Grade 'Heart of Glass'

I liked the episode well enough but I called the sister from the A case as the murder as soon as she told her story. First of all, from the previews you can see she was looking at the interrogation room mirror when she goes on the rampage, and second, at least to me, it was glaringly obvious once Flack describes the previous "intrusions". But I did think it was clever the way TPTB tried to play with our emotions. Before the episode aired I was sure Frankie's sister was out for revenge or something. The HIV story line came way out of left field. Although I highly doubt Stella would end up testing positive, if she did that would make for quite an arc. Also, I think it's good for TV shows in general to bring awareness about all kinds of public health issues to the forefront. So applause for that!

I happened to find the B case far more interesting and the ending was surprising (if not a bit implausible). But if shows like Untold Stories from the ER and Mystery ER have taught us anything, it's that the truth is stranger than fiction.

LOL, I'm still laughing about Danny's look when he found out that Mac and Peyton were an item. (Danny -->:eek:)
La_Guera said:
CSI:NY tonight was one of the most insipid episodes of the entire three-year run. Neither case was well-constructed, and there was so little meat that I felt like I was watching a bad student film.

I have two major bitchnits with the show tonight, and both center around character consistency.

Mac: Are you telling me, o, CSI writers, that Mac, who is so private and paranoid about his relationship to Peyton that he slapped her hand away for no reason when she tried to comfort him in his office, would saunter into a crime scene and casually announce to Danny that he was boning her? Are you further asking me to believe that Mac would tell not only Danny, but Flack, a man with whom he has not been on the best of terms this year?

FAIL. HAMMER of FAIL. I am sick of you peons taking the slipshod, lazy way out just to inject a new piece of OMG drama. Maybe Mac would tell Danny, but it wouldn't be at a crime scene in front of milling, gossipy uniforms. Are you even trying, or are you so busy spinning the cotton-candy schmoop for Danny/Lindsay that you've lost all perspective and sense of professional pride?

My second charge of character assassination stems from Stella's reaction to cutting herself at a crime scene. Are you telling me that there is no protocol for such an event at a crime scene, even if that protocol has to do with evidence contamination? If there is protocol, are you telling me that Stella, who has been a cop for at least twelve years, willfully ignored it? If she did, then how can I, as a viewer, ever take her seriously again when she starts blathering about credibility? And was she dressing her wound in the crime scene bathroom? Isn't that verboten? Over in Vegas, Grissom failed Greg's proficiency for taking a whiz at the scene. Stella should know better.

If Stella comes clean to Mac and he doesn't fire her and froth about the lab's integrity, then the ubiquitous Sanctimonious Asshat will be forever stapled to his scalp, and the next time he starts prating about Respecting the Badge and giving the Dumbledorean speech about what is right and what is easy, Flack should calmly punch him in the face. Repeatedly.

THOR's Hammer of UTTER FAIL.

And if you stoop so low as to let the viewers decide the course of your storylines, I will unplug my TV and jam the prongs up my ass, because if I'm going to hurt that much, I'm going to do it to myself.

Big honking F.

You are made of win. Seriously. Winsor. Can I marry you?

The case with the girl in the bath tub gave me a head ache (and no I don't have a bullet in my head that I'm not aware of), but I did not completely understand it. Who did that dead girl want to surprise :the guy who was in Europe or the guy that was temporarly living there? What was that 'broken heart' condition Peyton was talking about? How could the shooter miss twice? When you have a head ache you usually touch your head; how come she didn't feel the entry wound? I guess I have to rewatch tomorrow.

In the other case I already thought that the sister was the killer, but the way that happened did surprise me...The thought that she could be her own intruder never occured to me.

I still applaud the writers for addressing such a delicate subject as HIV/AIDS, but I agree that they could've handled Stella's scenes with more care. She did use the victim's bathroom and whatever did she do with the piece of glass that cut her. Adam processed all glass from the scene and only found the vic's blood; did she throw a piece of evidence away?

I still miss Lindsay and I think it's pretty strange that none of her colleagues/friends are ever mentioning her.
I loves this episode. :D Everytime Mac flirted with Peyton I literally jumped out of my seat and my mom is like What are you doing?. Anyway Stella/Melina as always acted beatifully and it left us craving for more CSI NY.
I think its the best episode of the season :devil: ;) :lol: and Mac looked so sexy flirting god is he hot. :D :D :devil:
This episode of CSI:NY is the worst one I've ever seen. F, all the way. Mac and Peyton: kill me now. Yeah right, they'd tell Danny that way. And yeah right, Flack would know before Danny would, considering the fact that Mac and Peyton work with Danny, and Flack is, (sadly enough) just a detective and not a part of the team. Mac and Stella were the sorriest excuses I've ever seen for CSIs, and I would have fired them right away. Mac picked up evidence (the credit card) without gloves, which is not the first time he's done this. I don't care if he was a Marine and his wife is dead and he's hot and smart, he is a total hypocrite if he thinks he can bend the rules hold everyone else responsible to them. And Stella.... oh, Stella. She probably broke every rule in the book when she was cut with the bloody glass. Yes, Melina's acting was wonderful in those scenes, but wonderful acting doesn't quite make up for STUPIDITY on the part of the character.

