Grade 'Love Run Cold'

jorja_fan86 said:
Top41 said:
He's not always the sharpest tool in the box. :lol:

:lol: That reminds me of a quote that Michael Scott once said on the American version of The Office. The quote goes, "He's not the sharpest tool in the shed. Although he is a tool." :lol: It's priceless.
:lol: Great quote!
Still watching the episode, but Danny with his "Wait, where am I?" after Lindsay left him made me laugh and think of that "not the sharpest tool" comment. :D Ah, we all have our moments :lol: :D
Girlygirl said:
I think all of the D/L haters out there really need to back off a bit. I don't mean to be rude and I'm sorry if it sound like that and I know I'll be warned since almost all the Mods hate D/l as well but some on the producers of this show said right off the bat that CSI: NY would be dealing more with their people and relationships- LV is about the science, and Miami is about the bling-bling and pretty cars.

I understand that this isn't suppose to be a soap opera and it's not; just because they decide to go a little deeper into a relationship then the CSI’s before it doesn't make NY a soap opera at all. I really don't understand some people; either CSI is too slow (Grissom/Sara) or too much too quick (Danny/Lindsay).

As a D/L shipper I don't see where exactly you all see the too fast thing but that's your thing. I personally am sick of having to come onto Talk and be isolated to the D/L shipper board because as a supporter of the couple and Lindsay I don't feel welcome anywhere else in the chance that I'll have to deal with all this hate.

I think maybe you judgment is clouded in regards to Lindsay D/L and even Anna because for some reason you don't like her. It's fine and understandable to dislike a character and even an Actor/Actress but I honestly don't see where all your dislike comes from- its almost toxic or something. If it's because you loved Aiden that you hate Lindsay fine- or you just don't like the actress- whatever but I highly highly doubt everything Anna/Lindsay does is wrong or bad.

Like most of you I love Danny and I know you may all find it weird but people change and grow which he is so no it's not that weird for him to be maturing. And it's not that wrong for him as a human and a friend to want to help her, he sees that Lindsay is hurting and it's normal to want to take some of that pain away.

I thought the episode was really light- a nice change. Sure it probably was just to put D/L in the spot light but I thought for sure all you haters would have voted an A+ seeing as it looks like the end is near.


Please do not go down this road. People have a right to express their opinions of characters and relationships in this show. That's what this forum is for. You are more than welcome to express your opinions, but trying to silence others will not be tolerated here. If you can't accept that, don't post here.
Girlygirl, I'm just getting started.

I've had quite a few problems with tonights episode. Most of them having to do with DL, and the other? The way they tracked the marathons. Did you see the huge crowd at the beginning? That alone makes it virtually impossible to find out who was running with who, and to track someone in.

My DL problems:

Was it not Lindsay who first expressed an interest in Danny? He flirts with everyone, and if you want to say something like, 'it's just friendly banter with Flack!', then reverse the roles. You wouldn't be saying that if it was between Danny and Lindsay, rather than Danny and Flack.

Another, body language. In basically every episode, when they're talking and walking, one is in front of the other and not looking at them while they're talking. Yeah. I can practically feel the love. When Lindsay was turning Danny down for lunch, she was acting like a child. "Mac said to finish the case." *pointed glare at Danny skiving off his duties* "I'm going to go be a good lapdog and do exactly what he says." Reminds me of a few people in grade school.

Carmine is just looking bored during the scenes now. I don't feel any chemistry between them, I don't think they look comfortable. They don't share any special glances. It's just bland and reused.

My money's on Danny moving on, Lindsay finally being 'ready' for the relationship, the writers attempting some horrible angst, and then the tension explodes in the finale or during sweeps.

I'm wavering between an A- and a B+.

I did enjoy the cases, though they weren't quite as inspired as last week. It kind of bothers me a little bit when the motive comes out of nowhere--meaning something we haven't heard of until the final few moments (the accident that crippled Richard) but then, if we'd heard about it earlier it would have totally given away the killer. So I think that's kind of a no-win situation for them.

The icicle murder was cool looking, and the resolution was okay, even if we've seen the whole jealousy murder thing time and again. Anyone catch the look Flack shot Danny when he said his last line (after Danny said 'Love run cold')? Poor Flack--he's pining! :(

I think Danny's character did a complete 180 in this episode. He's many things, but I've never seen him be a lap dog before. The chasing after Lindsay thing was bizarre just because as others pointed out, all last season she appeared to be much more interested than he was. And the whole "I need to be on my own" thing is just so overused, and the lamest excuse in the book. It's a cheap device to keep characters who are into each other apart. Shame on the writers. It's obvious from the way Lindsay said she liked Danny that she does, and generally in real life people who like each other act on it. I'm glad it didn't end with a big fight, but Danny needs to get his backbone back, because up until this episode I thought he had one. :confused: The whole thing felt pretty Twilight Zone and just out of character all the way through.

