ETA: Darn you,
Top, for posting before me and saying it better.
The most evil wizard in hundreds of years--racist, vicious and cruel, a psychopath incapable of love...
Yup, Rikki is exactly like Voldemort.
she-who-must-not-be-named aka Lady V, becuase I cant and wont write her name down. simple as that. I dont care enough for her to compare her to anyone
...You 'care' enough to not say her name and come up with an alternative, but whatever.
I think we now have proof that Flack doesn't like Lindsay: "You should piss Lindsay off more often." That says it all, no?

Yes, it was banter, but it was also a dig at a relationship Flack doesn't approve of. Flack is more protective of Danny than anyone, and I suspect he's aware of how Lindsay treats Danny.
or it simply said - as Dutch said, that he should piss Lindsay more often so they can spent more time together, seeing as they are best friends and all and Danny and Lindsay were spending too much time together to his liking? that would have been my wild guess
Or it could be a little of both. To quote myself from earlier in the thread:
"~ Presuming that Flack mentions Lindsay because he knew it was originally supposed to be Lindsay at the game with Danny, that tells me that Danny is neglecting poor Donnie-boy. Be nice to Donnie, Mess, he's the one who's always there for you, remember? (And boy, it sure didn't look like Flack was scolding Danny to me.

so Im biding Adios to Lady V and cant wait for the next episode
The most evil wizard in hundreds of years--racist, vicious and cruel, a psychopath incapable of love...
Yup, Rikki is
exactly like Voldemort. :vulcan:
No you are right. We shouldnt equate Rikki to Voldemort....the guy at least is a more interesting character than Rikki.Despite his viciousness!
Since Lindsay is a character so useless...selfish and hypocritical,as a professional doesnt really give anything different and the character is not popular. And on the other hand Rikki is made from all kinds of wonderful, and she was such an important and inetresting part of the last episodes.I want to make two questions
Why doesnt TPTB hasnt shown Lindsay the exit door?I mean in Lost there were two characters (Paolo and his girlfriend) who were killed because the audience hated their guts.Is TPTB afraid of hurting Anna's feelings?
or Even if Lindsay stayed...why didnt they just drop the whole DL storyline completely and make Danny continue his great relationship with Rikki and just keep her but because she is not a CSI to make very rare appearances. I mean honestly... why throw the goose with the golden eggs? and instead make Danny plead Lindsay to go over and told her he misses her?
Just curious
Well, I don't profess to be in the writers' minds or know what they--or the network--want or are planning. I also don't know what anybody else involved with the show thinks or wants. However, I
do know that Jacqueline Pinol has been a recurring guest star and, as such, wouldn't be under contract. Anna Belknap, however, was put under contract immediately after joining the show in spite of the original report that she would start out recurring.
Plus, of course, there's the fact that Lindsay really doesn't have much outside of Danny-the-lapdog running around after her.
I'm sure your post was meant as a smackdown of sorts, but I hate to break it to you--this is a message board, and we're going to share our opinions whether you get butthurt over the idea of us liking Rikki or whatever else. Sorry, but them's the breaks.