Another "catching up with Netflix" review... (I just wish I had more time than I do to be catching up lately. Too much real life getting in the way!)
Both story lines were good, but I think I enjoyed this episode even more for the peripheral stuff that happened along the way.
I liked the parts with Adam in this episode. He's funny -- I think that worked well with Greg on CSI and think they've put Adam in that position of adding a funny touch when things seem too serious. But it was really nice that they gave him more depth in this episode with him mentioning that his dad was a bully. His expressions and body language spoke even more to what his dad was like than even his words did, and I hope they continue to develop his character more.
I was glad to see Reed back in this episode. He seemed a little unsure at telling Mac that he told them he was family to get in, but relieved when Mac just nodded at that. And it was very touching at the end when he asked about his mother's grave. Mac's revelation that Claire hadn't been burried because none of her remains had been identified was really poignant. I'm glad that the show is respectful and realistic about things like this; there are so many families whose loved ones were never identified. And it was really wonderful that, despite how awkward Reed seems around Mac sometimes, that he reached out to hug Mac and offer comfort to him even while he was hurting over the loss of his own friend in the episode.
A few little twinky comments about the episode...
I was a little bit disappointed that they treated the whole automatic 4.0 if roommate dies urban legend as fact. From what I've read in the past (and just checked again on Snopes) no university actually has that law. In fact, I actually found this episode listed on Snopes as a sighting of this urban legend.
I noticed that all the really tight shirts on the show seemed to be green this week. Both Danny and the shoplifter had tight green shirts. I have no idea why I noticed that

, except perhaps because I noticed part way through that I think Danny had one change of clothing (which normally signifies a different day) when Stella didn't. I never did have a chance to go back and check that, though, and we've returned the disc. Heh, but I'm not complaining about Danny's tight shirt, mind you.
And this episode title seems a little more of an obscure reference to the episodes than most. Again, not a complaint, just an observation.