At least Flack was still staring. :devil: He and Danny were cute together, but I'm bummed they cut the line about Aiden teaching Danny about manipulating the suspect, because I'm pretty sure it was supposed to be in that scene (I think Eddie said the third episode). :( That's too bad.

You know, I think this show would be really daring if they came out and admitted Flack was in love with Danny. If they're going to go the relationships between characters route, why not do something original? No, I'm not holding my breath that they'll ever actually pair up the two, but that could make for some truly interesting storylines, not just more of "OMG they're into each other but they both have Issues and can't be together!"

No Peyton or Angell! :( But, Hammerback and Danny cracked me up with the exchange about drinking on the job. :D
Well, I gave it an A-. I liked it. I probably won't ever give any episode more than an "A". There's always room for improvement. But the Danny and Lindsay dynamic was done beautifully. I could so relate to both of them. Danny is trying to figure out where Lindsay is coming from, and she's thinking that she really likes him but that she can't do this right now. I was so glad that she told him that it's not him, that it's something she has to deal with on her own from her past. At least she was up front with him. And as for him, it wasn't being wimpy for him to let her know that he would be there for her if she needed him. That was showing maturity on his part. "Ok, so we aren't going to date, but we can still be friends and I'll be here if you need me." What is wrong with that?

There was NOT enough Flack in this episode, but then there is never enough Flack for me. He looked stunning in that dark ensemble at the end of the show. Oh. My. God. And I didn't hear Danny say anything about Aiden teaching him the fingerprint on the car technique. I don't know why they haven't gotten more into the friendship between Danny and Flack unless it's just that they are saving it for later in the season. They still haven't gotten into Flack's recovery or anything between Don and Mac either. There are what, 22 more shows to go? Lots of time to address these issues.

I don't know where anyone would get the idea that Flack is spineless. If anything I think he rises above all Danny's theatrics. "Yeah, whatever bro, hope ya get the girl. I got work to do." Did someone on the show say that they are supposed to be best friends? I remember Eddie saying he was happy that the characters had been written as friends but I don't think he said best friends. And just because Danny taking Lindsay home hasn't been addressed at this point doesn't mean it won't be somewhere down the line.

Does anyone know if the actors have any say in how their characters are written? If, for example, one of the actors' character was written in a way that he or she was really uncomfortable with, could they voice that and have any control over it? Just something that got me thinking...
^They probably have some say, but ultimately it's up to the writers and, well, the networks might have a hand in it as well. The director also has a hand in it, telling an actor how he or she should deliver a line or how a certain movement should look.
I ended up giving the episode a B. I didn't think there was anything spectacular about it, but I think there have been worse episodes as far as holding my interest goes.

I have, up until this point, been on the fence with the whole D/L relationship. I wasn't entirely fond of how the writers' cheaply went about it in a haphazard way, but I could see the 'clues' they were supposed to be giving the audience. I am now, however, more inclined to say that I'm leaning against the D/L relationship because the writers' are continuing to go about it at the characters' expenses. I don't think Lindsay has been given enough time to grow and develop as a character (this has nothing to do with Anna, from what I read of her, she sounds like a sweetheart) and as someone who is supposed to be part of the main cast, I need a little more than the flippant-persona the writers have offered. At times it seems to me that even they're not sure on what to do with her and are hoping to dig her out during the course of this possible relationship.

Though I have a feeling they might go the route of a past relationship gone sour. Abuse, rape…something that made her react so strongly to Stella’s situation and shy away from the man she’s been pinning for for an entire season.

As for Danny, it just seems like the character did a complete 180. To me, Danny was always a flirt who shied a bit away from any serious commitment (telling Mac not to joke about falling in love and bemoaning to Hawkes about being asked to attend a kid's party after only two dates). Now all of a sudden after basically ignoring Lindsay from being little more than a colleague/borderline friend…he’s love struck and left with a broken heart? I didn’t even think he gave much thought to Hawkes (was it him or another ME?) when he was told Lindsay had a crush on him. As far as I can recall, he basically gave it a fleeting thought like, “Oh. Ok, I guess.” and that was that. I mean for this character that the writers’ spent a lot of time developing, they sure did toss it to the wayside this episode.

But I don’t know, hopefully they don’t drag this ‘will Danny and Lindsay end up in a relationship or not?’ the entire season. They might be able to salvage it if they pick a direction to go in and stick with it, and make a strong case for it.

But oh what I wouldn’t give to interview Carmine and just ask him, “So what do you think about the writers’ shamelessly exploiting you as the show’s sex toy? You have to know your clothes get tighter and tighter every season? Are we to finally see a shirtless scene or are you meant to be more of a tease?”

I enjoyed Flack and Danny’s interaction – I thought that they were cute together (in a nonromantic way). I ‘heheed’ at Flack’s sing-song line (which for the life of me I can’t remember right now). He’s so freaking adorable; I really do hope the writers give him so more screen time.

I also enjoyed Danny whining about being hungry. I thought that regardless of him trying to manipulate the situation and corner Lindsay, it was very Danny-esque. Then when he put his hides on his hips and looked around to ask, “Wait. Where am I?” I giggled again. I wonder how far back he was plotting to ask her to lunch or whatever else might have been on his mind to make him lose track of his surroundings.

