Grade 'Heart of Glass'

What was UP with Mac's hair? He was all puffed up! And all dyed. The leather jacket... no, Mac, please. Just... don't. Just go back to your ties. I know the ties made him angsty, but I just don't know what to do with this new Leather Renegade. Lorenzo Lamas wants his panache back.

The sister/brother plot? They totally ripped off Finding Nemo.


"Get out of the way, Flo, I can't see!"

I can't warm up to Peyton. She always looks either angsty or horny. The way she was looking at Danny... Welcome to England, Danny. You gonna get raped.

I really hope we get to see the husband and wife again, especially if they stay together. It would be the most awesome marriage. Husband forgets her birthday, she brings up the shooting, he gets all righteous, "Oh my God, that was three months ago. Let it go, jeez!" Like, I could see them going to couples counseling. "I know he's not perfect; he always leaves his socks on the floor, he snores really loudly, sometimes he shoots me in the head, but I'd like to think we can work this out."

When Mac told Peyton, "I'll be careful..." ugh. It was just... no. Mac should not be allowed to flirt. Like his fro, it's not flattering.

I hate that they're giving Stella all these soap opera plots. And the doctor endlessly listing all the side effects of the medication? Biggest anvil ever. Now it becomes a guessing game over whose arms she'll Lifetimely faint on. 10 bucks on Mac.

She's still the only character that interests me, though. Flack and Hawkes are redshirts (is it wrong that they're white and black and yet sometimes I can't tell them apart?), Danny is ornery, and Mac has become the poster boy for Levitra... I just don't know anymore. I like Sid's glasses, too, but if they don't get their own plot soon, I'm switching to Lost.

CSIQ gave Stella AIDS.
I gave this ep. an A. I had a pretty good idea who the killers were in both cases, but the circumstances were a complete surprise. That was cool - as was this week's CSI:Q not totaly giving away the ending for once.

Stella's storyline was well done, both in writing and performance. Hopefully they won't just show her worried in the next ep. and then have her back to business as usual like they did after "All Access."

I loved the scenes with Danny reacting to the news that Peyton and Mac are together, although it would have been nice to know how everyone else knew when Danny didn't. Lastly, I found it very interesting that Danny made the comment to Peyton that if a sexy, naked woman was in his bathtub the only way he'd leave was if he was knocked unconsious and dragged out. I guess when Lindsay is away, the lap kinkapoodle will play. :D
I gave it a B tonight based on what I saw which was the last thirty minutes. Silly me...I forgot to set the VCR before I went to my night class.

From what I did see, it was a very interesting episode.
I really liked this episode a lot. I thought the shooting his wife and having her still alive? Hilarious. Too damn funny.

Melina is, as alays, a wonderful performer. You can always feel what she feels.

The song on the "becca" CD was good too. That "Just In Time." really liked that and am looiking for more by that singer.

Hoping Flack gets a little more love from the writers. He is HOT.
1CSIMfan said:
Well, this will teach us that most of the spoilers are a crock of s**t. They totally redid the Danny/Angell scene.

Too bad, it had a lot of potential... Maybe the writers do lurk in here, they read all the fuss the spoilers created and decided not to go down that road.
^^ Hm. That could be scary. Was it uproar from the D/L fans at 'Angell stealing Danny away from Lindsay' :rolleyes: or uproar from the non-D/L fans over the phonecall? One hopes the latter

Thinks to make you wonder.
midnight, I am your bitch :lol:

Anyway, I'm gonna give it an A.

Melina was pretty amazing. Just wow. I'm not really a big Stella fan but her worry and fear was almost tangible. *I* was worried and afraid for her, heh. Can't wait to see how her story pans out.

Other stuff: Mac flirting? In the morgue, no less? WTF? I didn't know whether to squee or cringe :lol: I was a bit bothered about how casual they were at the start, like Yeah, you didn't know? Duuude! Seriously?

Am I the only one who found Danny and Peyton cute together? If Mac wasn't in the picture, I think they'd click (no, it doesn't have anything to do with me being an MS shipper or the fact that Danny's the least of my concerns) But, yeah, there it is.
Good Episode last night. Poor Stella... writers are picking on our main characters again must be sweeps just kidding.
Melina did a great job.

Peyton & Mac out in the open... about time! :lol:
Danny was funny when he found out.
Thought both cases were interesting
Typical Danny not wanting to wait at the hospital.
I love the A-story, very interesting, accidentally died from an electrocution caused by another attempt murder and yet, the "victim" was stilled alive....B-story was not as interesting, it's very obvious that the man either suicide or the sister killed him.

And yes, not enough Flack, not even a lot of Hawkes in this one, but I do love that Peyton & Mac are out in the open, Mac is really trying to make things work.

