Grade 'Sleight Out of Hand'

I enjoyed this episode. Criss Angel acted very well which, as others have mentioned, I was not expecting due to the past few guest stars. I liked the wtf look Mac gave the magic shop owner during the scene with the fly, very amusing. Poor Danny was so weary; I thought his line about them taking a poll about the most painful way to die was great. And of course the Flack/Hawkes scene was so true to character. As far as the end of the ep goes, I am a D/L shipper... so I am on cloud nine, sorry y'all.
MacsGirlMel said:
(just one extra comment, so I don't get chatty.) I'm not sure if he played Zephyr or not in Abra Cadaver. Anyone know? I do wonder now if Miami will follow suit with a magic one now that the other two have done it lol)

I was thinking the same thing!! :lol:
Okay-please don't try to take this the wrong way, ladies-but what is the point of getting worked up over a TV show? All I keep seeing when I read posts in here and in other threads is people getting their feelings hurt b/c of what someone else said about a TV show. don't get me wrong- I love CSI:NY, but as many have said, everyone is entitled to their own opinions and since this is a discussion, what is the use in getting upset? I thought discussion was supposed to be something done maturely-i.e. respecting each other's thoughts and opinions even though they may be completely different....
If this makes anyone mad, I am sorry-that is just my opinion.
Faylinn said:
From what I hear, anybody who thinks the D/L stuff is unnecessary, rushed, forced and stupid will be tempted to pull their hair out and/or throw things at the television. :rolleyes: I cannot begin to fathom what the writers are thinking.

Why did Lindsay have to come back? I so enjoyed the show while she was gone. :(

(This is just a suggestion, but perhaps people could provide more than just a thousand exclamation points since this is, after all, a discussion thread.)

I refrained from throwing anything at my t.v. or pulling out my own hair (cuz my nephew is at the age where he likes to pull my hair and it hurts big time :)but I had to avert my eyes from the time Danny walked into the courtroom. I really hate the direction they are taking those two characters.

I am not a big Lindsey fan - I think she is kind of blah and was quite happy while she was gone, but I can take her in small doses. I, however, cannot see any chemistry between Lindsey and Danny and feel like this pairing is being forced down my throat and its sticking in my craw.

I really think that if they spend much time on this (or any) pairing, they will really send the show into a place where I will not be able to watch it. I do not mind knowing about the personal lives of the characters, but I like it in smaller doses. Also, even where I think the characters would make a cute couple, I really prefer they not put it into the show as it is often very poorly handled. I prefer to just keep it in the realm of possibility and fantasy.
Can I even express how much that hurts? Quality is expendable for cheesy romance? Sorry, but I must respectfully disagree with you there.

Whoa!! I understand people are mad because of the ship stuff on the eppy tonight...but I wasn't even talking about the relationship when I said this about the quality. I was talking about the increase in cheesy lines this season. But I don't think the quality is that much worse, the cases this season are really really good. And I appreciate them including personal relationships, and not focusing so much on the crime, because that's vegas's thing...and they need to be different. What is wrong with being entertained?? That is why I watch tv...Cheesy lines are sometimes funny. As for D/L stuff, I do think they are cute together, but I am not fanatical about it. I don't care that much if they get together or not. And I don't think it takes away from the quality, because New York is more about the personal relationships, and that is what I like about New York, it isn't like vegas.

Are you honestly saying that quality doesn't matter so long as the show is entertaining and if so does that rule only apply to television? Furthermore, are you suggesting that quality and entertainment are mutually exclusive ideals? The ratings difference between first season and this season is not some large increase, a few million people here and there do not a network make. However, I must say if you after low quality television then this was certainly it.

It was my impression that season 1 didn't do that well, not as well as they wanted it. I know that it wasn't in the top 20 in season 1. I remember articles about Anthony saying they wanted to give New York another chance to be succeseful, so they spent a lot of money making over the show. They changed the sets, the hair, the wardrobes, even the characters a little. They would not have spent that much money on a makeover if it was as successful as it is now. The ratings for the last 2 seasons have been great, and they keep increasing, getting famous guest stars..etc. To TPTB, this is an indication that people like the show, and they will keep doing what they are doing, despite some who prefer season 1.
I like tired Danny. He's snarky and witty and fun! :D
...well, until he started seeing Lindsay in the lab...I'm just not feeling them as a couple. Doesn't seem natural.

Anna did a pretty good job in the episode. The first bit of the first testifying scene was the best, then....Still, not bad.

Flack! His Houdini speech :lol: Gotta love him!

I'll echo pretty much everyone else- Good job by Criss Angel!

I loved the magic/illusion stuff!!
I recorded it and fast forwarded through most of the Lindsay scenes, so I quite liked the episode. The bits that I did see, however, looked akin to drama class back at my grade school.
Luke Blade doesn't sound like David Blaine at all!!!

