Grade 'Open and Shut'

I agree with some of you guys on different points. I liked the continuity on what happened to Stella. Sadly I was hoping for something better. It wasn't bad. And Stella should have gone back to Lindsay and said something about yelling at her. "Like I was emotional about the case and it's ok as long as it doesn't get in your way of solving the case." And later Stella did realize she was wrong but she was professional in the end and that is what matters.

To me the B case felt just alittle bit lame. Yes, models are people too. And New York is also a place for models but the whole assistant doing it to protect the bitch seemed boring. But I loved Flack telling the redhead off by dismissing her. And him getting in that the model would get her publicity. That's right Flack you tell them how stupid they are! ;)
I actually ejoyed this epsiode a lot, and contrary to what a few poeple have said, I don't think the episode suffered from having less Danny. He's always got so much turmoil going on about him, it might have taken away from Melina's amazing portrayal of Stella in this episode. Had he been on the B case, I would definitely say that we could have seen some more of him, but the A case was all Stella and I liked that.

Personally, I like that Stella did not apologize to Lindsay. I can't pinpoint why exactly that is, except for perhaps I don't believe that Stella should have to apologize to anyone for letting this case get to her.

What was with the 15 minute long "Sid's washing the body" scene? I don't know why, but it felt like such a long scene -- but once he started talking about specifics with Mac, I got over it.

I may appear to be biased, but Adam always, always perks up the episode. It's the perfect mix of being relevant and being funny. When the writers put Adam in an episode, they fully untilize him as comic relief with a brain, and I love that. His breakdown of what was on that rail, the easy banter he has with Mac, the recreation of the "belly button" imprint...It's great to see that he's being utilized in so many of these episodes just to lighten the mood without getting off-topic. And MAN he's cute! And skinny! I kind of wanted to feed him after I saw him in that sweater...

I would have liked to see Hawkes more in this epsiode, as I see him as being rather in-tune to everyone else's sensitivities. Perhaps I'm projecting a bit of Hill onto Sheldon, but I could easily see Hawkes offering comfort or a sympathetic ear to Stella, and then imparting the kind of advice that would help her focus -- but gently. That said, I did like the scene where Mac and Stella talk after her confrontation with Lindsay.

Flack was priceless in this episode. Once again, Eddie shines in his role. He's snarky, funny, and a shark in the interrogation room. With such a steller cast, it's hard to say that any one actor is more consistantly spot-on than any other, but like Adam, Flack always makes the episode that much better.

Overall, I gave the episode an A. I did like the cases, the continuity, and the character interactions, I adored the Adam and Flack moments, and it was nice to know that Stella is still hurting underneath that calm, professional exterior.
Top41 said:
Khanada said:
ThumpyG said:Melina rocked tonight--I loved how she conveyed what Stella was going through without making her whiny and wishy-washy like some other characters we know. ;) Speaking of that character, it was gratifying to see Stella yell at Lindsay even if Lindsay was correct. She's just such a self-righteous little snot that it felt good to see Stella lay into her. I think it was significant that we never saw Stella apologize.

Wow! You must really have a dislike for Lindsay, non? What's the significance of never seeing Stella apologize to Lindsay? Just because Stella has experinced "almost" the same thing doesn't mean it's exactly the same. One thing I liked about Stella before was that she was willing to listen to all sides but from the latest episode, she was as self-righteous and snotty, as you have said about Lindsay. Mac shoudln't have let her get away with that...

A lot of comparison between Lindsay and Stella here, that the latter is not whiny as the former. Do we know the character Lindsay enough to deduce that she is so whiny that she wouldn't even talk to the mother? Nothing has been established so far, not even a minor glimpse to what really happened to her in the past.

There's not much love for Lindsay in this forum, I would guess. But I'm glad she's now a part of the show and replaced Aiden, who is terrible I must say. Still, I have respect for those who write not so nice things about Lindsay.
I must admit I’m slightly amused, but mostly puzzled, by the notion that Stella’s emotional outburst at Lindsay is somehow worthy of apology when just last week Lindsay jumping up Danny’s ass in her insolent fit about mothers didn’t illicit the same response. It’s interesting. Especially considering Lindsay’s past is used to explain and excuse her outburst(s), a past to which the viewers are not privy, but Stella’s well known past concerning Frankie gets her not a bit of leeway. Why is that? Do viewers simply expect more adult behaviour from Stella and therefore her emotional undoing is not as acceptable as Lindsay’s?

