"Grave Danger" Discussion (Beware Spoilers)

Re: Can't Watch

I've read most of the posts now heh, this thread goes on and on so it sucks coming in so late..
Bathroom: I don't think he was in there a full 24 hours but regardless, he should have had to go at some point.
editing: I did notice it when I checked my tape eariler, most of the time I'm too enthralled by the scene itself.
Catherine's position: Well, to be honest she's in need of a come down. Getting a bit too big for her britches and thinking she's the center of the universe..but really, she should just continue working the shift she is now. Gris wants his guys back but they should be given a choice, I can deal with the splitplots.
Oh and maybe someone already figured it out, what exactly did Nick say during the scene where Gris read his lips? I can't figure it out but based on the reply, "no nicky you never did" was it "I hope I never let you down"? It's driving me batty heh.
Re: Can't Watch

I checked the script and they didn't include what Nick says to Grissom, but the consensus seems to be "I'm sorry I dissapointed you". Now, I'm not sure about the "I'm sorry" part, but I can definitely lip-read "dissapointed you". I wish they'd have included subtitles for that line, since not understanding it takes away the impact.

Regarding the bathroom: TPTB has artistic licence and I'm glad they used it. ;)

EDIT: I knew I shouldn't have de-lurked! Now I can't stay away from this place :mad:
Re: Can't Watch

Looks around trying to count how many times I have watched Grave Danger. I have watched the whole thing 4 times. So here is what I do for a "quick" view.

I always watch the beginning with Nick in his truck, singing. It is a great set up. Till he gets nabbed, well then..sigh.

I skip the twins, Gil/Sara scenes, the Greg/hodges one (even though its cute) and most of the locker room stuff with Warrick.

I always watch when Cath hands out the assignment and says "you two duke it out" and then Nick says" Duke it out?" And he proceeds to mock punch Warrick and tells him they better flip a coin or he'd hurt him! LOL

I watch most of the first hour, gathering edveince, have to watch them viewing the webfeed. I always watch Warrick alone in the AV lab, his break down when he thinks Nick is going to shoot himself. His agony in the locker room.

I tend to skip the warehouse scene expect for the brief conversation between the badguy and Gill. Go right to the Warrick blow up scene in the warehouse with Greg.

Skip the whole Kelly and Sara thing. Fastfoward when they think they found Nick, right into those horrible ants.

Go right to where they discover things on the map and will always watch the actual rescue, Poncho scene and skip the ending.

Sigh..not I'm not obbsessed. Then I have all the dvds!!

Re: Can't Watch

Ahh, Kristen, I do the same thing; fast-forwarding some stuff (that random G/S scene), rewinding and re-watching some stuff (Nicky singing at the start... sooo cute), and just regularly playing some stuff, like the whole rescue scene. I can watch it without crying now, but unfortunately, not without talking to Nicky through the screen, and telling him he's gonna be okay.

Nope, not obsessed either! *looks away casually*

Can't wait for the DVDs! When do y'all think they'll be out?October is the norm, right? Fingers crossed for some cool extras (c'monnnn, blooper reel!).
Re: Can't Watch

Ahh, Kristen, I do the same thing; fast-forwarding some stuff (that random G/S scene), rewinding and re-watching some stuff (Nicky singing at the start... sooo cute), and just regularly playing some stuff, like the whole rescue scene. I can watch it without crying now, but unfortunately, not without talking to Nicky through the screen, and telling him he's gonna be okay.

Nope, not obsessed either! *looks away casually*

Can't wait for the DVDs! When do y'all think they'll be out?October is the norm, right? Fingers crossed for some cool extras (c'monnnn, blooper reel!).

Last year it was October..very strange as most tv series come out BEFORE the next season, but I thikn CSI is one of the few shows that still does well in repeats in the ratings.

I'd love a booper reel. I read they just finihed doing the commentray on "4x4", so I hope they pick some other good ones and they MUST have one on Grave Danger!! I'd love one with QT, George, Gary, Billy, and one of the writers, but just QT would be fine!
Re: Can't Watch

Glad I'm not the only one who's watched it multiple times too. Especially a couple weeks after it was shown, glad there is a place to post about it still too.

