"Grave Danger" Discussion (Beware Spoilers)

Re: carabeaner ??

Mahalo (thanks) Minnie.. Ok now I know what they are, I even have a couple of them which are actually key chain ones !
Re: carabeaner ??

a friend gave me a carabeaner in the shape of a daisy! it is so cute and girly and still a functional carabeaner! I love it! Funny thing about it though, it is for keys so it says "no load bearing"! hehehehehe
Re: carabeaner ??

This poor thread is on page two, it needs to be on page one *mock sighs*

Ahhh - just an enquiry about the scene where Grissom is asked by the kidnapper what does it feel like watching Nicky suffer and not being able to help him, what was his reaction to it?
Re: carabeaner ??

OH MY GOD... I'm actually watching that exact scene right now! That's just spooky! :eek: I literally looked at the screen after reading your question to see the look on Grissom's face... It was absolutely seamless... PERFECT TIMIMG! OK, I'm freaked out now. That was way to coincidental... :eek:

OK, so to answer you, Grissom just stares at him, not answering. But Walter obviously got the answer he wanted from his face b/c he says "good."
Re: carabeaner ??

I was watching some old episodes today - have the first 2 seasons on DVD and in one episode - they used some imaging from a helicopter to find a kidnap wife (she actually was involved in her kidnapping) - she was buried alive and it picked up heat senses from live animals, people.

So why didn't they use this to try and find Nick.

And then in the episode "Alter Boys" - they used some thing that Nick said reminded him of pushing a lawnmover which also was some type of radar imaging - they were trying to find a second body.

Why didn't they have that when they figured out which nursery Nick was in.

I know - wouldn't be a good show if they had those things, and then it wouldn't have happened at the last possible minute when he was running out of air - but still, if they've used it in past episodes, they should pretend these things don't exist.

Baba: I'll have to watch that scene over which Grissom's reaction. I still think the best reaction is when Nick was leaving messages on the tape and Grissom was reading his lips.

The quote I liked from the show, when Katherine brought the money to Grissom and he's questioning her about the integrity of the lab and she says "Right now I don't care about the integrity of the lab, I care about Nick".
Re: editing mistakes -and questions (yes I'm thinking too mu

Third - When Nick woke up in that SUV and he's all set to kick or fight back when the back hatch opens, not knowing the kidnapper would come up from behind and get him with ether again. Why didn't he turn around enough so his back is against one of the car walls, where no one could come behind him.

It didn't bother me so much that he didn't put his back against the car wall. I just assumed that he had to get close enough to be able to kick...whatever he was trying to kick. I never quite figured out what he was trying to accomplish.

What really stops me with this scene, however, is why didn't he notice that the vehicle had stopped? His kidnapper didn't have an accomplice, so he had to stop the car and somehow get himself to where he could reach around and press the cloth on Nick's face again.

Again, probably a case of thinking too hard. :)
Re: editing mistakes -and questions (yes I'm thinking too mu

I assumed he was going to give the door a good hard kick so that it slammed into whoever was opening it.
Re: carabeaner ??

Hi all! I've been a regular lurker since the middle of season five, but today I had the sudden urge to de-lurk, so here I am! *waves* And I figured, what better place to de-lurk than this fantastic thread about this fantastic episode?

Anyway, in response to Hale's question about Grissom's reaction to the kidnapper's comment, (if I remember correctly) his face was in semi-darkness, so I couldn't really tell any subtle expression. But judging from the noticable rise/fall of his shoulders, he was breathing pretty heavily. It actually reminded me of a moment in "Scuba Doobie Doo", right before Sara brushed chalk off Grissom's face, where he stormed out of the room and was walking about frustrated, trying to control his temper. I think he said : "When my pulse gets to *insert #*, I realize how mad I am." Although in the context of GD, I think it was more a combination of anger/frustration/anxiety/helplessness/etc...

Gosh, the more you think about the episode, the more it comes together with the rest of the series. I've been a regular watcher of the show, but it was after the finale that I realized my obssession...ahem, excuse me, devotion ;) Which makes me wonder why I didn't de-lurk until now? Anyway, nice to meet you guys!
Re: carabeaner ??

Baba - I didn't mean to spook you, I'm sorry *guiltily* but it's always made me wonder, because expressions speak louder than words, so I just wanted to know how Grissom was handling the taunting that Walter Gordon was tormenting him about in regards to a fallen 'son' :D

Welcome lemon_grass *waves*
Re: Can't Watch

Apparently there are people there who are so obsessed with CSI that they've watched Grave Danger multiple times. Who'd believe it ;)

A question then. Is there a scene/s you can't watch? Or conversely is there a scene you like to watch over and over?

Not that I'm one of those people :D but the scene where Nick first figures our his predicament is one I tend to skip through really, really fast. That and when he's leaving the message for his family and friends. Sob. They get to me each and every friggin time.
Re: Can't Watch

Just wondering because I was reading something in regards to the scene when Catherine and Grissom were at the 'fake crime scene' that Grissom never mentioned Nick's name once, yet Catherine and the others did... makes me wonder if Gris was in denial or something... "If I don't say his name, it'll be 'all a dream'" :lol:
Re: Can't Watch

Apparently there are people there who are so obsessed with CSI that they've watched Grave Danger multiple times. Who'd believe it ;)

Outrageous! Who'd ever do something like that! *looks around innocently* :lol:

I skip the convo between Sam/Frank Gorshin/Tony Curtis. That scene just breaks the tension for me. However I do love the exchange between Catherine and the blond girl Sam was with.
I sometimes skip the locker room scene between Warrick and Nicky, b/c the repeated mention of Warrick being a cop bothers me. I'm a sucker for continuity...

Not that I'm one of those people but the scene where Nick first figures our his predicament is one I tend to skip through really, really fast. That and when he's leaving the message for his family and friends. Sob. They get to me each and every friggin time.
Are you kidding? I love watching those scenes over and over! :lol: Now don't get me wrong, I hate to see Nicky suffer, but any scene with Nicky-angst is just too good to pass up. And of course, the whole Pancho scene is highly re-watchable. *heart melts thinking about it* I even have those scenes on my computer so that I can watch at a click of the mouse. :D

However, I just cannot bring myself to watch those ants crawling on Nick. And those ant-bites...nasty! *shudders* Which is why I love the TMICam view of the ants freezing on his arm when they spurt the fire-extinguisher. Hee!

I also love re-watching two scenes with Warrick: one where he's watching Nick shoot out the light; and one where he has a breakdown in the garage with Greg and Catherine. The latter is also the most emotional scene for Greg; he's pretty much in shock for the rest of the episode.
Re: Can't Watch

I think that when Grissom needs to solve a case, he really focuses on what he needs to, that's all. So, in effect, it shows how important Nick is to him, that he concentrates all his skills so completely on what needs to be done.

Or at least, that's my take on the man. He's not a guy ruled by emotions normally, and his science is his strength.
Re: Can't Watch

oh it's good to know I'm not the only one who keeps rewinding the Poncho scene.
Re: Can't Watch

Just wondering because I was reading something in regards to the scene when Catherine and Grissom were at the 'fake crime scene' that Grissom never mentioned Nick's name once, yet Catherine and the others did... makes me wonder if Gris was in denial or something... "If I don't say his name, it'll be 'all a dream'" :lol:
I never noticed that, but denial is a good explanation. Besides, the way he says "Nicky" later on when looking at the webcam (right before sweet-talking the ant:lol:) makes up for it.