Grade 'Down the Rabbit Hole'

Well when i read the first spoilers for this episode, I little bit scared: how make a episode based by a game.
Now, I see this episode and I love it.
I love adam/ Mac interaction. When Mac talk to the man with a female's avatar is sooo funny!!
And the end ouahh , I can't believe it's finished like this!!!
One of best episode for all episodes of csiny
MacsGirlMel said:
I knew Faylinn would love all the Adam-time tonight lol.
*bats eyelashes* :p

Ticamo77 said:
One question: Did I miss AJ Buckley in the opening credits? I probably did. I don’t recall seeing him.
Nope, he's still listed as a "special guest star". :rolleyes:
I LOVE that the killer got away!

Amazing, for once something happened that makes sense! They can't solve every effin' case! It's not possible!
That episode was a lot of fun! I had been a bit worried.

Loved the moments with Adam and Mac, and Mac's total lack of game was a hoot! Glad Adam had so many scenes. Put him in the opening credits already! And the Cosmo-reading Sid, too.

I liked seeing Mac confiding in Flack about Peyton. It felt very real and natural. Like Top41 said, they had reached an understanding by the end of last season.

Why are Lindsay and Stella making so light of Drew's advances? As I recall, Lindsay was more upset than anybody when Frankie turned psycho and hurt Stella. And what happend to Stella's caution last episode?
I give it an A. It was fast paced & interesting. I admit I was also sceptical abt the "second Life" stuff, but it was good. The humor may have had something to do with it.

Adam totally Rocks!!. See, if HE had had that line instead of You Know Who, he wld have totally sold it. ;)

Calling Mac "Dude" was so Adam. Being caught up in the whole virtual world, he forgot he was speaking to his funny is that. :lol:

Adam rocks!! Er....did I already mention that? :D

Liked the fact that it ended in a cliffhanger, tho' it felt more like it ended there b'cos they ran out of time in the episode rather than anything else.

And I totally agree with u guys. What's up with their computers? They need to have better security.

That's all I can think of now. More thoughts later.
I gave it a B because I thought it was pretty original the way the worked a 3D case.
I laughed at Mac lame flirting lines. HAHAHA! The man needs to get back in the game.
Adam kicked ass. I like that they didn't catch the killer and that it was left open.
Stella mysterious guy is still persistent and she seems to be liking the attention. She smiles when she opened up the gifts he sent her.

The only thing is sometimes, I felt like it was really video game but I couldn't play because I wasn't the one with the controller.

I gotta admit, I thought that game was going to be a lame version of first sims but it had cool stuff. It's just the character graphic that wasn't really good.
EllePollack said:
MacsGirl, lack of sound card wouldn't be too bad (you would have to use text instead of voice and the CSI stuff has text avalible if you can't hear the sound clips, but the 10 year old computer kills your chances. In terms of computer age, you need someting newer than 4-5 years at the very least and newer is better.

aw darn. I probably wouldn't have time anyway with work and stuff...barely have time to check my mail and stuff most of the time. I hope to get a newer model sometime soon.
I gave this ep. an A. It kept me entertained and I found it easy to follow.

Adam was the star of the show. AJ makes him so funny/adorkable I just love it. Some of the great Adam moments: Laughing at Mac having no game. "I got skills. I think so." "Dude! I mean boss." Getting annoyed with Danny when he was kinda mocking the idea of SL and those who participate in it. The victory celebration after winning the battles. That is how you get excited about something and come off endearing to the viewer. Please note this, Anna Belknap. And then after - "I need water." I also loved that Mac said, "Adam, you lose and we lose the only solid lead we have," and Adam came through.

Mac was interesting in this ep. We got to see a lot of vulnerability compared to what we normally see. First we get to see him completely confused by the whole Second Life concept, then we get to see him display awkwardness trying to play the part of the female avatar and then he opens up to Flack about his relationship with Peyton ending. I really liked that scene. Gary and Eddie work together well, and it also showed that dispite their conflicts Mac trusts Flack enough to open up to him and Flack respects Mac enough to listen and be empathetic.