What's interesting, is this forum and the show has made me want to pull out my DVDs of Season 1 & 2 and watch old episodes I haven't seen in a long time again.

I've watched the scene where they open the box and Nick just grabs Grissom's arm, and then Warrick grabs his hand. Also the scene when Grissom and everyone first puts in the USB computer thingy and sees Nick on the screen.

I tend to skip/ff through the autopsy dream and the twin scene too.

**But something that's been bugging me, as I've watched this episode multiple times.** Why did Grissom and everyone assume he was buried - from that camera angle it probably would have took them a couple minutes to realize that was dirt they could see around the box, but why would they assume there is dirt above - OR just assume it was just a couple inches of dirt around him and not buried under a couple feet. Why assume he's actually underground (no ants were shown at first).

The other thing - it would have been even creepier if the guy had buried him in a real coffin - can you imagine the psychological head games that would have messed up Nick. Even if someone is alive in a coffin but not underground - that is creepier. Can you imagine waking up in a real coffin.

Just glad I found this forum.
Re: Can't Watch

But something that's been bugging me, as I've watched this episode multiple times.** Why did Grissom and everyone assume he was buried - from that camera angle it probably would have took them a couple minutes to realize that was dirt they could see around the box, but why would they assume there is dirt above - OR just assume it was just a couple inches of dirt around him and not buried under a couple feet. Why assume he's actually underground (no ants were shown at first).

Hm...if they have read as much plot spoilers as I had beforehand, they would know at once what was up. :D Oh wait, they are in the episode, not watching it...

I think judging from the small, confined space, it's pretty normal for an observer to assume he was buried. What would have been really evil is to give the impression that he's buried, but actually hide him somewhere above ground. That would make it a heck of a lot tougher for the others to find him. :devil:

And besides, we don't know how much time elapsed between the scenes where they first see him, and where they start talking about him being buried. I'm sure there was enough time for them to notice the dirt. I don't think it makes a great deal of difference how deep he was buried, since he'd be in danger of suffocation either way.

Using a glass coffin, imo, is way more twisted and sinister than using a normal one, because the person inside can actually see the dirt all around him which I'm sure gives a much more hopeless impression, whereas someone who can't see through the coffin may spend time wondering where he is. The kidnapper really did his homework. :eek:
Re: Can't Watch

I was thinking the same thing, it would have been more evil to give the impression he was buried. Put the plastic box in a middle of a room or something - and then surround it by dirt.

The kidnapper must have worked a long time on this - testing the prototype, picking the spot where no one would see him, setting up the fake crims scene.
Re: Can't Watch

So what was Grissom's first reaction, other than to stare blankly at the webcam feed?

Plus does anyone think that Grissom was ever angry during this episode? I've caught on to anxiety, fear, helpless, denial, upset, frustration, desperate... besides of course with Walter (they're going to be angry with Walter, no matter what).

Because I rarely see the man angry... I mean I rarely see Brass angry, and I know I never want too :)
Re: Can't Watch

I just thought of something funny...

You know how Warrick basically wiped the dirt off the coffin just in the nick of time (no pun intended) before Nick took his own life (maybe)? Well, what if he'd uncovered the other end of his coffin first, and saw Nick's feet (i.e Nick doesn't see him)? :eek:

Just a dark twisted thought. If this had been one of Tarantino's movies and not a TV series where he's not allowed to kill off a main character, I could totally see a guy in a coffin dying that way; Quentin has this love affair with dark irony!
Re: Can't Watch

I think he came across as angry, angry at his own helplessness but still..
Re: Can't Watch

That would be absolutely CRUEL to have Nick kill himself right when they get there :eek:. I don't think I'll ever recover. Oh the horror!
Obviously I haven't watched the finale enough times to be able to laugh about it. Just what I need: another excuse to watch it again :D

Altought I was thinking that Nick looks pretty hesitant even when he's brought the gun up to his chin. Do you think he'll chicken out and hold off even longer even if the team hasn't got there?