After all, there were no demands that Lindsay apologise in Season 2 for snatching or whining to Mac about lab work while standing in a room full of recently dead teenagers, nor her tantrum last week. Curious.
It was a pretty good ep. I liked how the murdering wife's plan was foiled by the coincidence of the CSI team already being on the scene. But there was none of the Mac/Stella or Danny/Lindsey banter in this ep that I so enjoy.
I actually don't think Stella needed to apologize to Lindsay, since I'm sure Lindsay understood the reasoning behind her outburst, and also because despite her connection, Stella did do her job and "follow the evidence." I will add that I don't think it was necessary for Lindsay to apologize. These are professional adults, and actions speak louder than words. Stella did her job, and Lindsay spoke to the mother. I think both Lindsay this week and DAnny last week understood.

I am also glad that they showed this eppy because it followed up on All Access. I hate when shows lose their memories, and I'm glad they didn't do that here. I loved that Stella didn't let the wife rattle her as well.

Loved snarky Flack. Wasn't bothered by lack of Danny because he is usually front and center and the other guys deserve their airtime.
JDonne said:
I must admit I’m slightly amused, but mostly puzzled, by the notion that Stella’s emotional outburst at Lindsay is somehow worthy of apology when just last week Lindsay jumping up Danny’s ass in her insolent fit about mothers didn’t illicit the same response. It’s interesting. Especially considering Lindsay’s past is used to explain and excuse her outburst(s), a past to which the viewers are not privy, but Stella’s well known past concerning Frankie gets her not a bit of leeway. Why is that? Do viewers simply expect more adult behaviour from Stella and therefore her emotional undoing is not as acceptable as Lindsay’s?

After all, there were no demands that Lindsay apologise in Season 2 for snatching or whining to Mac about lab work while standing in a room full of recently dead teenagers, nor her tantrum last week. Curious.

I don't think anyone could "argue" anything when Lindsay is concerned. *in a whining voice*

No wonder, Lindsay fans stay on the Lindsay forums. I'm new here, so just by reading the posts, there's a feeling of animosity. Could've been fun to be a part of a forum where one can say what she wants without being "attacked." There's also a feeling of domination here by a group. It might not be blatant but it's there, skimming on the surface.

Ho hum. my opinion..and no one hurt me please..i do think it was uncalled for Stella to yell at lindsay. All Lindsay was doing was asking questions..the 'hard' questions.that Stella apperently taught her to do. Stella was upset. yes i can understand that.but that doesnt give her an excuse to yell at the first person that tries to help her solve the case. i garentee that she wouldnt of yelled at Mac, or Hawkes or Danny. and if she did she would just wasnt right.


WHAT???!!! WHERE WAS daNNY!!!!

ok im done back later..class is about to end!
I gave this episode a B+. It was good, but the cases were only so-so.

My favorite part was the exchange between Stella and Lindsay. No, she should not apologize to her. As Jdonne said, the same kind of emotional outburst that was pooh-poohed away last week on Lindsay's behalf, Stella is being castigated for? She did have a traumatic experience and kudos for her for facing up to it by demanding to be put on the case. I don't believe either that Mac was letting her get away with anything. There was some reproof in his words to her but they also helped her to think about things a little more objectively.

As to the case itself, I figured it out (as did the other people who were watching) before they started analyzing the evidence. I think we were meant to figure it out pretty early on, but it was important for Stella to learn a very important lesson about being objective as an investigator. That woman took her for a ride, but Stella's verbal bitch-slap at the end was classic and classy.

