And count me in the camp that digs Flack's hair. It's floofy, but it's not too floofy.
it's certainly better than it was in season 1! but i preferred it short in the other seasons. but it's ok.
Tegs is in CSI:NY - what is going on?
(Sorry, only British people will get this)
haha i KNOW!!! i tweeted/fb'd "omg tegs is on csiny!" i found it so weird. i felt like i should be watching with a peanut butter sandwich and a glass of milk, while still in my school uniform!!:guffaw::guffaw:
ok, so i've only seen a rather grainy stream but here are thoughts:
1: i really liked jo - i can understand some of the resentment towards her but i think judging her purely based on the fact that she's not stella is a bit over-reactionary, tbh, and some of the reactions i've read both here and elsewhere just annoyed me. stella's gone, her decision, time to move on.
2: jo part 2: i'm pleased they're injecting some humour into it again - much as s1 is my favourite as it was dark, i've enjoyed a lot of the humorous elements of the seasons since and i think last year it was lost somewhere, it seems they've rediscovered it. i can understand why people might dislike the joking over the body but i thought it worked, it highlighted the difference between danny and hawkes (funny vs serious) and was a good way to introduce jo to both characters. the scene was adam was funny apart from when she grabbed him which may've been a tad ott. it was nice to see someone bringing out mac's sense of humour too.
3: lindsay: it's looking up i think. the last time i liked lindsay was in s2 when she and mac had that great little dynamic going on, nothing romantic about it at all but a good supportive thing, it seemed like they were trying to recapture that and that can only be a good thing, imho, because lindsay has been kinda crap the last few seasons and maybe reinstating that dynamic will make her more interesting again. as for those who said they were just trying to replace the mac/stella dynamic with lindsay, i didn't see that at all, just a return to mac being lindsay's supportive boss, which has been kind of absent for a while. i liked that stella sent her a parcel but i thought the quoted phrase was a little odd....
4: mac: he seemed a lot more relaxed - maybe this is because jo seems quite laid back. stella, whatever else you thought of her, was always quite high octane and maybe having someone a bit more chilled out will help mac be a bit more chilled out too. i liked his slightly more relaxed attitude a lot actually. it was evident right at the start - a few seasons ago i couldn't see mac closing the entire lab, regardless of the event in question, so clearly he's been at the chill pills
5: my only slight gripe (and it kind of was slight) was danny jumping over the balcony. flack's "your turn" line was great, but i couldn't help thinking it had continuity issues. ok, danny's back in the field and expected to do all the things any csi would be expected to, i get that, but if your colleague and friend had only just got back on their feet (and yes, i realise there was a time jump but still relatively recent) would you really be encouraging them to jump off a balcony?
6: the stella thing - i guess is the elephant in the room. it was a shame there were no exit scenes but i'm inclined to agree with... er it was either
faylinn or
perfectanomaly, who said if she couldn't see her way to returning to do them, then the show shouldn't waste too much time on it. a proper exit would've been good but if it wasn't gonna happen then it's much better to just move on swiftly.
7: my line of the ep, i think, was flack saying to jo "we don't usually murder people in the crime lab (?), they're new to this"

- i can't remember the exact words of the first half but the 2nd half was great.
8: my scene of the ep i think was the one where jo got the personal phone call and mac asked if it was her son after looking interested in how many times she said "because i said so" and she said "no, my mom" hehe.
9: omg - tegs!!!! TEGS!!! this is hilarious! i wanted justine to come and defend him!! he did a good job tho, so good for him. i guess all that speaking american on krod mandoon helped
so overall - i thought it looked promising. to my mind it was far better than 85% of last season. my s6 box set arrived last week and reading down the ep titles i honestly couldn't remember anything about most of them, which is not a good thing, so this blew those out of the water. i've given it a tentative
B+ - i think had this ep been in last season i'd have given it A or even A+ but with it being the first one of the season i don't want to go overboard, the season might get better or might not, so i'm going in the middle ground. plus a bit extra for jo