Grade 'Hung Out to Dry'

I was finally able to see it ... and I loved every second of it. So an A+ for me. I love the whole mystery about the t-shirts. Interesting to link Shane to Hawkes, no he has escaped, that could make a very intersting follow up and more screentime for Hawkes.

And Hammerback was funny as always, being drunk to celebrate his divorce :lol:
Ack! I'm posting later than usual. Anyway, I absolutely loved this episode, I gave it an A+. I'm glad that they finally had the whole team working on one case. And me being a big Flack fan, boy was I happy he got mucho screen time. Danny was great in this episode too, he showed empathy for Shawn Casey yet realized where the line had to be drawn regarding revenge. I thought the edoc laundry shirts were a great concept when I first read about them in Wired mag last year, so I'm glad that CSI:NY borrowed the idea for the episode, it added that extra layer of creepiness to Shane Casey's character. When I read the news story about the special edition shirts, I was so tempted to buy one. But like Danny said "I think I'll stick to Barney's". Damn, those shirts are expensive.

Oh and they had so many exterior scenes shot in NYC, all through the episode I kept thinking to myself "Why wasn't I in Washington Square Park when Danny and Mac came to visit." I think I'll just comfort myself by pretending they used a green screen for that scene.
^^ it was a Flack-fest, wasn't it great? Flack is my favorite too, I just love him and I love Eddie too. Flack is the guy I wait to see and who's scenes I play over and over again. I've said this before but I love your banner. It's great. I have a few posts to go before I can put one up but when I do it will be Flack too!

The t-shirts were great. I'd love to try to design some stuff like that. Not necessarily with messages but just some interesting designs. This episode was one of the best I've ever seen of CSINY!
I don’t believe this episode was quite as good as the past two, mainly because it really does almost nothing to advance the characters in their development. However, it is one of the best case-based episodes from NY, and quite exciting to look through the clues.

I disagree. Character development, in this show, has gone poorly at best. Stella's attack, Danny's brother, Mac and Flack being blown up? Casefiles are, generally speaking, far better done.
I give it an A.

(Just copy-pasting something I wrote in one of my blogs. :D)

"Probably the best part of this episode was the fact that the entire team worked on the case. This happens rarely in this spin-off, and when it does, you know it's special.

Fusing Greek mythology (something I've always found interesting) into the case was ingenious. I applaud the writers for their research and their creativity into making a plot that would entertain the viewers and at the same time try to get them thinking. It's like encouraging the audience to help the team with the case.

One more thing I'm grateful for the writers for is the lack of Danny/Lindsay interaction. As much as I love seeing the two together, it would seem very...inappropriate to still force the issue after last week's episode. Putting those two together right now would seem odd and out of place with the case. But I would like to see them resolve in whatever way in the future. :)

Edward Furlong fit the role of the suspect like a glove. Though I kinda got him pegged as the perp when he was showing Mac and Danny the web site, I didn't think he'd escape. I would like to see him as the sort of "arch enemy" of the team this season.

And I believe this is one of the few times that a member of the team is targeted by the suspect. Now the question remains - what will happen to Hawkes now that the perp has escaped? Oh boy, I can't wait to see the follow up episode."

As for this episode not having character development, I think it's okay that it didn't have any. The past two episodes were pretty "heavy", and having character developments in all the episodes and pushing the cases to the background might turn this show into a soap. An episode with a good case, like this one, kinda balances things out. Makes the show not too "soap-y", like "heavy" eps make it not too robotic.

Woosh. I hope I made sense there. ^^;
I don't think we need to have character development in every single episode, nor do I think it's reasonable to expect it in every single ep.

That said, we did actually have some in this ep. We found out that:
A: Mac went to frat parties when he was younger. Who knew?!!

B. Sid has been divorced more than once.

C. All of them had some initial knowledge about mythology, numerology and codes, before having to look it up.

D. Danny really liked those T shirts, and if it wouldn't hav been for the price, would have bought one.

E. Lindsay isn't jaded, she can still be squicked out at a bloody crime scene. Nice realism; after all, even after seeing blood and gore a thousand times, who wouldn't have blanched at seeing the headless torso hanging from the ceiling fan?
Wonderful episode :D

I love when they do something different and this one really kept your attention and yet so creepy.

I think the reason why escape detail was so small... I think it will be explained later on and it's the way to leave viewers with lots of questions, more than just with "wtf?"

Sid. Oh Sid you and your random lines. Love it!

Danny... oh Danny... why didn't you jump earlier? Thought there was much more man in you than thinking will I or won't I jump ;) And why was Flack so much behind when they were running ?

Anyways... I can't wait for the bad guy returning :D I hope they do it well.

so A+
I thought this was a great episode ! Very well done.
I can't wait to see how they bring this killer back.

Loved, loved it !!!
Wonderful episode, I'd have to say that it's my favorite of the season so far. I love it when everyone is focused on one case that's more complicated than usual.

The case: Completely and utterly facinating. But a tiny bit gory(in a good way, but I was glad I'd already eaten) even for me, and I have a pretty strong stomach. I love the ideas of the shirts with the codes in them and the killer making his own imitation shirts.

Awww, poor Danny. He was just the perfect picture of understanding the motive but disagreeing with the action. Hawkes as a potential target was an interesting twist ). Flack's interrogation of all the moronic frat boys was hilarious. My only complaint is a distinct lack of Lindsay

The camera work was the stuff that made me a bit nauseous. This is my favorite of the CSIs, but it has the wackiest camerawork. The lab testing scenes always feel like they could give and epileptic a seizure, and Mac going all "beautiful mind" was a but much.

I love that they're leaving the door open for more from this killer, but the ending felt like something they tacked on at the end. Not that I'm arguing though...
it's the movie 'a beautiful mind' starring russell crowe about this math genius dude at princeton who was schizophrenic... anyway, there's this scene where he's looking at a wall full of numbers and they all suddenly start to make sense to him and the camera starts going around him and you can see numbers flying everywhere changing around so they make a pattern or something... basically, it looks exactly like the scene with mac. sorry for the crappy summary, hope it helps a little. you can probably see in on a trailer for the movie at imdb or something.
That's the first thing I thought during that numbers scene with Mac too, is that it was right out of "A Beautiful Mind" - and probably one of the most famous scenes from the movie, too. That's okay though, it was a Ron Howard film and Gary & Ron are buds, so I'm sure Ron didn't mind. In fact, if he saw it, he might have been flattered by the obvious "nod" to his movie. ;)
A+ episode. I simply loved it. Gruesome crime scenes. Weird clues. Revenge killings. What's not to like?