I give this episode a very solid "A". I'm a Smacked fan so you can't ask me too much. i can't help myself i confess:lol:
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i think it was an amazing episode. Many scenes were asked at talk CSI forums. We have go another "team" episode or should i say family episode. Sid in danger and everybody's reaction to that.
Let's say it in order:
Stunt Casting--> Maroon 5. i LOVE it!!!!!:thumbsup: i think i listened Maroon 5 once but i loved this song and the scene was really very well made. Something i'm enjoying from S5 is the fact the crime scenes are not the same than past years. Usually we had fashion shows or rich apartments from rich people. This crime scene was different at least. BTW Marron 5 was as effective as Will Dailey from last season. But for Smacked it was unique Will's song, wasn't it:drool::thumbsup:
First scene with Stella, Mac an Don.--> Please tell me it wasn't my imagination!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Don was talking and Mac and Stella couldn't unglued their eyes from each other. :drool: I found it quite interesting how Flack defended his men-in blue. Usually they would have an arguing with Mac but this time both of them undertood each other's position. I truly love Mac-Flack interaction (always) because they have argued before but they put their proud aside when they need to say "I'm sorry". yeap, it not easy but they respect each other so much! As in veritas when Mac made him know he knew about Sam's situation despite of Don didn't tell him anything
Stella-Mac- Sheldon and Sid---> when the alarm was set. This scene showed me how Mac and Stella cannot be apart. They are like Ying and Yang. Fire and water. Stella is the Reason. Mac is the Impulsiveness. When Sid fainted, Stella stopped Mac who was running towards him:drool:She would like he didn't do that. I remember her stress back in Hostage when Don told her Mac was with the victim inside the bank. Her face when she knew he offered himself to be exchange by hostages..(Something she knew in her heart)
Also from this scene i should mention the "You and me" comment :drool::drool::drool::drool: could anyone explain me why both of them looked
1) so close:drool:
2) so...mmmm..little uncomfortable maybe???:lol::drool:Again they cannot apart their yes from each other:drool:
Inside Joke: The Tatoo Guy saying Stella "Pretty smart
Honey" (well i think that guy said so but i could be wrong) As Stellarinas know, Melina was called in taht way because of the Nurse who couldn't pronounce Kanakaredes so she called the baby "Honey" (Melina in Greek) . Besides Stella's hair looked fantastic (well she always is pretty)
Mac and Stella going into the Library---> cute. Stella in the passenger seat again and Mac as the driver. Doesn't she have her own truck :drool::drool::drool: and walking together so close to each other, smiling, enjoying their little spaces :drool:
Powerful scene--->
there was a scene i liked so much. I don't know why certainly. It was that one with Danny-Lindsay and Stella-Mac in front of the screen. They looked like TWO couples instead of just one (and most of you know what i think about one of them and what i feel about the other one :thumbsup:
Mac and Molly's husband--->
anybody could confirm me if the painting has a certain resemblance on Stella? Because i thought the painting WAS Stella actuallly. Not from the photo her husband showed on tv but the painting on the wall. For me it was Stella!!!!! Could be possible will we see a future connection to Stella in further episodes?????????????????????????????????????????? ????????

Asked scenes: Flack- Mac scenes, Don-Danny and Adam, Don.-Stella, Boys together scene, and also Adam- Stella, Sheldon-Stella and of course our beloved Smacked scenes :drool::drool::drool::drool::drool::drool:
Funny thing: All of them looked funny in their antinuclear poisoning suit

. Also the last scene was really priceless and the tender stare Mac gave to Sid
BTW I couldn't finish watching the eppy. Just 30 minutes

(well it was amazing anyway