Originally Posted by CSI Cupcake:
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Originally Posted by CSI Cupcake
I really loved Lindsay in this one. I have at times been frustrated with her character but she really hit one out of the park in this one with just the right amount of caring concern and threatened ass-kicking. Top called it right with her protective manner around Danny when Adam was teasing about his wheelchair. I didn't pick up on that on the first viewing. The bantering between her and Danny was refreshing and sweet...him saying she was too cute to be threatening, her kissing him on the top of the head. Very much needed.
It seems to me that Lindsay in this episode was very much like early S2 Lindsay with a bit more life experience behind her. It's the way I would have expected Lindsay to progress organically as a character if TPTB had stuck with one solid characterization for her throughout the series. I liked Lindsay in S2 so I have to say even if Lindsay stays as nothing more than a love interest for Danny I will like her if they keep this personality and Anna Belknap keeps selling it the way she did last night.
I think Kristine put words to why I liked the episode so much. Even though it wrapped up the cliffhanger it felt very much like brief glimpses of what's to come for the rest of the season and it got me excited to watch again.
Yes and amen! I also liked S2 Lindsay and think they should have kept her on that track. She came across in this episode as warm and mature and positive and not at all self-serving or self-sacrificing. With TPTB establishing her as such at the beginning it will be more acceptable for her to have a bad day where she gets overwhelmed and has the pity party. It happens to everyone at least once in a crisis and I wouldn't expect her to not go through that.
And I have to agree they have set the stage for a lot of things to play out in future episodes. That alone allows me to keep the A that I gave it.
I can't say I won't think it'll be a total waste of a good character if they only keep Lindsay as Danny's love interest for the rest of the show. It really got to me that we didn't see her exchange more than a handful of words with anyone other than him last night (although I felt for his pain, so I can forgive TPTB for that; and since the episode did kind of focus on his injury, I'm willing to hope that's not always going to be the case). But yeah, you guys pinpointed exactly why it didn't bother me more than I think it normally would have - Lindsay
was really reminiscent of S2!Lindsay (who I loved), and Danny and Lindsay's bantering was similarly reminiscent of the way they used to banter back in S2 (when they seemed like great friends, and ohmygosh, I'd forgotten how much I missed that!). They really did seem like they were on the same side again, rather than on the verge of being at each other's throats, and if it could
please stay that way, I wouldn't find them so toxic for each other.
She grew!

From "I'm not good at this sort of thing" to "nothing can change the way I feel about you" (even if I did gag at that 10% thing, I mean honestly, there is such a thing as overkill times two :wtf

. I'm totally impressed, if not surprised - I
knew I saw her having learned something from what happened in Season 4! [/fangirling]
Back to un-gripe about Flack: They're definitely going somewhere good with this new player thing he's doing. I'm interested to see
where exactly - is it just that he's looking for another Angell, or something similar to what he had with Angell, or maybe he's trying to forget her .... I don't know, but I want to find out. He seemed like he was just trying too, too hard to be okay, that it's so obvious he wasn't okay. I didn't have half as much problem with the way he'd apparently turned to drinking as well; good potential for Sam parallels, and even if they don't bring her back I'm hoping we'll at least get a mention of her. And yeah, this was a good way to open up into his storyline - it tells us there's more coming.
I knew we predicted that it'd be Stella's character (more than Adam's anyway) that would get the backlash of Adam/Stella. But I'm actually this close to hoping they
do stay together and get married and become D/L v.02 complete with all the angsty nonsensical drama, only this time done right. If only because it's very uncool how Stella's being called everything from a "slut" to the writers' "most hated character".:wtf: It's seriously that shocking that she dared to hook up with someone from work who wasn't Mac? I'm not saying that deciding to "live for the moment" by falling into bed with Adam was the best way to go, but I really doubt she's using him. I doubt even more that he only viewed it as "yay, I got to nail Stella". I think I'm with everyone who says that it's unlikely to just stay as a one-time-thing (because that never happens on TV). And more impressively, it was done tastefully - they clearly hadn't lost one ounce of respect for each other, even if they were awkward during that one moment when they talked about it. It's not the best decision to make, but it seems far less self-destructive or unhealthy for either of them than I thought it would be - much less self-destructive than even a Flack/Stella hookup would've been at this point, really. I like them. I want to see where Adam/Stella goes.
And I don't think Adam's selfish, either. I'm bordering on liking Haylen, but Adam was completely right - she has a world of nerve, expecting him to do a favour for her like putting in a good word for her when he's literally known her for two hours. That had nothing to do with whether she'd shown him up or not, it's just in general rude to ask people you don't know to go out on a limb like that for you. Why not go through more regular channels, like maybe volunteering or interning at the lab and scoping it out that way - which is what most people who want a job do first?