentioned in the finale will never be heard from again... The only type of continuity with dating would be Kristie from season 1, and that was back when everyone thought Nick was just a 'ladies man'. *sigh* I'm so glad they've dropped that from his assumed personality.
Re: Can't Watch

I've also wondered how Nick will react when he talks to the team and realized they were WATCHING him the whole time. That would kinda freak me out.

And I am betting we don't hear anymore in Season 6 about Tina (Warrick's gf he was talking about in the Locker Room) and that's OK.........I'm still holding out for him and Catherine! There's so much dynamic there.......I don't want them to just do the one night stand thing or even dissolve into some big relationship right away........I just want the writers to go back and explore and deepen that chemistry.
Re: Can't Watch

Yes! Warrick and Catherine all the way! :cool:

We don't even need a whole lot of continuity with the girlfriends, just occasional reminders that these guys do have a life outside the lab would be nice.
Re: Can't Watch

Baba - I was thinking the same thing - how did they know which end to brush away the dirt, the only thing I could think of is Katherine found the camera thingy at one end so maybe they assumed his head was at that end.

I thought Catherine was great in the finale too. When they discovered the dog was buried under that ground - she was almost in tears.

As far as Nick about to kill himself - he was hesitating a bit.

This episode reminds me of an episode of The Twilight Zone - not sure why I remember it as I've hardly seen any episodes. Some funeral/coroner guy at a prison helped prisoners escape by sneaking them in the coffin of dead prisoners and then helping them escape outside. Well the last guy who was going to escape that way, turned on his flashlight in the coffin and realized the guy who died was the funeral/coroner guy.

Baba - I love the picture you have of Nick - what episode was that from?