Grade 'Love Run Cold'

Typical: Good, nothing special. I guessed that the dead marathoner caused the accident that put the guy in a wheelchair. It seems we're on the path to finding out about Lindsay's "dark past" or whatever it was her bio on the CBS page mentioned. C+
The cases had nothing special.
Have all of CSIs got their 'dark side'? Seems like everyone has at least one.
B- It seemed like the writers just phoned this one in. It wasn't very engaging and I could have walked away at any point.

The whole buildup to this Danny Lindsay business seemed forced and when it happened it left me scratching my head. Danny had more chemistry with Flack in their scenes together. I hope next week is better. Maybe they should get Pam Veasey to write more episodes.
I'd give it a C. The only part i liked was when Flack said "we found it..." in that sing-song voice. that cracked me up, for some strange reason. and i'm totally not a DL shipper and i don't really like lindsay (ok, i hate her)so i couln't care less about her past problems or why she won't go out with danny.
I thought the episode was ok. I kind of felt like he deserved more of an explanation. Good catch with the fish eggs. Now that we see Danny and Lindsay are human, let's get a life for Hawkes! :D
I liked the Flack line, too. He's an actor that can do a lot with a little. Does that make sense? Anyway, I gave it a B-. I thought it was uneven - maybe I was thrown off because Stella's girls were contained this eppy?

The DL stuff ... liked the last scene. I know a lot of people don't like Lindsay, but I thought Anna did a good job of conveying Lindsay's confusion and turmoil.
Things I liked:

-The marathon case was interesting, and huzzah for disability representation! For one glorious moment, I thought my fantasy of Flack in a slow-speed wheelchair chase was about to be fulfilled, but no. Damn you, network spoketeases...

-Stella telling emo!sister that Reed took her brother's legs, not his life. I am sick of people equating physical impairment with sad, pathetic lives devoid of joy.

-Flack looked gorgeous tonight. He actually matched.

Things I didn't like:

-The Ice Queen case was dull and obviously a flimsy construct for the Danny/Lindsay angst. The motive was believable, but neither victim nor killer were sympathetic. I did like Flack and Danny's utter lack of surprise at the motive, and given the number of relationships they've seen sour, it's really little wonder they're single, though I stand by my belief that Flack is a closet romantic who wants to settle someday.

-The Flack-Danny interaction. I'm sorry, but after the end of S2, my ability to believe that Flack and Danny are bestest buds is shot. Either Flack really is a spineless doormat when it comes to his friends, or Messer atoned for his weeniedom at the hospital after the fact and offscreen. If so, the writers would do well to address this with a quick line or two about Danny being a pain in Flack's butt during his recovery. Otherwise, that's a leap I cannot make.

-The D/L debacle. What a clusterdoodle. Please, please, please tell me they're not going to whip out the old abusive boyfriend/jilted at the altar back in Montana business for Lindsay.
It wasn't outstanding, but I liked it okay. Kinda felt sad for D/L as a sometime D/L shipper but that's another section. I did like the seemingly impossible COD and symptoms and such and it becoming plausible by the end. And I agree re the wheelchair stuff...good to see some positive representation.
Well, I was...disappointed this week. :( The episode didn't really grab me, the cases were meh...

I was chatting again, but I couldn't even get excited about chatting because the cases were so iffy. And the fact that the D/L thing not only came up again, but just went through the whole episode? I'm wondering how much the writers are willing to sacrifice a good show in favor of romantic angst or whatever. :rolleyes: Can they please drop this now?

I liked the Danny and Flack interaction. I'm going to assume that Danny was there for Flack during his recovery, even though the writers apparently don't think it's worth mentioning. :rolleyes: They seem to be on good terms, and I hope the writers eventually tell us that Danny is, in fact, not a totally shitty friend.

The parts of the show that stood out the most were, once again, the D/L things. That doesn't make it a good thing, though. Danny's pissy the whole time, Lindsay's avoiding him like they're in high school, and then Danny is this huge wuss basically begging her to know what's wrong. :rolleyes: She essentially says 'no, I don't want to do this' and he's all 'if you need me let me know.' he can abandon Flack after the finale, but he's on his knees begging Lindsay to let him be her rock or whatever? Do the writers have any sense of Danny's character? Or did they throw it out the window when they decided to go with this D/L thing? And here we are, still wondering if it's ever going to be friggin' over. Seriously, do they think it makes the show better? More interesting? What would make it more interesting for me is to concentrate on the cases and really pull me in.

So basically, we don't know why Lindsay doesn't want to be with Danny, and they're going to drag this out some more? And in the meantime, Danny will probably spend every episode with that wounded-puppy dog look on his face, following Lindsay around and trying to beg her to go out with him. *headdesk*

This is exactly why ships need to stay in fanfiction. The writers aren't doing the show any kind of service with this. Yes, a large chunk of fans want Danny and Lindsay to hold hands and kiss and run off into the sunset, but I can't say it enough: this isn't a soap opera, it's a crime drama. And the CSI work is being overshadowed by badly-written romance stuff. They need to get this out of their system.

I'm going to rewatch the show tomorrow, and I'm hoping that I'll find it more interesting than I did the first time. I'll wait and grade it then, but I don't think this is going to be an A+ episode from me. (And that's saying something.) :(
I liked the Danny and Flack interaction. I'm going to assume that Danny was there for Flack during his recovery, even though the writers apparently don't think it's worth mentioning. They seem to be on good terms, and I hope the writers eventually tell us that Danny is, in fact, not a totally shitty friend.

I hated their interaction for that very reason. How hard is it to drop two lines into the conversation about Danny being in Flack's hair during his recovery? They certainly made time for the nauseating, stilted D/L glurge. Good Lord. I shouldn't have to make Kinievalian leaps of logic to watch a show.

As it was, it made Flack either a)indifferent to Messer's egoism or b)A spineless, needy doormat willing to be treated crappily by his friends.
I think all of the D/L haters out there really need to back off a bit. I don't mean to be rude and I'm sorry if it sound like that and I know I'll be warned since almost all the Mods hate D/l as well but some on the producers of this show said right off the bat that CSI: NY would be dealing more with their people and relationships- LV is about the science, and Miami is about the bling-bling and pretty cars.

I understand that this isn't suppose to be a soap opera and it's not; just because they decide to go a little deeper into a relationship then the CSI’s before it doesn't make NY a soap opera at all. I really don't understand some people; either CSI is too slow (Grissom/Sara) or too much too quick (Danny/Lindsay).

As a D/L shipper I don't see where exactly you all see the too fast thing but that's your thing. I personally am sick of having to come onto Talk and be isolated to the D/L shipper board because as a supporter of the couple and Lindsay I don't feel welcome anywhere else in the chance that I'll have to deal with all this hate.

I think maybe you judgment is clouded in regards to Lindsay D/L and even Anna because for some reason you don't like her. It's fine and understandable to dislike a character and even an Actor/Actress but I honestly don't see where all your dislike comes from- its almost toxic or something. If it's because you loved Aiden that you hate Lindsay fine- or you just don't like the actress- whatever but I highly highly doubt everything Anna/Lindsay does is wrong or bad.

Like most of you I love Danny and I know you may all find it weird but people change and grow which he is so no it's not that weird for him to be maturing. And it's not that wrong for him as a human and a friend to want to help her, he sees that Lindsay is hurting and it's normal to want to take some of that pain away.

I thought the episode was really light- a nice change. Sure it probably was just to put D/L in the spot light but I thought for sure all you haters would have voted an A+ seeing as it looks like the end is near.

Anyhow I adored Flack, even if it sounded like maybe Eddie was a little sick and I thought Danny/Lindsay and Anna/Carmine played their scenes really well. She was scared and so avoiding him so that she didn't have to talk about whatever it is that happened to her and he was curious; they have been dancing around this for a while.

Plus, though kind of far out there I liked the Mac/Stella/Hawkes case- I know they need to wrap it up in an hour but to be able to find their killer in all those people? I suppose that why they are who they are- especially Mac who is a god. And I'm the happiest when Mac and Stella work a case they are fantastic together.

On top of that I like that both Angell and Payton weren't in this episode, though I have nothing against them- I actually love Angell so far and Payton's not that bad- a little strong for such a new character but I could get use to her. I was ecstatic to see Sid (love Sid- Robert Joy needs to be put on contract ASAP). I liked getting back to the main players and the people I'm invested in already.

Again if I get a warning I'm sorry but someone needed to finally say what all D/L lovers feel and have wanted to say for a while.

Maybe I could believe it if it weren't so badly written and lacking in inyernal consistency. Faylinn is right; Danny shafts Flack, his supposed best friend, to take Lindsay home, but he's going to be Lindsay's rock? Uh, sure, writers. If you say so.

What about Lindsay? She spends most of S2 openly lobbying for Danny, who shows scant interest, and now that she has him, she's spooked. I don't buy it. Nor do I buy that Danny suddenly adores her.

The writers all need to get on the same page before this romance goes any further.
Nobody implies that fans of Danny/Lindsay can't post, or can't express their opinions. I'm frankly confused as to why it is implied that this is a negative environment for anybody who likes Anna/Lindsay or this ship. If nobody who likes it posts, they can hardly expect to see positive opinions on the board, can they? Nobody runs anyone off, but I am not afraid to speak my mind here. And if that opinion doesn't sit well with other people, I can't very well help that, can I? *shrug*

I'm not going to 'back off' on D/L. People want a ship to be canon, it needs to be understood that being on the show means being in the line of fire for critique when the episode is discussed. If it seems 'forced' to people, or unnecessary, or if they think it changes the characters, they have every right to express those feelings. That's the whole point of expressing opinions.

Yes, the writers have said this is meant to be a more character-driven show. But character relationships are not limited to romantic entanglements between main members of the cast. What about the friendships? Danny and Flack are meant to be friends, the writers have managed to completely ignore the fact that Danny walked out of that hospital last season and they've never implied that he was there for Flack at all. But this Danny/Lindsay thing has gotten significant screentime already this season. Of all of the things to carry over from season 2, this is what gets the first bite of the apple? :rolleyes:

I don't like D/L on the show, and the stuff that I bitch about is D/L on the show. I don't imply that shippers can't ship, that they can't have fanfiction or discussion. I'm only talking about the show itself, and there's a big difference there.

Edit: Also, I think the moderators in this forum get a bad rap, and that's unfair. Whatever their personal feelings about a specific ship, they are here to moderate this forum, and they do a hell of a job. :)