But what's wrong with TPTB?? CSIs & Detectives in all 3 franchises are very dangerous these days, one after another got abused, killed and badly injured..Nick, Stella, Brass, Flack, Ryan, Eric....
Not bad (when is it ever?), but a few complaints:

-how could the husband not kill the wife-wasn't it from point-blank range?
-the AIDS thing: this is IMO stupid, because I HIGHLY doubt Stella's gonna test positive, which IMO makes the storyline somewhat pointless

I gave it an A+. I loved it. Was glad that M/P lovelife was out in the open so they wouldn't have to sneak around & try to keep it a secret. Can't wait to see where the writers take us on the Stella storyline. She was told if I remember right it would be three months before she knew anything. So....... I'm hoping the writers doesn't rush this. Wished Danny had made contact with Lindsay also. I miss her & hope she's back soon. Was it my imagination or did Mac look different? His hair was different to me. Oh well........could've been my imagination. lol
I gave it a "B". The cases were interesting enough. It was good to see more of Danny for a change but his chasing/tackling the husband (who shot his wife) made me wonder why they bother having other cops like Flack and Angell around--the CSIs can do everything! I also wondered why Flack was even in this episode since all he did was stand around and look pretty. When did Mac tell Flack about his relationship with Peyton? I must have missed that scene, unless it's like all other Flack-relevant scenes that we never see because they always take place off-screen. Glad to see Stella getting more to do but I think I'd feel the drama more if I believed for a second that the writers would actually make Stella HIV-positive as a result of what happened. I think it'll end up as a false alarm and she'll be it possible that MK is planning to leave the show or hasn't decided about returning for another season? <Pure speculation only>

Was Hawkes in any scenes other than the ending where the two-way glass mirrow was broken? Someone upthread called him and Flack the show's "redshirts"--I think more and more that this is the case.
midnight, I am your bitch
Ditto! Woman, you are hilarious. :lol: I totally blame CSI:Q!

Other stuff: Mac flirting? In the morgue, no less? WTF? I didn't know whether to squee or cringe I was a bit bothered about how casual they were at the start, like Yeah, you didn't know? Duuude! Seriously?
I felt the same way. It just...why is it suddenly not a big deal anymore? :confused: Is this a sign of things to come? Honestly, the part that kind of bugged me the most was Danny saying whatever it was about Peyton and Mac telling their 'grankids' about the bullet thing--it a funny line, sure, but it was totally unnecessary to the scene. One can only hope the writers remember the value of less-is-more. :rolleyes:

However, I couldn't help chuckling that Danny specifically asked Mac if Flack knew about his relationship with Peyton. :devil: Does Flack usually tell you everything, Danny? ;)

I rewatched the episode this morning. It was more interesting the second time around when I was able to catch some of the case details that confused me last night.

Danny's reaction to Mac and Peyton was pretty funny, even if I'm not sure how I feel about the way the whole thing was handled in the episode. It's also interesting that they transplanted the comments about the beautiful naked woman from a scene with Angell to a scene with Peyton. Granted, it was background noise while Mac discovered the credit card thing, but still--the writers must have liked him saying that and wanted to keep it even if they redid the whole frickin' episode.

Danny got to take down another perp. You know, I was just thinking the other day, 'it's been a while since Danny took anybody to the ground. I'm having withdrawals.' :lol: But seriously, that looked like it hurt. *wince*

Why didn't they find any of Stella's DNA at the crime scene? I'm still wondering about that...

Adam doesn't mind calling 500 pharmacies looking for the owner of a prescription for Danny, but he doesn't want to process 507 pieces of glass for Mac? :lol:

Flack's line about Hawkes and Stella explaining the situation to him like he's a "five year old" was funny, but I'm not sure it's a good idea to make it like, 'hey, we have to explain something to the audience--let's make Flack feel stoopid!' :rolleyes:

Stella's scenes about the cut were very well done. I'm anxious to see how they handle the storyline in subsequent episodes...

Overall, a good episode, with interesting cases and good character interaction, but I dunno...something about it just didn't grab me. :confused: I'll probably give it an A- or an A...


how could the husband not kill the wife-wasn't it from point-blank range?
He shot her through a pillow--that must be one thick-ass pillow, to slow the momentum down that much...or maybe it wouldn't be that difficult? Or maybe it has to do with where she was shot?...

ETA2: Oh, and I forgot to mention Lindsay--once again, the episode was complete without her. I didn't miss her at all, not that I expected to. The rest of the cast carries the show anyway, but I'm quite enjoying these few episodes without Lindsay there. I don't see how I could ever go 'you know, that scene needed Lindsay.' :)