Actually that might be a good episode...a hostage situation or shooting with Danny and possibly Lindsay involved. Will it cause strain? Will she be able to handle it?
All I have to say is, if the writers have forgotten all about Danny's storylines this season, only to bring them up when it's convenient for something with Lindsay, I'll have a conniption fit. The way to correct a character that can't stand on their own is not to take another character and make them dependent on the other as well. Just no. (Not that it's what you were suggesting,
redbaron, but I thought I'd mention it.)
Excellent post,
Alright, I finally re-watched the episode--I still haven't re-watched "The Ride In," but I couldn't put off popping this one in the VCR. Luckily, it was better the second time around, and I missed some things during the first viewing--but how many people watch an episode of shows like this more than once? The first impression I got of the episode was uneven and slightly
off, and if I hadn't rewatched it, there would have been little value to it beyond the scene between Flack and Hawkes.
But I'm going to leave comments that I scribbled down as I was watching the episode. Sorry if they seem a bit random.
~ That girl getting sawed in half? Owowowowowow! *cringe*
~ Mac hopping off of the stage--not graceful. At all.
~ Flack with the 'fake fly' thing was priceless. :lol:
~ Flack snarking the magic shop guy--kinda hot.
~ I made a note of the fact that Lindsay said something about testifying as a forensics expert in 'a hundred' trials, or 'hundreds' of trials--it's probably not relevant, I just thought it was a point of interest
~ Lindsay said hello to
'everyone', Danny, not just you.

But honestly, I didn't see anything remotely resembling thoughts-of-love in his expression--he just looks kind of
lost a lot lately (and no, not in the I-miss-my-twu-wub kind of way). Maybe that's his 'the cogs are turning in my brain' face. *shrug*
~ Ooh, a "Zodiac" preview! Jake Gyllenhaal is yummy, I don't care about his sexual orientat--sh**, that was off-topic. Never mind, carry on.
~ Danny's facial expressions are hilarious--the scene where he and Stella are watching Luke get set on fire? Gotta love the looks on his face.
~ Stella called him "Dan."
~ Tell the truth, Lindsay, you went to the bathroom because your lunch hit your stomach wrong.
~ Mac as 'Merlin'--aye, make my fanfic muse behave!
~ The CSIs are so cute when they're confused (like at the end of the fire stunt when they're outside the barricade).
~ Am I the only one who was slightly annoyed by the way that reporter was talking? It was like she had to take...a breath every so often...and it really stood out.
~ Danny:
Avada Kedavra!...oops, wrong one. My bad.
~ Dude, what in the hell possessed them to do a shot of Anna's stomach when 'Lindsay' walked down the hall? In a bright color no less! Unless I'm supposed to believe that Danny was hallucinating about her being there
and about her being his baby-mama, they should have limited it to upper-body shots. Really, we'd recognize her if you just showed her face.

Cut Anna some slack, damnit!
~ Oh, and that girl he was looking at when he was hallucinating looked
nothing like Lindsay. Just saying. Yes, Danny, you
are losing your mind. We just can't figure out
why or where it's gone.
~ That scene about Houdini is still the best part of the episode for me. Flack's expression was priceless. I would love to have heard what kind of snappy comeback he'd have given Hawkes for the comment about knowing the difference between RNA and DNA. And that little arm-nudge when Flack walked off? :lol: Hawkes is going to be hearing about
that for a while.
~ I still feel like I missed something during the 'go with your instincts' scene.

WTF did that even
mean? And if he's that out-of-it, should he be
~ Like others have said, I would have thought that Stella would have had more of a reaction to Luke's history.
~ "I iz a snazzy en-y-pee-dee detective, so I can go into the courtroom right smack-dab in the middle of a witness testimony for a murder trial!!1"...Really, is that allowed, people just
walking in like that?
~ Flack being out of breath when he came to tell them about the missing truck--aww, it was kinda cutesy.
~ Yeah, Criss, you're a "highly pissed off professional." And batshit crazy to boot. "Escape-ology"--is that even a word?
~ Yay for Super Mac!!!
~ Take 'im down, Flack-o! (That scene was a bit
meh, actually, because something about the body movements was...stiff or obvious or something.)
~ And the award for best repeated grunting sound (combined with blowing hair out of the eyes) goes to...
Criss Angel! Congrats, my friend, you really earned it.
~ 'Oh, I am immediately over any and all personal issues that have prevented me from having at that ass, Danny. Now kiss me!'
~ I'm sure Danny's doofus kissy expression will make the front page of the Bozeman newspaper.
"Witness (and former Bozeman resident) Lindsay Monroe and mysterious leather-clad city boy are OMG-SO-IN-LUV!!! (full story on page 3)" 
(Maybe his jacket wasn't leather, I forget. You get the idea anyway.)
Anyway, it sucks that the ending can put such a smear of stinky, corn-filled poo over the entire episode. The case was actually good on it's own, but the Lindsay stuff didn't put me in a happy place before a five or six week break...
That's all, sorry it was so long. :lol: I'd say the episode was a B+. The case itself
almost made up for ~5 minutes of utter crap, but not quite.