Grade 'Snow Day'

On an entirely shallow note…Flack, babies? Yes?

But hot damn, this episode was worth watching. I spent nearly the majority of the season struggling to keep my attention, but I found myself totally glued to the TV set tonight. I found both the hostage situation and the robbery to be highly engaging and kudos to all the actors involved. It’s about time Hill was in an episode for more than five minutes. I’m glad you’re finding work, man, but I’ve missed the good doctor. All sophistication was shoved aside when he stuck the bone saw next to the gooney’s neck and rammed the truck into the back of the door.

As for Super!Mac, I was totally behind him tonight. I could just picture his marine mind clicking into gear, and I almost expected him to start handing tactical maneuvers to Stella and Hawkes.

Stella was, of course, in all her Rambo glory.

Flack was at his finest. He’s earned his name in NYPD history as the leading cop (right?) who took down one of NY’s most influential families. Move over, Flack Sr.

Adam, oh, Adam. I’d gladly castrate each and every one of those Irish bastards for you. One testicle for each cigarette burn and blow to the face. I cringed thinking about the possible repercussions for next season, but needless to say, I don’t think Adam will be leaving the security of his lab for a while. I’m glad he wasn’t a total wimp, and pulled himself together to help Danny and save the cops. AJ Buckley was fantastic tonight.

And Danny? Well, it was nice to have him back. Note to future mobsters: Don’t mess with a guy who comes from a f***ed up household. He already has a few screws loose and isn’t afraid to get shoved around a little. But temporarily fixing his broken fingers? I think that’s the first time I have ever visibly cringed during a CSI episode – and not because of crappy writing.

As for the Lindsay/Danny scene? Whatever. I’ve resigned myself to a mutual understanding that if the writers don’t have any respect for their characters, then I won’t either. It’s fine by me. As far as I’m concerned, Lindsay and Danny hadn’t been previously seeing each other (dancing around one another’s feelings doesn’t count), and it doesn’t take much to get into her pants. She’s, uh, very forward for a first date.

I’m also a little confused as to what Flack exactly does. I thought he was a homicide detective, but this is twice they’ve had him working narcotics. Do cops switch back and forth, or something?

Lastly, I’m a little interested to see how this pipe bomb plays out in Season Four. I can’t see how his higher-ups are going to easily handle that Mac intentionally constructed a bomb and planted it in the building. I had a good laugh when he finally agreed to go to London with Peyton. Yeah Mac, I’d get the hell of out the country too for a bit. Gerrard’s going to be hounding on your ass now.
I enjoyed it. It's was definately an action-packed, fun episode, but like others have pointed out, beyond that there were quite a few details that bothered me and just didn't seem to add up. I'll give it a A based on the great performances of almost all the cast. Can't blame them for a plot that begs many questions. They just work with what they get, and boy did they work it.

The ending was pretty lame. I hate that the ending has to be all about Mac. Again. I guess that's what creative control being a producer grants you.

Beyond that, Peyton's starting to grate me. Give him a break woman! Caro, don't worry hun. If you want I can take care of her for you. She may come to London, but she may have a difficult time getting back out again. Blow, you say? That can be arranged. For a price, though. I take payment in the form of cash, alcohol and E/C porn. :)

She needs to stop trying to fix him. If she needs a project, somebody please give the girl Ann D's contact details. She got one really damaged guy for her to fuss over. I think she'd have a field day with that one, although I highly doubt orange will be a flattering colour on her.

Rambo!Stella ran rampant again in this episode, in all her big-ass gun weilding, vent dropping down glory. And there was me thinking Calleigh Duquesne was the expert with firearms! I'm all for badass women, and toughness is one of Stella's strongest characteristics. It's nice to see that again after her victimisation last season, and the constant reminders of it throughout this one.

Hawkes' morgue scene was priceless. There are no words for how entertained I was by that.

