An A from me too.
I thoroughly enjoyed this one.
One thing bothered me the entire episode and it's what a few others have mentioned...
surely there would be workplace procedures in place when you get injured at work, particuarly when dealing in hazardous substances and bodily fluids. We have to fill in incident reports if we so much as stub our toes. Added to that her negligence in not telling anyone, particularly the others that were working with the evidence ...
I think it would be really interesting if this arc
did have Stella becoming HIV+. To be positive doesn't necessarily mean you have AIDS. And people who are HIV+ can now often live long and productive lives, thanks to medical advancements. I highly doubt that is the way it will go, but it will be interesting to watch this arc develop regardless. Melina is such a good actress ... she pulled off the worry and the fear beautifully in this episode.
The bathtub case ... started off promisingly and was intriguing me ... until I clicked at the same time as Danny did. And couldn't help saying aloud 'oh, come
ON. You
HAVE to be kidding!!!' That was beyond far fetched. Presumably it could happen, or it wouldn't be in the episode. But
really (snort).
Last whinge for this episode ... whats up with the gorgeous looking crack addict? Crack addicts don't look like that if they've been using long enough to have nasty scars all over their hands. And the guy with AIDS .. he had lesions, but boy he looked so super fit and probably sexy to a lot of women (just not me - not my type). So now even the crack addicts and people dying of AIDS are drop dead gorgeous in this show

I'm willing to suspend my disbelief for a bit, but this episode was too FULL of stuff asking me to suspend my disbelief.
Adam just gets better and better. Cranky and frustrated Adam over the 507 pieces (good on ya Mac :lol

was fun to watch. Adam playing with the evidence 'whaddup!!' - freaking hilarious. AJ is going a fantastic job characterizing Adam, and I think if he was given the screen time (which of course he isn't and I don't expect it), but hypothetically
if he was, he would be just as interesting a character as Danny to watch. I look forward to Adam every single episode.
I'm so very very glad the writers decided to go with the Mac/Peyton relationship and have Claire Forlani as a regular.
There is a relationship I can watch. I loved the "I'll be careful" remark. Phwoar.
Danny was as funny as all getout. It's so GOOD to see a return of the Danny we all know and get a kick out of. The scene where he finds out about Mac and Peyton is priceless. Talk about looking like a stunned mullet - those few moments of stillness were damned near perfect. As was seeing the cogs turning in his brain and him trying to process the information WHILE he was talking about the crime scene to Mac. That WAS perfection, that right there. You can always see what Danny is feeling. He wears his emotion right there on his face.
It's a joy to see him being back to the self-centered, funny, ball of nervous-energy he was pre You-Know-What.