Grade 'Down the Rabbit Hole'

Faylinn said:

KEVLAR! Not just Flack, but everybody. It was sexy. ^_^

LMAO you and me have such dirty minds...i totally thought the same thing when I saw my Flack in his little (and I mean little - lacking coverage if you ask me - dude could still get hit in the vitals) kevlar vest - something about the bulletproof-ness of it screams smexy... :devil: it's all 'dangerous' and stuff... :lol:
I gave it an A. Pretty cool episode. Liked a lot of the banter that went on, especially when Mac first went to meet Don Juan. I was also impressed with how they did Second Life, having seen so many shows do a crappy job with games (even down to Adam's comment about it not being a game...that was a good touch). I actually hadn't realized they added in voice chat (hadn't been on in a while...was too addicted to World of Warcraft O_O ). Hope the conclusion will be as good (maybe even better). Long time to wait, though (maybe I'll have my job back then).

ACW1129 said:
Fun ep. Solid B grade.

To be continued I guess?

Who was the bald guy in the preview? He looked vaguely familiar.

Unfortunately, I have no idea about the bald guy, but the episode is continued in Second Life and then will be finished on the show in February.

CBS/Second Life CSI NY link

Anthony E. Zuiker Interview from CSI Files (10/24)
goldnhart said:
Why were the judge and the politician killed?

Ooops, I actually meant in my above post that they solved the "Why" for us re: why Cheryl/Venus and Johnny were killed - it was to get to the Senator. But you're right, they didn't actually tell us tonight why the Senator himself was targeted...
The SL veteran weigs in:

Criticisims: The working mechanisims of SL in the show were higly science fictionalized...the real SL has a Search menu for finding people and places, for instance, and calling cards are just names on your contact list. However given the fact that they do that sort of thing with the rest of the tech on this show (3d holographic brain scanner in the morgue, shiny touch screens no RL crime lab could afford, material analysis that takes 30 seconds), that's to be expected. If anything, they managed to make Second Life look cooler than it really is...if anyone here has read the book Snow Crash, which is frequently cited as an inspiration for SL, the writers apparently drew a bit from that.

Positives: They didn't portray us as weirdos!...too mcuh. Romance was involved, which was predictable, but it wasn't sensationalized (except when Stella mentioned "you know she's not real, right?", she wasn't thinking about the very real body that used to be a very real person downstairs.) The "cooler than real" SL footage was pretty darn cool! The whodunnit was decently satisfying; if nothing else the writers avoided the most obvious possibilities

Thoughts: I'd have liked to see the real nerds, the Vegas crew, get their hands on this one, but it fits with NY's futuristic vibe. Overall, B

I'm checking out the SL CSI areas right now...CBS's web servers are hosed, Second Life is holding up surprisingly well. Linden Lab has people up late making sure stuff is running smoothly: the only major problem I've had is that the sound clips in the orientation area are being flaky.

And, yes, stay tuned for the conclusion in February.
I thought it was cool. I knew Faylinn would love all the Adam-time tonight lol. I did like the line about the tacky dresser lol.

I want to try the SL thing but I don't have a sound card...will that hurt me? I'm also unsure how much it'll slow me down, this machine is already about 10yrs old. Running XP but old just the same.

Can't wait for the Feb conclusion.
MacsGirl, lack of sound card wouldn't be too bad (you would have to use text instead of voice and the CSI stuff has text avalible if you can't hear the sound clips, but the 10 year old computer kills your chances. In terms of computer age, you need someting newer than 4-5 years at the very least and newer is better.
Tonight's episode wasn't horrible, but as the Roomie pointed out, it was less about creating a compelling case and more concerned with shilling the Second Life product. I was intrigued during the live-action sequences, but as soon as the screen was hijacked by the 3D world, my interest waned. I love computers, but I've never been an avid online gamer. I suspect this is another case of pandering to the teenage male demographic advertisers and execs so covet.

The episode was salvaged by character interactions, most notably the interaction between Mac and Adam. For once, Adam got to assume the role of mentor, and he played it to the hilt, especially in the battle sequence. He was more assured than we've ever seen him, and yet there were traces of insecurity. His hesitation in complying with Mac's logout order caused a viral breach of the lab intranet, and I wonder if his already skittish behavior will only deepen.