I could sit here all day and hype up just about the entire cast. Once again, Lindsay was the weak link in the team. Perhaps whilst in London Mac can do us all a favour and pick up Anne Robinson so she can tell her where to get off. She was useless, but who was expecting any differently? I found it very telling that in an episode where all the other characters were deeply involved in the drama of the overall drug bust and the subsequent hostage and robbery situations, that Lindsay's only actions were worrying about Danny and reflecting on her pathetic tryst with said character. I don't think I've ever seen a show (at least one that's as good as this one) where a regular character was so one-dimensional.

Apart from that, thumbs up from me.
SimplyBlue said:

As for the Lindsay/Danny scene? Whatever. I’ve resigned myself to a mutual understanding that if the writers don’t have any respect for their characters, then I won’t either. It’s fine by me. As far as I’m concerned, Lindsay and Danny hadn’t been previously seeing each other (dancing around one another’s feelings doesn’t count), and it doesn’t take much to get into her pants. She’s, uh, very forward for a first date.

My argument with this is: It's not like they're strangers who met in the bar that night. They've been working together for over a year, they've danced around their feelings for at least half of the time, and he followed her to Montana to make sure she was okay after the whole trial thing. They're adults, they have an existing relationship - it's hardly a typical first date. And for me, it was nice to see the woman be a bit bold instead of the usual schtick of the guy sweeping the girl off of her feet. I mean, guess what: Women like sex, too. So what if Lindsay wanted Danny, and went for it? Good for her.

That said, I must also comment that I wholeheartedly agree with your comment about Flack. Homicide? SWAT? Anything this man doesn't do? Not that I'm complaining.
I don't think Peyton is trying to fix anyone, she just want to make Mac happy, maybe she tried it in a wrong way but she loves him and I can see that so I have no problem with that plot.

I totally loved the end scene, the best part was when Mac said "London", Stella, Hawkes and Flack exchanged looks and smiled. At least to me, it was not all about Mac. And I cannot see the problem with Gary Sinise being the show's producer, I think he did a damn good job this season.

Sid in the ep was really like an English gentleman, like Ducky in NCIS (maybe it's the hat!!).
OMG just wanted to say THANKS!!! to everyone for their posts I'm so jealous in Australia we won't see this ep for probably at least 4 months and I'm going to go crazy just waiting for it..
Mac going to London, Poor Adam I hope he's ok, and Danny, great that he had a great scene with Adam, Yes I've seen the pics of D/L I guess it was to be expected but I'll save judgement until I actually watch the episode, Not much of Lindsay oh well what's new, Flack baby ooh yeah never tire of him that's for sure, Rambo Stella why not? and Hawkes well anytime he's on screen magic isn't far behind. It really does sound like it was a great ep.
So onto Season Four... What a long wait, but eh should be worth it.
this was the best eppy of the entire season, possibly one of the best I've seen. Kudos to NY for this eppy! A+ fo' sho'
Danny: Montana, the girl is from Montana. MontanaMontanaMontana.
Lindsay: OMG STFU!
Danny: Let's dance around this like we're in high school
Lindsay: M'kay!
***End season 2***
Lindsay: *cower and cling*
Danny: Let's go out!
Lindsay: M'kay!
Danny: Where'd she go?
Lindsay: *avoid*
Danny: Is something going on?
Lindsay: *avoid avoid avoid*
Danny: Tell me wtf is up with you, damnit!
Lindsay: It's not you, it's me.
Danny: Oh, ok. In that case, I'm here if you'd like to use me again in the near future.
Lindsay: *flee*
--Time elapses--
Lindsay: *leaves*
Lindsay: Moo!
Danny: *pretends she doesn't exist for almost a month*
Lindsay: *deals with shit*
Danny: *doesn't sleep* Blargh. *hallucinates* Dur-dur-dur *flys across the country* Ta-dah!
Lindsay: *shit is miraculously dealt with* OMG LET'S ALMOST MAKE OUT!
Danny: M'kay!
Lindsay: Har-har, buffalo burgers, har!
Danny: Da!
Lindsay: *giggle*
Danny: *looks happy about evidence*
Lindsay: You look happy about evidence.
Danny and Lindsay: Yay, let's get drunk and play hide the salami!!!
--Censored to protect my mind--


Yeah, sorry, but I can't say that any of that strikes me as the makings of a functional relationship.

audrina said:
It's not like they're strangers who met in the bar that night.
No, and the fact that they're co-workers makes me think that maybe suddenly hopping into bed after dancing around things for a long time isn't wise. People can tell me that these two have been 'dating' all they want, but we saw no evidence of this so, from what we saw, it was an almost-kiss in "Sleight Out of Hand," followed by more than a month of nothing, followed by hanky panky on the pool table.

