Grade 'Sleight Out of Hand'

I absolutely loved this episode. i loved how Mac was doing all the illusion tricks, thought he and Danny worked really well. Loved it when Danny and Stella were talking and stella said something like, they say that burning is the most painful way to die. And danny was like how do they come up with that. 64% of dead people surveyed..cracked me up. I really enjoyed this episode. I thought Lindsay's case was done really well. I loved it when Danny imagined that girl in the lab was Lindsey..Loved it when they held hands and was just happy. Can't wait til April! A+
Faylinn said:
I find this season very entertaining, and I don't care if some of the quality goes if it is enjoyable. Even though season 1 was more serious, and gritty, the ratings were not as good as now, and it wasn't as enjoyable.
Can I even express how much that hurts? Quality is expendable for cheesy romance? Sorry, but I must respectfully disagree with you there. :(
Faylinn, I agree with you so much. And if I wanted cheesy romance, I'd watch a soap opera.

I want my crime drama!
^^Agreed. This was a well-done episode. I've heard of Criss Angel but never seen his shows. I was impressed by him. He played his part really well. I enjoy magic so I knew I was going to like this episode. The scene between Flack and Hawkes was so hilarious, as well as the whole 'fake fly' thing :lol: That got me laughing. I just have one complaint...why the hell didn't Danny and Lindsay kiss?!?! No disrespect to any non-shippers, but I'm glad they kept that scene. I am happy they decided to cut the phone scene, I'm not sure why but I am. Anyways, a great episode. Loved all the magic tricks, but the last scene made my day.
After some sleep, a reassessment of last night's CSI:NY is in order. I still think it was a good, strong episode, but there are a few nits I failed to mention on the first pass.

-The girls in the flashback were certainly not 18. Nowhere close. In fact, a few of them looked 12. Young!Lindsay looked 14. Now, if the incident happened ten years ago as Lindsay told Mac and Stella, then she would be 24 now.

Bullshit. There is no way Lindsay could be 24 and a seasoned CSI with five years' experience. Either the incident happened 15 years ago and the writers failed to mention the retcon, or they have so little respect for the viewers that they thought the inconsistency would go unnoticed. Either way, it's an inexcusable lapse.

-Mac shooting the tank to drain it was a stunning, Miami-esque visual, but it was dangerous. I suppose he thought he had no other choice, but as the Mythbusters have proven, the caliber was small enough to have maintained lethal velocity to a depth of 3 feet. He could've killed her with that hot-shotting.

-Was Fetal Alcohol Syndrome even a recognized disorder when Lukas Blade was a child? By his own words, he was 31. That means he was born in 1976 and diagnosed with FAS in 1980-2. Was this a diagnosis a doctor would have made at the time?

-My Roomie wanted to know how Blade could've slipped away to commit the first murder since it was obviously him being sawed in half and there was no realistic opportunity for him to make a switch.

I still enjoyed the episode immensely and would give it a solid B, but it does have its flaws, and with the D/L nonsense now consummated, things have the potential to go rotten in a hurry.
Finally got a chance to watch it. Not much to add, after the varied viewpoints, but I'll add my small 2 cents anyway... :)

Criss Angel did a great job! Finally, casting of a stunt actor that actually made sense, and paid off! I've yet to watch his "Mindfreak" series, but after this ep, I might have to give it a go. Hawkes and Flack? More greatness, I love these two together! Dear Writers: More of that, please! Also glad to see the writers are keeping the continuity with the HIV storyline, too. Not much, but enough to remind us. Enjoyed Mac, too (as I usually do!) For the above-mentioned parts of the episode, I graded officially an A.

Now, for the remaining portion of the episode. I'm not a Lindsay-hater or even a disliker, by any means. I do think she is the weakest link of all the characters on the series, but I'm not sure if that's the fault of a subpar actress, or subpar writing for/development of her character. Most likely a combination of the above. That said, I thought Anna did a pretty good job in the trial portion of the show, no quibbles there.

As for Danny/Lindsay and a romance? At this point, I simply can't see it. I don't find the notion nearly as unpalatable as Vegas's GSR (nothing could be as distasteful and uninspired as that pairing, IMO :rolleyes: ), but I haven't seen anything in the past 1.5 NY seasons that makes me truly believe Danny and Lindsay seriously have any feelings for eachother beyond friendship, a mild on & off flirtation, and respect for eachother as co-workers. Once again, not sure if it's the bad writing for this particular storyline, or that Carmine/Anna aren't able to carry this particular storyline off convincingly, but for me, it's just not there. Maybe it will be down the line, but at this point, I find it pretty chuckle-worthy (Faylinn, your corn-filled poo comment was truly inspired! I bow to you! :lol: ) For the D/L "romance" portion of the ep, my grade is C. Not failing, but some serious room for improvement. :(
i really liked this episode the case was really intresting. i was really happy that they didn't over do the trial and make it a major part of the episode. Also i loved dannys line about burning being the most painful way to die "what did they do take a poll? 64% of dead people said..." and the hawks/flack moment was priceless. I especially like how they sliped stella's storyline in there without makeing a huge deal about it. it was good that they (for once) didn't just drop the storyline. kudos to the writers for the first time in a while!!