The model case, quite frankly, sucked. But, there was so much wonderful, snarky Flack that I can almost forgive it. I also don't think the episode suffered from less Danny. Time for a couple others to have the spotlight.
LOL, I know. People laugh at me when I wipe down the shopping cart handle with disinfectant wipes before my son touches it, but ... there's scary stuff out there!
I personally don't see a reason why Stella should apologize to Lindsay. As I metioned earlier Stella is human & like every other person she's going to eventually snap. I got a sense that she was frustrated with what was going on. Maybe Lindsay realized on her own that Stella was getting emotionally torn by the case. I also think Lindsay understood how Stella felt so she probably didn't get too shaken by her Stella's reaction. She knew it was best to move on & let Stella be. It was a one time thing & I think they both should let it slide. Besides, any of the CSI's are capable of acting like that so I don't think we should hold this against Stella or even judge her.
nemosene said:
JDonne said:
I must admit I’m slightly amused, but mostly puzzled, by the notion that Stella’s emotional outburst at Lindsay is somehow worthy of apology when just last week Lindsay jumping up Danny’s ass in her insolent fit about mothers didn’t illicit the same response. It’s interesting. Especially considering Lindsay’s past is used to explain and excuse her outburst(s), a past to which the viewers are not privy, but Stella’s well known past concerning Frankie gets her not a bit of leeway. Why is that? Do viewers simply expect more adult behaviour from Stella and therefore her emotional undoing is not as acceptable as Lindsay’s?

After all, there were no demands that Lindsay apologise in Season 2 for snatching or whining to Mac about lab work while standing in a room full of recently dead teenagers, nor her tantrum last week. Curious.

I don't think anyone could "argue" anything when Lindsay is concerned. *in a whining voice*

No wonder, Lindsay fans stay on the Lindsay forums. I'm new here, so just by reading the posts, there's a feeling of animosity. Could've been fun to be a part of a forum where one can say what she wants without being "attacked." There's also a feeling of domination here by a group. It might not be blatant but it's there, skimming on the surface.

Ho hum.

nemosene, please don't get personal. Dislike of Lindsay is not hostility towards people who like her--it's simply that there are people who feel stongly about disliking her. There is no reason to take it personally--Lindsay is a fictional character. Just because midnight_tiptoes can't stand Danny doesn't mean she hates me. ;) It's a difference of opinion and makes discussion more interesting here. And just because the majority of posters seem to feel one way doesn't mean a dissenting opinion isn't welcome, because it is.

nemosene said:
Wow! You must really have a dislike for Lindsay, non? What's the significance of never seeing Stella apologize to Lindsay? Just because Stella has experinced "almost" the same thing doesn't mean it's exactly the same. One thing I liked about Stella before was that she was willing to listen to all sides but from the latest episode, she was as self-righteous and snotty, as you have said about Lindsay. Mac shoudln't have let her get away with that...

But Mac did just that. He cut Stella some slack because he knew what she was going through, and Lindsay should have done the same. As for why it's significant that we didn't see Stella apologize--I think partially because Lindsay ignores the human element in the cases all too often and this time it actually bit her in the ass. Lindsay doesn't have a lot of compassion unless the victim somehow reminds her of herself (Live or Let Die, Stealing Home), and this time she actually got snapped at for it (as opposed to in People With Money). Was she right about exploring other angles? Yes. But she needed to be more sensitive in her approach with Stella.

Her behavior was also pretty interesting given that she was supposedly so torn up about what happened to Stella in "All Access." She knew the history--she couldn't cut Stella a little slack? I think Lindsay only cares about one person: Lindsay. It seems to me that she was bothered by what happened to Stella in "All Access" more because Stella, like some of the other victims, may have reminded her of herself.
In the respectfully disagree file: I just thought Lindsay was trying to work the case ... I don't think she did anything wrong. I think she understood that Stella was getting emotional and was just trying to steer her back to discussing the different angles. I think she finally left because she knew Stella needed space. I also don't think Stella needed to apologize, as I've stated. The fact that they worked together later with no issue shows that they're two professional adults that sparred a bit and moved on. End of story. To me, there's no bad guy (except for Frankie, I guess!).
audrina said:
In the respectfully disagree file: I just thought Lindsay was trying to work the case ... I don't think she did anything wrong. I think she understood that Stella was getting emotional and was just trying to steer her back to discussing the different angles. I think she finally left because she knew Stella needed space. I also don't think Stella needed to apologize, as I've stated. The fact that they worked together later with no issue shows that they're two professional adults that sparred a bit and moved on. End of story. To me, there's no bad guy (except for Frankie, I guess!).

Definitely Frankie! lol I do agree it was a pretty minor disagreement, but I think Lindsay gets a little carried away at times and forgets about the human element in the cases (like she did in "People with Money") and I wonder if this wasn't a bit of a lesson to her. I do like that she referenced something about Stella teaching her--that shows she is trying to learn, which is good!