And for me, it was nice to see the woman be a bit bold instead of the usual schtick of the guy sweeping the girl off of her feet. I mean, guess what: Women like sex, too. So what if Lindsay wanted Danny, and went for it? Good for her.
I don't think the issue is that the woman initiated it, it's that Lindsay suddenly shakes her boobies at him like "gimme money or pay me with teh hawt sexxorz, Messer!" Um, who are you and what have you done with the real Lindsay Monroe? There's being bold and then there's being out-of-character (IMO, of course, which should be a given, but you never know)--and after having a whole lot of nothing between these two, if they wanted to sell it as a progression of the relationship rather than gratuitous sex to get the fangirls squeeing in the finale, they might have chosen a different way for things to go down. *shrug*

ETA: Radical, looking at your location, I'd say that you avatar looks like he's eating her face. :lol:
audrina said:
SimplyBlue said:
As for the Lindsay/Danny scene? Whatever. I’ve resigned myself to a mutual understanding that if the writers don’t have any respect for their characters, then I won’t either. It’s fine by me. As far as I’m concerned, Lindsay and Danny hadn’t been previously seeing each other (dancing around one another’s feelings doesn’t count), and it doesn’t take much to get into her pants. She’s, uh, very forward for a first date.

My argument with this is: It's not like they're strangers who met in the bar that night. They've been working together for over a year, they've danced around their feelings for at least half of the time, and he followed her to Montana to make sure she was okay after the whole trial thing. They're adults, they have an existing relationship - it's hardly a typical first date. And for me, it was nice to see the woman be a bit bold instead of the usual schtick of the guy sweeping the girl off of her feet. I mean, guess what: Women like sex, too. So what if Lindsay wanted Danny, and went for it? Good for her.

They've worked together and have flirted, and Danny even approached her about dating, so I agree it wasn't a typical first date. But the last the viewers heard from Lindsay about how she felt about Danny was when she said, "I like you. A lot." Liking someone "a lot" is light years away from practically throwing him down on the pool table and jumping him.

I do agree that it's nice to see the woman as the sexually agressive one, and I don't think it's wrong for a woman to just want to get some action from the hot guy. I do think, however, that in this case neither one of those things made any sense considering how the storyline played out to that point. It also didn't sit well with me how it was implied that alcohol played a part in their actions. The whole thing just reeked of skeazy one night stand on Lindsay's part, which I find inexplicable considering how TPTB have attempted to package the ship as a viable "romance."

ETA: So, uhh, yeah. Basically, what Fay said without the funny parts. I've gotta improve my typing speed. ;) :lol:

2nd ETA: I did find it hilarious when Lindsay said she dreamed she woke up and Danny was gone and Danny replied with something like "Why would I leave? It's my apartment." :lol: :p
Faylinn, I love you and want to have your babies. :lol:

Scene: Danny and Lindsay lie on pool table, post-nookie (shudder)

Lindsay: What's this old stain on the table, Danny?
Danny *panics*: Um ... It's beer! Yep, beer. Totally beer!!
*Prays she doesn't have an ALS light handy*

Sorry about that.

This whole scene sounds like an opportunity for nearly naked Danny more than anything. And leaping straight into sex after their past problems, is likely to be A Very Bad Thing. And apparently we can look forward to Lindsay angst and guilt next season. Blech!