I think we got a visit from the continuity fairy. Or at least the explanation fairy. Adam flinches/winces when Danny gives his shoulder a small smack as he leaves to find out Venus' identity. Mac mentions Halloween being "next week" and then tells Don that he was in London "over the summer." That implies he spent more than the 10 days Peyton spent working and it also gives an explanation to why Danny, Adam and the lab show no outward sign of injury. Yeah, it's not what I'd hope for, but at least it's an explanation. I'm learning to take what I can get.

Hill Harper is always so great at selling Hawkes' enthusiasm and interest in what he is doing. And Sid was less creepy this ep., but I loved the "Cosmo. My dentist subscribes," line.

Lindsay was given more to do this ep., but to me she continues to stick out like a sore thumb. In the exchange with Stella and the part where the whole team is confering before they get on the elevator really displayed that Anna is the weak link of the cast. In the scene with Melina, it felt like Stella having a scene with Anna Belknap and not Lindsay. Nothing gets to Anna's eyes, she always looks either blank, like she's trying to keep up and remember her lines or she's confused. I think she just keeps getting worse. She used to be able to at least sell the light, playful side of Lindsay; but now she can't sell anything except smug, self-involvement. Although, there was none of that this ep., thank God.

I love Danny and Stella working together interrogating a suspect. They just work well together and I really liked that they showed sympathy for Johnny's situation - especially Danny who didn't seem to have a high opinion of people involved with Second Life. Adam may have been the star of the ep., but Danny got the most intriguing line of the ep. He says to Johnny, "Why stand up the woman you want to spend the rest of your life with." Perhaps the hostage situation has made him rethink Lindsay's appeal, or at least it could imply that Danny is only looking to get laid and nothing beyond that. Both scenarios would explain Danny's coldness toward Lindsay so far this season.

I almost forgot. We see evidence of Drew in the form of climbing gear he sent to Stella, and Stella seems intrigued/amused. Please PTB, don't let this guy turn out to be as creepy as he seems. Stella's too strong of a character to be undercut and victimized yet again.

La Guera said:
Lastly, why must everyone with a disability or degenerative illness want to die? Yes, life with chronic illness is soul-bruisingly hard, but it's far from unlivable. There are still moments of unexpected sunlight in the dark, and even if an illness is terminal, why not drink in as much life as possible before the lights go out? Are people so afraid of the stigma inherent in sliding from the ranks of the physical Haves to the Have Nots that they'd rather die than stand-or sit-and fight? Cowards.

While I think depression and suicidal thoughts are what some go through when dealing with a disability or degenerative disease, I agree that network TV cops out and almost exclusively shows that reaction. I think part of that may come from people not living with disability or degenerative illness cannot imagine having to live that way. I know that doesn't even begin to make it right, but I've been told by countless people, "I could never deal with what you have to deal with." (I have Spina Bifida) I always tell them, "You could if you didn't have a choice. It's just hard for you to imagine it because you don't have to do it."

I'm still waiting for the day when I can turn on TV and the only characters to whom I can totally relate aren't two eight year old animated boys. (Jimmy and Timmy from Southpark. I love those two and how the rest of the kids interact with them.) CSI: NY had the chance with Dr. Giles, as both the character and actor had a disability; but he was only a bit part for one season. I don't know if TPTB axed the character or if the actor moved on, but whatever happened it is a damn shame he's not on the show anymore.
Rad said:
Adam totally Rocks!!. See, if HE had had that line instead of You Know Who, he wld have totally sold it. ;)

But, Adam did get to say "What's my name?" :devil: and "Who's your Daddy?" :devil: during the computer fight. So, in a way, I'm glad he didn't get to do the infamous "I rock!" scene.
Ticamo77 said:
Rad said:
Adam totally Rocks!!. See, if HE had had that line instead of You Know Who, he wld have totally sold it. ;)

But, Adam did get to say "What's my name?" :devil: and "Who's your Daddy?" :devil: during the computer fight. So, in a way, I'm glad he didn't get to do the infamous "I rock!" scene.

True!!! :)
I wasn't totally enthralled by this episode, but it was decent. I can say that as a reformed online dor.... erm, gamer, it was interesting to see how it's evolved over the last decade or so. The Second Life universe seems fascinating, and I guess it's the only interaction that some people have with the outside world...

