Wow, I gave up Grey's to rewatch this. Talk about dedication! :lol:
While not completely perfect, this episode was pretty close to it. Looking back on other grading threads, it's rare to have so many people on this board grade an episode so uniformly positively. If
*we* can agree so well, that's saying a lot.
Fierce!Stella was magnificent. She went toe-to-toe with the chief of police to defend the integrity of the "science geek" and I loved her for it. She looked like she was about to pop him in the eye. Her picking up Hawkes at Riker's was the perfect end note to this episode; the whole team showing up would have been cheesy and would have ruined it.
Mac - you moron!! Well, at least he didn't call Peyton "Claire" during sex. That might have ended in castration. She is an ME, I'm sure she could have made that cut cleaner than Lorena Bobbitt did.
I was very happy to see Mac stick up for Sheldon while still following the trail to get to conclusive evidence that proved innocence. It's all well and good for them to know that he would never commit a crime, but they still have to prove it.
That brings me to Lindsay, who did well in this outing. This episode proves to me that she belongs more in the lab than out in the field. She did do a good job of keeping it together and not being emotionally involved

. If only we could see this more often.
Flack, thank you for setting aside your rancor at Mac and keeping a straight head in front of your captain. That could easily have damaged your credibility in the precinct, but it was a well-played display of loyalty.
Welcome back Danny! I'm glad you tore up your prescription for whatever it was that was keeping you in a fog this season. Pissy behavior? Check. Taking the time to look at the porno titles in the store? Classic. Impulsive behavior tempered by some maturity? Loved it. Can we go back to bed now?
And what a brilliant piece of acting done by Hill Harper. He was magnificent and you could feel the frustration boiling off of him when Casey was goading him at Riker's. And the look he gave Stella at the end made me all melty.
Can we have more episodes like this? PLEASE???!!!