^^Don't worry, Sid was there! He and Mac had a scene talking about the murder weapon, and they used the virtual autopsy room.
I just saw! :lol: Watched from the beginning this time, and Sid


plus virtual autopsy plus the opening sequence of the episode (holy f***ing intensity, Batman!

) totally bumps this up to an A-.
GregNickRyanFan said:
Teary-eyed, terrified Lindsay, but trying to keep Shane from seeing that she's afraid... and then he mentions "you should put the gun down cause you're scared and your hands are shaking" lol. Did anyone else find it humorous that he called her on her fear? I don't know, for some reason that made me chuckle.
I Lol'd too! That whole scene was insanely good, and I'm happy they
did explain after all how Lindsay managed to kill him when he was the only one we knew had a gun (at the time, back in VG). But best part was definitely Shane calling her on her fear; I thought that, as well as the fear itself coming from her, was very appropriate.
...guess my one eensy complaint would be that she's apparently a crack shot despite never having shot anyone before, fear, and shaking hands combined :lol: But given the way she visibly snapped when Shane sort-of hugged Lucy, I could believe anger would overcome most of that.
Quinn Fabray said:
I didn't like Stella's departure. She may not have been a favorite character of mine, but still I would have liked to see some more closure on that. She was the leading lady. One letter isn't going to explain her absence, especially a letter like that...
I still have to agree somewhat with this. Under the circumstances, I understand if they just want to move things along quickly, and as far as transitions go it was a relatively smooth one. In that Jo was made of win, and Stella's absence didn't stand out as much as I thought it would, making for a great episode.
And it's realistic for people to leave jobs and coworkers to go on as usual, but leaving aside any and all fangirling -- Stella was the most centrally-featured character after Mac, it only seems right to at least explain what made her decide to leave. (Did she need to get out of New York? Was she unhappy as assistant-supervisor - maybe wanting to try her hand at being boss, but the only available position was in New Orleans? That actually would make perfect sense, especially given how much more supervisory she became in S6...it'd just be nice if they'd added the one line it would've taken to explain that.)
*lisasimpson* said:
4: mac: he seemed a lot more relaxed - maybe this is because jo seems quite laid back. stella, whatever else you thought of her, was always quite high octane and maybe having someone a bit more chilled out will help mac be a bit more chilled out too. i liked his slightly more relaxed attitude a lot actually. it was evident right at the start - a few seasons ago i couldn't see mac closing the entire lab, regardless of the event in question, so clearly he's been at the chill pills
This is what made the Mac/Jo scenes work so well! She was so incredibly chill and it's like it took all of three minutes for that to rub off on him :lol:; then they were just like these super laidback but tough cops you woudn't want to mess with. It just made for a great buddy-cop dynamic. I was really happy with that, they're going to be fun to watch together. He's been steadily relaxing over the years, imo, but it's been taking a while, so maybe at this point in his life, an easygoing partner is exactly what he needs (friend-wise, I mean).
vegaslights said:
Mac and Flack killing Westwick. From what I saw Westwick just drew his gun, and it was still pointing to the ground. Why did NYPD shoot to kill? Is Mac going to start therapy, too? Maybe Lindsay, Mac, and Flack can share therapy sessions. Anyone up for a threesome?
Lock them in a room and give it time :lol: On second thought, get the other four to join, too, they could all use it (yes, this is purposely ambiguous :devil
In all seriousness, I kind of liked the whole "full circle" effect, Mac's earlier words about killing perps coupled with shooting one later on. Clever.
So yeah, A- in the end.

Well done, CSI:NY!