That said, this sounds like a kickass episode and I can't wait to see it. I bet there'll be fewer jokes about the Nerd Squad for a while once news of these events gets around. :D
penguinpie said:
Faylinn, I love you and want to have your babies. :lol:
Oh my! *blushes furiously*

Danny and Lindsay lie on pool table, post-nookie (shudder)
You know, I'll bet it's like laying on a hardwood floor. Have the writers ever slept on a hardwood floor? Not. Comfortable. It sounds like something out of fanfic, where it doesn't really have to make logical sense.

Lindsay: What's this old stain on the table, Danny?
Danny *panics*: Um ... It's beer! Yep, beer. Totally beer!!
*Prays she doesn't have an ALS light handy*
Har-har, did she believe him? After seeing Lindsay get uber-horny in the flashbacks, I get the feeling that our normally-mild-mannered Miss Monroe probably also gets scary as f**k when she's pissed.

Oh, and just a note--we now know Danny's price. That ass is apparently only worth $100. *breaks piggy bank*

Or maybe that's Lindsay's price. *puts money away* Drat. :(


PerfectAnomaly said:
I did find it hilarious when Lindsay said she dreamed she woke up and Danny was gone and Danny replied with something like "Why would I leave? It's my apartment."
Yeah, no kidding. :lol:

Oh, and I'm the speedy-quick typer. You gotta get your skillz together to beat me. *flexes fingers* ;)
WOW!!! I've never given an ep an "A+" before, because I believe that should be saved for a truly superlative episode. . .and this one was it!!
Loved Mac, Stella and Hawkes playing "Die Hard" with the bad guys in the lab! Loved Danny and Montana getting busy!! Loved Danny being smart even when he was half-dead. Just loved, loved, loved this ep!! What a terrific season finale.
That not only was the best episode of CSI NY, It was the best season finale of all of the three CSI's.
It pleased the DL shippers, The SPAM shipper, the Smacked shipper (like me) and the MacPeyton shippers.
Mac looked so freakin' all wet and fighting and GOD! DID HE LOOK HOT.
For the record I have to point something out, Mac hugged Stella first and longer than Peyton, he looked at her and opened his arms, he hugged Peyton cause she was running towards him, I SO LOVED THIS EPISODE.
Im going to preorder this season just to see this episode and Heart of Glass.
For all of you DL shippers, I know understand your obssesion, they were hot, I was like OMG.
I Loved this episode more than all of the others (sorry) but it had everything plus a hot piece of Mac on the side.
Man, Is that guy hot.
My argument with this is: It's not like they're strangers who met in the bar that night. They've been working together for over a year, they've danced around their feelings for at least half of the time, and he followed her to Montana to make sure she was okay after the whole trial thing. They're adults, they have an existing relationship - it's hardly a typical first date. And for me, it was nice to see the woman be a bit bold instead of the usual schtick of the guy sweeping the girl off of her feet. I mean, guess what: Women like sex, too. So what if Lindsay wanted Danny, and went for it? Good for her.
While I do understand where you are coming from, it’s still spotty writing. The writers spent the entire season desperately trying to keep Romeo and Juliet apart by whatever means necessary, and their attempts at a successful courtship have been anything other than, well, successful. Prior to tonight’s episode, there was no indication of an existing relationship. True, they had an unsuccessful date at the beginning of the season, but other than that, there hasn’t been anything. As far as I’m concerned, tonight was their first “date.” Even then, it is an assumption that Danny and Lindsay are actually in a relationship. Rarely, and I say rarely because there still might be the off chance that it happens, that anyone considers themselves in a relationship after one date. So what? The writers presume the viewers will believe that Danny and Lindsay have been dating since Sleight Out of Hand, that passion overwhelmed them in typical cliché fashion or that one too many tequila shots passed between them?

As a woman myself, I hope my gender finds sex enjoyable. The issue wasn’t that she was the aggressive one. The only thing I got from it was that apparently Lindsay’s past her issues and with a little help of Mr. Tequila, is set to knock boots on Danny’s pool table.

But basically since I’m lazy, I second Fay and Perfect’s posts.