I don't understand why all the reporters came in at the end to take pictures of Danny and Lindsay making out. They all seemed so excited about it. How dull is that town? I'd pay money to see that headline the next day. "Dairy Queen Killer Finally Put Behind Bars - Key Witness Makes Out With Gay Looking New Yorker! Sidebar: Loose Cow Wanders Into Town Square. 'Dammit, Bobby Jean, just put chains on the thing,' says local hardware store owner. Retaliation on page 2."

Why was 14 year old Lindsay was like a foot taller than 24 year old Lindsay? I didn't care for her little Sisterhood of the Traveling Overalls, and I think it would've been more traumatic if Lindsay had been shot as well. I mean, that guy came in, shot everyone, knew there was someone in the bathroom who could possibly identify him and then just... left? He didn't even steal anything? What? Who the hell was he? What was his motive? Why the Sisterhood?

When Danny was coming home I thought we were going to see him turn the lights on and BAM! Pink lighting, a disco ball, I Will Survive magically starts playing on the radio. And then a treat shot of Danny in his underwear, in bed, all alone, eating Twinkies, and sobbing hysterically into his Full House pillow. Wearing a pink feathers scarf. Danny. He's just so lonely.

I hate how Mac always knows everything about everything. He thinks he's so Wiki, with his spray on hair. I kinda wanted that fire to spread up his arm, just to see him freak out, dive into that tank and then straighten his jacket while looking around to make sure no one saw. Like when you're walking down the street and you trip and you just start jogging so people don't think you were about to fall on your face. I just hate how perfect Grissom, Ho, and Mac always are. I bet they don't even fart. That would be humanly and degrading.

I hate how bossy this show is. First they want me to participate in some telephone scam and now they want me to visit some AIDS website. I won't answer your trivia and I won't click on your websites, show. It's all give, give, give with you, isn't it, CSI: New York? When do I get something back? Never, that's when. Never. By the way, all those hours of entertainment? I was faking it the whole time!

CSI: New York says it's okay to set my boss on fire. Thanks, CSI: New York. Your wish is my command. Bitch woke me up today and made me work a double shift.

I hate every time they talk about orphans and foster care and whatnot and no one seems to remember Stella's past. Not that I want her to freak out and start wailing at the mere mention of an orphan, but, you know, I bet the average viewer doesn't even know what the deal with her is, except her life sucks ass.

That scene at the magic store was Flacktastic! I love Flack. He always says what I'm thinking. I hate people who are constantly flaunting their education in other people's faces. Sometimes I like to sit down and eat marshmallows while I think about penguins. Just penguins. How they walk, how they swim, how they squawk... I just think about penguins sometimes. Often it's accompanied by giggling. Sometimes I wonder if there's someone in charge of re-filling those bonus blocks on the Mario Brothers video games. Like some random character comes in in a van after Mario hits a block and re-fills it. Or is it just magic? I want answers!

Danny's so getting laid. He's probably apologizing for coming too soon as I type this.
midnight_tiptoes- fantastic post!

This penguin's for you--

Gotta love those little guys :D :lol:

Why was 14 year old Lindsay was like a foot taller than 24 year old Lindsay?
I know this has been talked about in other threads, but our we seriously supposed/are they asking us to believe she's currently 24?
So does this mean that Danny and Lindsey get it together or are they remaining good friends? :)
...I really don't know what to think of this episode. At first I was nervous about the entire thing because 1) the writers have a potentially crackpot of a crime case on their hands and 2) they're incapable of not reverting back into a bunch of 13-year-old girls writing fanfiction. I thought, for once, that Anna was actually providing the audience with a bearable emoting scene. Finally after all this hoopla over her 'super scary dark secret' that most viewers clued into well before TPTB started handing out incident specific clues, we were at last previleged to see what makes up 50% of her character, and I thought to myself, "Hm. I can almost buy this."

But then the ending scene came, and it kicked the crap out of any shred of respect I developed for the storyline at the last minute. Now, Danny too is privy to what actually happened and all is right and forgiven in their world. Nevermind she's treated him like crap and nevermind she's just been through a traumatic ordeal, he must think of his d*** and try to kiss her. It's now or never. :rolleyes:

Apparently, I guess, Lindsay is now in a "good place" and can hook up with Danny.

Though I am pleased I did not require a trip to the hospital after suffering a massive eye roll due to Danny mistaking the pretty lab girl for Monroe. Yes Daniel, I'm glad to see you've finally remembered your teammate was gone...and I guess it took a woman with wavy hair and lab coat to do it? Please. Go down to the morgue and demand Sid to return the manbits he'd taken from you (or whoever provided that humorous theory).

Though overall, it's unfortunate because I thought the case was rather decent tonight. I found it to be mildly entertaining and was pleased to see Angel could pull off the scenes. If only the writers hadn't shoved their romantic plight into tonight's episode, I could have also overlooked the fact that Danny was not going to Montana as a supportive friend and colleague. But perhaps I may now develop some blind hope that Lindsay with her 'super scary dark secret' behind her, could fill this suddenly characterization void in with something substanial. Who knows, maybe we'll learn why she can't deal with mothers. It apparently had nothing to do with tonight's case.