Another interesting scene took place between Mac and Flack when Mac confided in the latter about his breakup with Peyton. Frankly, I can't see any previously established precedent for this level of trust from Mac. Sure, he saved Flack's life, but their relationship was contentious for most of S3. Suddenly, Flack's his confessor? I don't buy it. This smacks of plot utility. They need Mac to be unsuspecting so that when Sinclair orders Flack to accompany Mac to Chicago in a future episode, it raises no red flags. Dollars to doughnuts that once that episode is in the can, Flack's role as confessor evaporates. We'll see.

Lastly, why must everyone with a disability or degenerative illness want to die? Yes, life with chronic illness is soul-bruisingly hard, but it's far from unlivable. There are still moments of unexpected sunlight in the dark, and even if an illness is terminal, why not drink in as much life as possible before the lights go out? Are people so afraid of the stigma inherent in sliding from the ranks of the physical Haves to the Have Nots that they'd rather die than stand-or sit-and fight? Cowards.

Not a dreadful episode, but it was ass-clenchingly slow except for the final chase, and the fact that the resolution will be dragged out and possibly determined by the mental acumen of booger-picking, bratwurst-kneading fanboys(the TV viewers, not the gamers) fills me with sour-mouthed dread.

goldnhart said:
Why were the judge and the politician killed?

I don't know if the "why" is especially relevant. At least it would warrant a longer explanation than a one hour show could handle...They said the suspect was a contract killer (someone wanted the politicians killed). The actual why in this case wasn't esp. important...i dunno.

Actually, I wondered if this contract killer could be the 3:33 caller, which would somewhat explain why there wasn't a "we caught 'em" conclusion. I don't know, it just seems that's what Mac could have been thinking while looking down the empty laundry chute. Although, why would a contract killer torment a hit with phone calls???

Faylinn said:
Of course Danny and Flack had to chase the kid. It's like one or both of them have to tackle someone every week.
I can't see it having the same response if it were Stella or Lindsay instead...Stella maybe ;). Besides, I know I for one have something to cheer about when they tackle someone!! Ya gotta love it!

Anyhoo...loved the episode overall!! I tell ya, CSI:NY would not be the same without our favorite lab rat!! I loved Adam's response to Danny's 'why [would people play second life]' question: "it'" *eyebrow raise* :lol:
This ep was definitely worth staying up later than I should, threatening extreme drowsiness in my early class tomorrow *curses closing shift* I gave it an A!!
Interesting Second Life, huh? Make believe...takes a little sting out of the killin’. I absolutely enjoyed it...not any noddin’ off to sleep on this episode. Kudos for everyone doin’ an amazin’ job! A+

Aw, La Guera, maybe this show shed some light on how some people who are dealing with challenges or disabilities can become depress. ...and how therapy can help.
I'm going to give this episode a B+; solely on the virtue of AJ Buckley's performance. You could tell Adam was in his element, but that won't save you from one of my numbered lists! "Say my name!"

1. CSI:NY HQ. Most. Unsecure. Network. Ever. That's twice in three episodes their security was breached. It's time for them to stop getting their security software from popup ads.

2. I can't comment on Second Life directly since I've never played it; but I've played more than a few MMORPGS. For a moment there, I half-thought Adam was going to take Mac to a currency-selling service to get teleport money for his newbie chracter. :)

3. Too bad it was set in SL and not WoW... would be interesting to see what classes people would play... my guesses:

Mac - Protection pally, most likely.
Stella - Fire mage.
Hawkes - Holy priest, I think. :)
Adam - Fury warrior.
Lindsay - I dunno, elemental or restoration shaman, perhaps?
Danny - Another tough one; for some reason I see him as a Retribution pally. :)
Flack - Warrior, I think... though part of me thinks he'd play a warlock. :)

4. Oh yeah, nice chase at the end but... I. Dislike. Loose. Ends. That's one trait of CSI:Miami I wish NY wasn't adopting.

5. Lindsay got out into the field again finally, and she looked especially cute this episode. It was good to see her and Stella discussing Drew.

