Ok, I read through the thread and see similar comments to what I wrote down while watching, but once again I'm just typing it all out anyway.
~ LOL @ the music!
~ Mac, why do you jog in a log-sleeved black shirt?

~ I still love the tango scene. Slightly odd, but fun--and poignant when you know what it means.
~ Ok, the eyes kind of creep me out.
~ Mmm, Sheldon!
~ Mmm, Flack!
~ Mmm, Stella's boobies!
~ Mac came to the scene all sweaty. Ew.
~ I wish Mac would change his ringtone.
~ Again with the theme song--maybe if they'd left all the lyrics in, I wouldn't mind the intro, but without it the song sounds unfinished--too much at the beginning, not enough at the end.
~ SID!
~ Ewewewewew! I don't need to see under her skin, ew!
~ Sid totally reads Cosmo. :lol: I love you, Sid!
~ Ew, tick, ew!
~ Hai Danny's white shirt!
~ You're such a dork, Adam--it's why I love you. ^_^
~ Aww, Adam knows his stuff. *snorgle*
~ Is it just me, or does that jacket
not fit Lindsay right?
~ Hey, Stel, maybe he's sending you shit he tampered with so you'll
die when you try something 'physical'.
~ What kind of gift is Lindsay expecting that has her counting down 'til Christmas already?

*makes a note to start dropping hints to people*
~ Adam, your avatar is a chick with big boobs, isn't it? :lol: "I just want to let you know your options." Suuuure.
~ Look at Adam, he's all excited to show that stuff to mac. How cutesy. ^_^
~ Adam gets off on digital tah-tahs. *sigh* That's probably a pervy dude, babe.
~ I wonder if the assassin will have lyme disease?
~ That 'White Rabbit' is more like a dingy yellow-gray.
~ Of course Mac is a slutty woman. :lol:
~ HAHAHA, poor Adam looked mortified at Mac's total lack of game. Adam's probably all suave in Second Life.
~ Mmm, Flack
and Danny. :devil:
~ Is that Trillian? *squint*
~ Oh, look, a chase...
~ Oh, look, a gun...Don't worry, Danny, Flack's there to save you.
~ Polka dots, Flack? Seriously?
Polka dots???
~ Peyton couldn't leave England which she, ah, left to go live in the US before...doesn't make a whole lot of sense.
~ Mmm, Sheldon, glasses
and a lab coat. Mama likey. :devil:
~ Prepare for battle. Adam's all eager.
~ Why no codpiece on the armor, Adam? :lol:
~ "Dude--I mean, sorry, Boss." :lol:
~ "I got skills...I think so." Hee!
~ "Want some-a this?" :lol:
~ "Say my name." :lol: :lol:
~ "Who's your daddy?" :lol: :lol: :lol:
~ HAHAHAHA, love the little victory dance! And he had an audience, too.
~ He totally went to get 'water' so he could squeal to himself. :lol:
~ That room is seriously cool, by the way.
~ Mmm, kevlar all around. Sexy-sexy. :devil:
~ Nice doo-hickey, y'all. Kinda looks like that thingy from the Crocodile Hunter movie. (Steve!

~ I love Stella and Hawkes. ^_^
~ You're so adorable, Sheldon. I don't care what you say, baby, just keep saying it.
~ Dude, quit checkin' out my Stella! *smack*
~ Gotta love Adam's ho-shit! face when 'Venus' identified Mac.
~ Aside from the two Second Lifers, the other victims in the 'trophy room' all looked like old, crusty white dudes of the judge/congressman variety.
~ Good time to say not to pick it up, Adam,
after the fact.
~ I find it slightly hilarious that there's a big picture of NYC in that conference room...probably just me.
~ Those tablet-computer things are a bit much, IMO. Folders and printouts are
so passe.
~ Of course the whole CSI team would go. The relevant department of the NYPD must be swamped. [/sarcasm]
~ "How's it goin', chief?" :lol: Mmm, take-charge Flack.
~ Sheldon and Lindsay get to clear the lobby while the others use their guns and look sexy. Typical.
~ I'm supposed to believe that Mac and Flack got up the stairs as fast as Stella and Danny got up the elevator? Granted, they had to wait for it, but still...
~ My response to a gun in my face is not a calm "what the hell?" but rather a shrill
~ Duh, Mac,
duh. That'sherdamnit!
~ Preview for next week: Zombies are h0rs, eh Mac?

Ah well, at least they're better than clowns. Clowns are evil incarnate.