I graded this episode
I couldn’t find anything really wrong with it. This episode, in my opinion, was the best ever at giving all of the characters screen time. Everyone got in on the case and had something important to say. This, my friends, is what
crime drama is supposed to be.
I happen to like female assassins, so I’m eager to see the conclusion to this story. I hope they don’t screw it up someway. Just remind me to never stay at a hotel that allows people with green wigs go right up to my room/apartment. Granted, maybe the guy thought she was a hooker or something, but still…
Stella mentioned her dates with the new guy to Lindsay. Mac confided to Flack about Peyton and earned an awkward look from Hawkes over the 333 call, thus advancing all three stories. This is proof that when the writers want to be good, they can be. :lol:
I can tolerate Lindsay when she’s working. The angst from childhood, the romance, the tantrums and anything else that deviates from her job just don’t cut it, with me. Keep her working and talking about work, with a brief mention of activities outside it from time to time.
La_Guera said:
Lastly, why must everyone with a disability or degenerative illness want to die? Yes, life with chronic illness is soul-bruisingly hard, but it's far from unlivable. There are still moments of unexpected sunlight in the dark, and even if an illness is terminal, why not drink in as much life as possible before the lights go out? Are people so afraid of the stigma inherent in sliding from the ranks of the physical Haves to the Have Nots that they'd rather die than stand-or sit-and fight? Cowards.
I was very concerned about this before this episode aired. I don’t want to get into a Multiple Sclerosis rant, but that kind of depression is a symptom of the condition. This guy really needed to get off the computer and go live. He needed to find a group or discuss that with his doctor. As an MS sufferer, I was a bit displeased by that, but since it was just for a show, I’ll ignore it. Plus, he ran into someone and fell on his face. I appreciate that.
You just don’t know how much I do.
Last and certainly not least was Adam. He was essential to this case and lived up to it. His dialogue during that fight scene was nearly effortless. I loved him calling Mac ‘Dude’. Those scenes made the episode. It was nice to see Mac express need of Adam as opposed to Adam reverting into a child every time Mac entered the room and especially after how Mac embarrassed Adam over blood results in Past Imperfect.
One question: Did I miss AJ Buckley in the opening credits? I probably did. I don’t recall seeing him.
Another question: How bad are the computers in the lab? Twice this season we’ve seen people hack into them.