6. I've run out of bullet points.
MBGrissom said:
(Stella: "Who's the tacky dresser?" Mac: "That's me!")

Usually when it is just me and the cat (like tonight) I don't laugh out loud, but the way Mac's line was delivered did make me laugh (out loud). Also, there was one point at the beginning of the battle scene, before Adam took over, when Mac said something - unfortunately I didn't tape this, so I don't remember what - but the kind of "oh brother" attitude his comment reflected was how I felt about the SL stuff, so it made me laugh too. No offense to those who play.

I'm not too familiar with the background of this - there will be a conclusion some time later and somehow it is tied in to the Second Life game in real life (or should I say, SL in RL)?. If so, I hope the concluding episode will connect the dots for those of us who won't go into that "world".

I thoroughly enjoyed this episode, more than I have any ep since the season premiere. I found the pacing fast and the Second Life stuff intriguing. I'm glad they mixed humor with the pursuit in Second Life, because seeing Mac try to get into that world was kinda funny.

I'm intrigued to see if we'll find the mastermind behind the contract killings in the conclusion ep.

And I like that Mac has been confiding in Flack. I think it makes sense--the friction between them in season three ended up bringing them together towards the end of the year, and I like how that's continued into this season.
I gave it an ep since Hung Out To Dry.

Loved Adam in Second Life etc. and Mac bumbling around was funny.
I graded this episode A.

I couldn’t find anything really wrong with it. This episode, in my opinion, was the best ever at giving all of the characters screen time. Everyone got in on the case and had something important to say. This, my friends, is what crime drama is supposed to be. :cool:

I happen to like female assassins, so I’m eager to see the conclusion to this story. I hope they don’t screw it up someway. Just remind me to never stay at a hotel that allows people with green wigs go right up to my room/apartment. Granted, maybe the guy thought she was a hooker or something, but still…

Stella mentioned her dates with the new guy to Lindsay. Mac confided to Flack about Peyton and earned an awkward look from Hawkes over the 333 call, thus advancing all three stories. This is proof that when the writers want to be good, they can be. :lol:

I can tolerate Lindsay when she’s working. The angst from childhood, the romance, the tantrums and anything else that deviates from her job just don’t cut it, with me. Keep her working and talking about work, with a brief mention of activities outside it from time to time.

La_Guera said:
Lastly, why must everyone with a disability or degenerative illness want to die? Yes, life with chronic illness is soul-bruisingly hard, but it's far from unlivable. There are still moments of unexpected sunlight in the dark, and even if an illness is terminal, why not drink in as much life as possible before the lights go out? Are people so afraid of the stigma inherent in sliding from the ranks of the physical Haves to the Have Nots that they'd rather die than stand-or sit-and fight? Cowards.

I was very concerned about this before this episode aired. I don’t want to get into a Multiple Sclerosis rant, but that kind of depression is a symptom of the condition. This guy really needed to get off the computer and go live. He needed to find a group or discuss that with his doctor. As an MS sufferer, I was a bit displeased by that, but since it was just for a show, I’ll ignore it. Plus, he ran into someone and fell on his face. I appreciate that. :D You just don’t know how much I do.

Last and certainly not least was Adam. He was essential to this case and lived up to it. His dialogue during that fight scene was nearly effortless. I loved him calling Mac ‘Dude’. Those scenes made the episode. It was nice to see Mac express need of Adam as opposed to Adam reverting into a child every time Mac entered the room and especially after how Mac embarrassed Adam over blood results in Past Imperfect.

One question: Did I miss AJ Buckley in the opening credits? I probably did. I don’t recall seeing him.

Another question: How bad are the computers in the lab? Twice this season we’ve seen people hack into them.
I have to admit that I was skeptical about this episode because I have next to no interest in this whole Second Life thing. But I really enjoyed it.
I LOVE Adam, man he was great in this… My favorite scene was when he called Mac Dude and of course the whole battle scene was priceless.
I don’t mind that it has a loose end. Maybe it would have been a little bit too much if they would have tried to get the conclusion into the episode with the result that it probably would have felt rushed…

So IMO it was the best episode of the season until now. It gets an A from me.