As for Mac, Hawkes, and Stella’s case? I don’t know, it was ok. It wasn’t the greatest, but again, it wasn’t the worst either.

I did have a question though. When the girl was stabbed with her ice scepter-thing where’d it go? I was a bit distracted towards the end and I could have sworn that when the girl was stabbed – the platform was getting ready to go up towards the rest of the party. Well, what happened to the scepter? Did the boyfriend stab her and then pull it out? I don’t remember any of the CSIs picking it up, and from the time the girl was stabbed to when the platform possibly started rising – it didn’t seem like enough time for it to melt. So if someone could clear that up, that would be great.
I'd have to say that this episode wasn't as exciting as I had hoped it would've been. I did like the icicle case, but have it been put on the back-burner for the runner case kinda sucked.

As for the whole Danny and Lindsay thing... I'm not a shipper, and I really don't care all that much if they get together or not, but I am interested in Lindsay's past. I rather like Anna playing Lindsay and thought she played her "dark past" scene well.
I read the criticism of the whole DL interaction in this episode being too childish / Lindsay's behaving like she's in high school still etc. etc. etc.

And maybe she is. Maybe she did encourage the flirting etc. and now that she has him she's spooked and scared or something. Maybe that is childish.

But it happens in real life.

Everyone has a right to dislike her behaviour etc. but not to understand where the writers are coming from? What they're doing with Danny and Lindsay does happen in real life too so it is believable.

Same with Danny's behaviour. He's totally a 'laddish' guy, doesn't want a serious relationship but then he meets someone who he actually likes and he changes without actually realising it.

I admire the writers for sticking with this even though they must know there's going to be some resentment from people who want the whole show to only be about the cases.

I liked this episode. The cases were okay-ish and I'm glad they're not trying to force the new characters down our throats and Flack is adorable as always. We definitely need to get more characterisation with Hawkes though.
Muzzy_Olorea said:
I read the criticism of the whole DL interaction in this episode being too childish / Lindsay's behaving like she's in high school still etc. etc. etc.

And maybe she is. Maybe she did encourage the flirting etc. and now that she has him she's spooked and scared or something. Maybe that is childish.

I don't think it's childish so much on her part as baffling and a writer's crutch to keep these two from getting together, and yet keep the so-called sexual tension going.

But it happens in real life.

Not usually. More often than not, when two people are mutually attracted to each other, they act on it. In real life, a line like Lindsay delivered is code for "I'm just not interested in you." Which is why lines like that annoy me so much--they could have come up with a better reason to keep them apart.

Everyone has a right to dislike her behaviour etc. but not to understand where the writers are coming from? What they're doing with Danny and Lindsay does happen in real life too so it is believable.

If Danny and Lindsay were real people, they'd be sleeping together by now. They're adults. In high school and college, drama keeps people apart, but that's usually not the case with people older than that. The new show Standoff, about hostage negotiators, is a great example of how adults handle relationships. The two leads are attracted to each other--and they acted on it.

Same with Danny's behaviour. He's totally a 'laddish' guy, doesn't want a serious relationship but then he meets someone who he actually likes and he changes without actually realising it.

Danny went from casual flirting to a desperate pursuit in the space of one episode. Maybe he's on drugs. :lol: But seriously, to go from 0 to 60 in space of one episode was bizarre.
Just a simple suggestion, but the time-frame in these episodes are a week. Maybe that's how the writers were seeing it? Maybe sometimes more, maybe less. Acctually, who knows what the writers are thinking.
Okay! I have some points.

1. First, I have to stick up for Danny a bit. How do we know he wasn't there for Flack after he was hurt? We only saw the night of the accident when he took Lindsay home. Maybe he was confident that Mac would call if there were any developments, maybe he took Lindsay home and came back. For all we know he spent the following week chained to Flack's bedside. So let's not assume he's a shitty friend yet! I do agree, though, that the writers need to address it and the whole Flack recovery in general.

2. I disagree with you a bit, Top, on relationships. You said that in real life they would be sleeping together by now. Not always! One of my best friends is married to a former coworker. They circled each other for at least two years before finally dating, and waiting a bit longer to get horizontal.

3. As for Lindsay needing time for herself? If you have been hurt in a big way (I think the writers have planned something pretty serious for her), then you do want to be alone. I won't go into details, but I was very hurt by someone in my past. And guess what? I used that very line - I need time to myself, to get my crap together, basically - to a guy, and meant it. Awhile later, we did date - he knew I was telling the truth. I also think that Anna's performance in telling Danny she wasn't ready showed her inner turmoil, IMO.

One point of agreement: I thought it was out of character for Danny to pursue her as she did. I expected him to be more mad that she left him cooling his heels in teh restaurant. I also thought it was out of character for Lindsay to not even call Danny and let him know she wasn't coming.

Oh, and Stella's girls were contained! Good to see that!