On a slightly happier note, Lindsay is still gone * :Dthows confetti :D*. If she would have been in this episode, it would have deserved an F-.

Danny's facial expressions when he discovers the Mac/Peyton relationship were hysterical; however, Danny was pure gold when he found out that Flack knew and didn't tell him. :lol:

Danny reading "I love you DL" renews my hope in the writers :D, even if it turned out to be DJ later on. Enough said. ;)

What's up with increased screen time for Angell and Adam, yet reduced time for Hawkes and Flack :(. Come on! Hill and Eddie are featured actors in the credits and integral components to the cast; ante up some quality script work for them please.

Melina totally rocked her storyline. She's always on her A game and made me panic for Stella. I could feel Stella's fear and internal battle. Bravo! One question: Why on Earth didn't she double-glove? Everyone else did. I guess that would have made it too easy to solve, but glass that sharp would certainly go through two layers of gloves, wouldn't it?

That husband was a freakin' nimrod! :lol: Hello, he can't even kill his wife by shooting her at point-blank range. Heck, I can make that shot, and I'm certainly no firearms expert. :mad:
Orison said:
1CSIMfan said:
Well, this will teach us that most of the spoilers are a crock of s**t. They totally redid the Danny/Angell scene.

Too bad, it had a lot of potential... Maybe the writers do lurk in here, they read all the fuss the spoilers created and decided not to go down that road.

It's quite possible that they do and that's what they did. I find comfort in the fact that even though they DA scene was cut, so was the phone call scene.

I watched the episode again today and last night I missed some of the dialogue between Danny and Mac at the beginning. Danny's expression was priceless. Why is he always the last to know everything?

Someone brought this up earlier (I think it was Fay), why didn't Adam find blood on the glass that cut Stella? Did she clean it up or did TPTB not think anybody would notice? I was a little shocked that she used the bathroom at the crime scene to clean herself up. I was also bothered by the fact that she compromised evidence and didn't bother to tell Mac. Delko sneezed at a crime scene once and they freaked out about that. Why didn't Stella double or triple glove and why didn't she have one of the jumpers on? She was working with glass..she should have known better.

After watching the second time, I still liked the Mac/Peyton scenes and the scene with Danny/Peyton. I was a little shocked that Mac didn't even try to hide the fact the he had been with Peyton when she got called out. Maybe after their little fight and make up, Mac's had a change of heart about hiding their relationship.

I would have loved to have seen more Flack in this episode and Hawkes for that matter. But I liked all the Danny/Angell scenes. There may not be any flirting but there is definately room for it. I still think they sizzle together.

Danny reading "I love you DL" renews my hope in the writers , even if it turned out to be DJ later on. Enough said.
well, since it said "I love DJ" in the end, that renews my hopes in the writers. :p

Also, the glass cut Stella's arm, not her hand, so double or triple gloving wouldn't have helped. Glass would have probably cut through them anyway.
1CSIMfan said:
Someone brought this up earlier (I think it was Fay), why didn't Adam find blood on the glass that cut Stella? Did she clean it up or did TPTB not think anybody would notice?

That's one of my unanswered questions... :rolleyes:

Danny's scene and Melina's acting aside, this episode wasn't as powerful as I hoped it would.
OMG, I cannot believe that some people didnt like this episode. Particularly I thought it rocked and it was so not insipid, it had drama, romance and a good dose of CSI NY to keep us wanting for more.
If people dont like CSI NY than they should so not watch it.
PrettyEyes said:
What's up with increased screen time for Angell and Adam, yet reduced time for Hawkes and Flack :(. Come on! Hill and Eddie are featured actors in the credits and integral components to the cast; ante up some quality script work

exactly..thats starting to upset me as well. :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
I'm surprized that Stella didn't tell Adam when she found out the dead guy was HIV positive. She didn't need to tell him about her own cut, but since Adam was handling the bloody glass, he should have been given a heads up. I mean, what if he'd cut himself as well? He wouldn't have known the blood was HIV positive and wouldn't know to get himself checked out.
csiviper said:
If people dont like CSI NY than they should so not watch it.
The sad thing is that CSI:NY is my favorite show. Or I guess I should say Season 1 of CSI:NY is my favorite show. The writers have been giving us a mixture of increasingly crappy episodes (Oedipus Hex, anyone?) and amazing ones (Hung Out To Dry, Raising Shane). I actually cared about the cases and characters in Season 1. I am so sick of all the dead rich people, I could scream. (And I really really miss Aiden. And Chad :lol:...)
Since everyone pretty much covered what I wanted to say about this episode I'll add an off topic comment.

Did anyone else think of that Seinfeld episode entitled The Beard, specfically the scene where Jerry is about to take the lie dectector test based on Melrose Place & just as he's about to leave Monk's George says to him, "It's not a lie if you believe it."

:lol: Oh dear...