I liked the fact that Criss Angel was a "sweeps" guest star who could actually pull off some decent dramatic scenes. :eek:

Gary Sinise set himself on fire. Who wouldn't love a day job like that? :lol:

Mac and Flack at the magic, sorry, illusion shop was great, especially when Mac busted the guy on his "dead" fly ;). Plus the Flack-Hawkes "Houdini" dialogue was priceless. :D

I liked Lindsay in the courtroom scenes, and was glad Danny went to support her. You all obviously don't want to hear it, but at least she reached out to him last night. It wasn't as though he was pining for someone who wasn't returning his love, which was a common complaint here :rolleyes:.
i really liked "Sleight Out of Hand" and not only because I am a D/L shipper.

I really liked Chriss Angels role in this. I was a litle worried because some of the guest stars werent that great this year but I thought he played role really well.

and flack and hawkes! l was laughing so hard! and yeah some of the jokes were a little corny...but i mean, come on you had to see them coming. :lol:

and finally, some resolution to the D/L issue :) i was laughing at danny when he had the "vision" of lindsay in the lab and then when her flew to montana... :D but the end was a total tease for us D/L fans!

i cant believe we have to wait a month till a new episode. i mean i wish they could give us at least one new ep in march. oh well.
I loved the eppy...
besides the D/L scene and MS rose one...

Don was so funny! I loved the "fake fly" and RNA-DNA thingy :lol:
and Mac and his magic tricks.. :devil: no need to light Mac on fire cause he's already HOT! :lol: :eek:

and... would it be wrong to say I found Chris cute? :p

A for me.
[Flack] You think Houdini knew the impact he would have on Mafia lingo?

[Hawkes] I'm sorry?

[Flack] It's like when they wack somebody, they say we made him do a Houdini. Do you think that would make him proud?

[Hawkes] Are we actually having this conversation?

[Flack] Oh, I'm sorry...Can you explain the difference between DNA and RNA? Is that better? Because that's scintillating conversation right there.

HAHA. I give this eppy an 'A+'. So many things made this an awesome episode! I loved the magic shop scene between Flack and Hawkes. Good heavens, TPTB HAVE GOT to give us more of that! HAHA. Priceless..

I was also amazed by Chris Angel's acting. I've watched his show quite a few times, and his acting was just as good as his magic skills. :)

And as for D/L...Being a HUGE D/L fan, last night was well worth the wait! It was amazing! It looks to me like we will be seeing more of the S.2 Lindsay since all this load is off her shoulders.

AND...Can't forget Mac setting his arm on fire. HA.

All in all- Amazing episode. My fav so far this season!
I never was a D/L shipper, I like Lindsay's character well enough, but please, those trial scenes were soooo boring, what a waste of screentime :mad: !!!! Totally ruined the ep's rythm. Too bad coz the other case was quite enjoyable. At least we're done with Lindsay's past now.
I am one of those persons who watches reruns and doesnt miss an episode of CSI NY. I give it an -A, I like the storyline with Criss ANgel *dumps water over herself*, he has been a great guess star. Loved when Mac gave Stella the flower *gushes*, The whole Danny/Lindsay almost kissing thing and holding hands was I don't kinda too much, they are putting too much D/L in CSI NY.
I say that because if that happens, there will be more D/L fanfics and not like always not enough Mac/Stella fanfics.
*watches the Danny/Lindsay picture near her desk, throws it in the trash*.

I know Mac and Stella wont be going out, unfortunately, but we all know that in the spoilers it says that she will be dating someone we know (if its Flack, I'll shoot myself, Hawkes too). I really don't think there is a right guy for Stella in the lab. with the exception of Mac *grins*
Flack and Hawkes battling again! 'nuff said.

I won't touch the D/L thing b/c I still haven't made up my mind about it. I'm feeling very schizophrenic regarding the whole thing. The "schoolgirl" part of my brain liked it in a cutesy kind of way. (Or maybe I just liked seeing Danny in that jacket...hmmm) But then part of me still feels kinda icky watching those scenes. Well, not as grossed out as when watching the GSR scenes on Vegas, but still.

OK, enough babbling. The Criss Angel story was great! I loved seeing the team work on one case for a change. It really seemed like they distributed the work very evenly. I wikipedia-ed it, and turns out that FAS was "discovered" in 1973, so that story line would be entirely possible. As a person soon to be employed in health care, I was glad to see FAS mentioned. While it was not stressed greatly, it's important to let people know of its existence, maybe it can help prevent more people from hitting the bottle when they're pregnant. Alright, off the soapbox.