Sadly, I find myself not as interested in the show as I had been in the past. I do homework now, chat with friends on the laptop, or play word games with my roommate. My attention is rarely solely focused on the show now. I loved Season One, and quite frankly, I miss it.

Though hopefully with Lindsay's story finally out in the open (and hopefully something the writers decide to not grace us with the Continuity Fairy), I'll only have to endure Danny and Lindsay's hokey attempts as a 'cute couple.' Maybe Mac will decide to bare his teeth if Danny and Lindsay can't work a case together because of a lovers' tiff.

But on a positive note: good god, I love Flack. He and a few others are responsible for keeping me tuned in each week, and it's great he's been given material in each episode. That man will put anyone in their place and not even bat an eye while doing it. *moves to Camp Flack*

I hate how Mac always knows everything about everything. He thinks he's so Wiki, with his spray on hair. I kinda wanted that fire to spread up his arm, just to see him freak out, dive into that tank and then straighten his jacket while looking around to make sure no one saw. Like when you're walking down the street and you trip and you just start jogging so people don't think you were about to fall on your face. I just hate how perfect Grissom, Ho, and Mac always are. I bet they don't even fart. That would be humanly and degrading.
Lol! I was so hoping the experiment would somehow backfire and make Mac sweat a little. Just to embarrass him and show him his mother was right when she said, "Don't play with matches."
A- (again)

CRISS ANGEL! Loved his acting especially with his adoptive mom at the end--at first when I saw him talking to Mac&Danny with that butterfly illusion, I was like o-k, here's where they have the guest stars say their bit then he'll vanish into oblivion and reappear in the end eg: Kidd Rock, Sacha Cohen & Nelly Furtado--but bravo to Criss for pulling of the drama, especially when he was talking to the non-existent audience & his scream scene...Have to say though that I thought they were going "Vegas" on me when Stella talked about the DNA& the father of the illusionist--good they didn't go that way...

Hawkes & Flack--WOHOO!!! :D They argued like grumpy old men!!! I've been down coz of the lack of exposure with these two. :( They exploded Flack & threw Hawkes into the slammer then...NADA! But the scene in the magician's store was priceless! Even if the writers don't give them enough TV time--Flack's DEFINITELY getting the BEST lines ever! :D "Good ship Looney Tunes" and "...the difference between DNA & RNA--that's a scintillating conversation..." (forgive me if I screwed up the line by not going verbatim) :rolleyes:

I guess SMack & D/L fans are now partying in the streets--I'm not a fan of either ship...ALOT of scenes with the two chiefs in the past two episodes and I'm not complaining-- but I'll take Stella&Mac over Grissom&Willows any day...(dodges the flying tomatoes) :p

The scene with Danny lighting Mac up was great--I liked the exchange between the two "Why do I even try when you know everything..." and "What other job gets you to burn his boss"--good lines, but Flack's are way BETTER! :lol:

Okay now I delve into the scenes-which-should-not-be-named :devil:...Danny--what the hell happened?!? I agree with him when he said "I'm losing my mind..." when he thought "saw" Lindsay in the lab--YES, Danny you are losing something, and it ain't ONLY your mind...

I must admit though--Anna was able to do ONE credible scene, you could see she was about to lose her composure again but her expression changed when she saw Danny walk in the courtroom & it "strengthened" :rolleyes: her to continue, that was the ONE time I saw her really act this season...In Lindsay's conversation with Stella & her first time on the witness stand--for some unexplainable reason I couldn't tear my eyes off the know that feeling when you rub two pieces of styrofoam together and you get that aching sensation at the squeaking noise, but for some weird reason you have this compulsion to do it again to torture yourself? Yeah that's how I felt watching those two scenes... :lol: Don't get me wrong, I don't totally despise her--but Lindsay season 2 definitely kick's Lindsay season 3's ass without even trying! ;)

This is the funny part for me--when Lindsay & Danny were about to kiss, you could see them smile--the comedy for me was like the smirks conveyed "What? We actually have to do this???? Are the writers friggin mad???"

So my question now is--will ALL D/L "romantic" scenes be done in slow-motion??? or is it simply a three second delay?! :confused: :lol: :confused:
Midnight, it's 4:30 in the morning and I'm supposed to be in bed, but here I am laughing my ass off at your post. Are you sure you don't want to marry me? :lol:

ThisIsMe, thanks muchly for the penguin visual. :p

SimplyBlue, excellent points. :) Perhaps we can steal a page from "Grey's Anatomy" and convince NY to make a Flack spin-off. I'm grasping at straws, but hey, you never know! :lol:

And didn't we say that Sid was keeping Danny's junk in a pickle jar in his filing cabinet or something? :p

I understand people are mad because of the ship stuff on the eppy tonight...but I wasn't even talking about the relationship when I said this about the quality.
Ah, a misunderstanding, then. :)
Damn ThisIsMe!!! I just changed my pants after reading chaostheroy08's comment over at the spoiler thread! Now I gotta change AGAIN after making ANOTHER accident LMAO at your penguins! :lol: :lol: :lol: