It's a TV show so there's no way the CSI's would be an accurate portrayal. That wouldn't make for a very exciting show.

I'm not really sure where TPTB are going regarding Lindsay's choice of clothes but IMO, she couldn't pull off Stella or Calleigh's way of dressing.
I gave this episode an A+. Huge improvement from last week. Danny was finally back to his old self and he and Flack were amazing. Chemistry just oozes from these two. They work so well together. I'm glad there was no DL interaction this week. Actually, there wasn't much of Lindsay at all.
The Danny/Flack scenes. :devil: I do believe Flack was checking out Danny's ass when they were in the Shane's apartment.

He just can't help but stare. When they were going down the fire escape, I just about lost it when my shipper mind picked up on Danny's "Keep going down Flack". Then when Flack tackled Shane and Danny tackled Flack in an attempt to cuff the bad guy, I thought Flack would be in some kind of pain.
The scene in the squad car was really good. Flack never had to say a word but Danny knew he was there for him. I just love how Danny calms down when he's with Flack. Flack's like Danny's anchor to reality. He keeps him grounded. There's no doubt in my mind now that Danny was definately there for Flack's recovery.

If not, there would be tension between them.
Did anyone else notice that Danny and Flack kept disappearing throughout the episode? I can only speculate as to where they were.

Here's hoping for more Danny/Flack scenes throughout the season.
I'm a little concerned about Hawkes now. Is he still in danger? Will he still be Shane's next target?
I must say they never seem to amaze me. The opening scene with the headless woman hanging on the ceiling fan...never saw that before.

The guy staked through the eyes to the tree was bad enough but then finding his eyeballs in his pocket, didn't see that one coming.
Great episode. I love to see the whole team working one case every now and then.