I did find it hilarious when Lindsay said she dreamed she woke up and Danny was gone and Danny replied with something like "Why would I leave? It's my apartment."
Lol yeah. My first thought after that was, “Well…what if it wasn’t your apartment?” :eek:
Islandgirl said:
I read that as "superlaxative". :eek:

Oh, and I wanted to comment on this:

It also didn't sit well with me how it was implied that alcohol played a part in their actions. The whole thing just reeked of skeazy one night stand on Lindsay's part, which I find inexplicable considering how TPTB have attempted to package the ship as a viable "romance."
Yes! There were so many ways to have them sleep together in the finale--make it obvious that they've been together before, have them walk in with leftovers from a restaurant, show them eating pizza and watching a bad Sci-Fi movie, something.

Fact is, they can't undo the way things happened in this episode. I'm not a D/L shipper, but I'd be pissed. *is very happy to read 10,000 ways into that scene where Hawkes is worried about Adam without having to worry about canon f**king it up*


SimplyBlue said:
Lol yeah. My first thought after that was, “Well…what if it wasn’t your apartment?”
Hmm, very interesting. Makes you wonder if it was a careless choice of line by the writers, or if it was very carefully chosen...
Moska said:
Longtime lurker, first time poster.

On the surface this was a slick and fast hour of television, but under that? I'm infuriated at the type of character they have now turned Mac Taylor into.

Think about it. The Lab...*his* lab... his pride and joy has been pretty much destroyed beyond recognition. What does he do? Tiptoes off into the tulips with "I'm kinda fun in the morgue, but typically annoying otherwise Ms. Peyton" for a trip to London? EXCUSE ME?

Would the Mac Taylor that we've seen up to this point allow *anyone* else to lead the rebuilding? Not the Mac Taylor I've seen before this.

I suspected there would lame point within story once we had Ms. Peyton trying to cajole a 'Yes' from Mac. I didn't realize how far they would take it to the point of her nearly getting him killed. :):chuckle:: Can't wait until he checks that last call notice...if that doesn't wake him up...) But the ending takes the cake in lameness. A more fitting end would have been the team walking back into the lab and claiming their area back once again.

As much of supporter I am of a future relationship between Mac and Stella, up to this point I have enjoyed Claire Forlani's addition to the cast...most times. Her presence as another ME is quite well done and as a comic foil for Sid she's perfect. But, enough is enough with the fawning over Mac. I can't quite put a finger on what bugs me about her, other than she is darn *girly* and whiny. The whole desperate woman act at the end of running to Mac and jumping in his arms... ::scratches head:: It was just lame.

At this point, I'm simply on my knees thanking the writing Gods that they didn't leave Peyton in the building with Mac instead of Stella. ::rolls eyes:: Then I would have turned the matter how much it makes me chuckle to watch Sheldon so gleefully chase down a bullet <g>

So, Mac and Peyton go to London. Where's his mind going to be? Yep, you got it...back in NYC wondering how his second-in-command is doing while piecing HIS lab back together for HIM. If we're lucky, this will wake him up, and Claire will take a gig in some British film and not be available any longer :) Wishful thinking? <g>

What I did enjoy? First off...sadistic MacGuyver Mac. That entire scene was brilliant and I certainly wouldn't want him pissed at ME :) Also, the initial setup scenes and newer background shots city shots. Their production values remain topnotch and the crew should be heartily commended.

Have a good evening, folks...back to lurkmode.


Moska -- you said it all as far as I am concerned. I agree with everything you have written - most especially the Peyton stuff.

On the whole I really enjoyed the episode, but that ending was way too cheesey for words. It was so unlike Mac. The focus should have been on him making sure his team is okay, etc rather than running off with his girlfriend to London. Plus, did Peyton really ask him to go with her to London the day she wanted to leave? Becuase it is a little unrealistic to think that he can just up and leave like that with no notice to anyone -- and that was true before HIS lab -- the lab he is in charge of -- was blown up.

I guess I should just appreciate the episode for what it was and not dig too deep into the details because then it starts to lose some of its awesomeness :) Still, all in all, a great finale.