Adam was at his dorkiest best in this episode, Dorkus Maximus. My favorite parts of his interactions with Mac was the way he'd get exasperated with Mac's slowness to adapt to the intricacies of the game and would display the aggravation for a hot second before reverting to "Sir" or "Boss." "Who's your daddy?" - priceless.

The cast did a pretty good job of being an ensemble in a way that I wish they would showcase more frequently. I'm not at all shocked to learn that Sid "reads" Cosmo... his dentist subscribes. Riiiiiight.
PerfectAnomaly said:
Adam was the star of the show. AJ makes him so funny/adorkable I just love it. Some of the great Adam moments: Laughing at Mac having no game. "I got skills. I think so." "Dude! I mean boss." Getting annoyed with Danny when he was kinda mocking the idea of SL and those who participate in it. The victory celebration after winning the battles. That is how you get excited about something and come off endearing to the viewer. Please note this, Anna Belknap. And then after - "I need water." I also loved that Mac said, "Adam, you lose and we lose the only solid lead we have," and Adam came through.

I liked that too. Adam really got a chance to shine, and he clearly reveled in it. I think that's why he was reluctant to log off when Venus dropped the virus on them--he wanted to find a way to save the day.

Mac was interesting in this ep. We got to see a lot of vulnerability compared to what we normally see. First we get to see him completely confused by the whole Second Life concept, then we get to see him display awkwardness trying to play the part of the female avatar and then he opens up to Flack about his relationship with Peyton ending. I really liked that scene. Gary and Eddie work together well, and it also showed that dispite their conflicts Mac trusts Flack enough to open up to him and Flack respects Mac enough to listen and be empathetic.

Some of the tired stuff ventured into Mac The Martyr territory (which I can't stand), but I liked how he confided in Flack and also his reaction to Second Life. He was a fish out of water, and Sinise played that really well.

I love Danny and Stella working together interrogating a suspect. They just work well together and I really liked that they showed sympathy for Johnny's situation - especially Danny who didn't seem to have a high opinion of people involved with Second Life. Adam may have been the star of the ep., but Danny got the most intriguing line of the ep. He says to Johnny, "Why stand up the woman you want to spend the rest of your life with." Perhaps the hostage situation has made him rethink Lindsay's appeal, or at least it could imply that Danny is only looking to get laid and nothing beyond that. Both scenarios would explain Danny's coldness toward Lindsay so far this season.

I think the former is more likely than the latter--and perhaps indicates he still has a problem with how she stood him up/shut him out. But I think it goes beyond that--as a character, Danny has never been able to comprehend why people hurt people they care about. I suspect it comes from his experience of being hurt by those he cares about (Louie, Mac, Lindsay, who knows who else). So I think he's constantly trying to understand that, and of course, no one seems to be able to give him a satisfactory answer.

I did notice how the camera kept coming back to Danny's face in that scene. The expression on his face was hard to read, which was interesting. Danny was clearly thinking deeply about something in that moment--I wonder exactly what it was.
I’m not sure how to rate this episode. I think so far I’ve tended to give everything a B this season. And I definitely enjoyed this episode more than the others, but it’s still not an A for me. OK, maybe an A- :lol:. Overall this one was good, in fact I can’t really think of any negatives to it, other than the ending, which is disappointing if they aren’t planning on mentioning it again until February…

Adam really made the episode for me, he was fantastic, and AJ Buckley’s performance in it perfectly demonstrates why they have upped him to regular character status this season. Fantastic.

Adam’s Second Life description was great, as was Danny’s face in response. And Adam’s interaction with Mac was just brilliant, asking if he wants to be male or female, calling him dude, explaining how he has skills and shaking each others hand after the fight scene. All of this was Adam at his strongest, and he was in control, and then it went wrong and their roles were again reversed to Mac being in charge and Adam looking a little sheepish. I loved it.

What I didn’t really love about this episode, and is one thing that did irritate me was Mac’s conversation with Flack about Peyton. It was random and unusual, and Mac went into far too much detail. It didn’t sit comfortably with me at all.

I loved the gun and vest porn throughout the episode. Nearly the entire team just looking fabulous. :lol: I’m easily pleased… And Sid reads Cosmo. I love that he can be in an episode for only a few minutes and always come out with something fantastic.

I’m not sure how the two Venus’s managed to have what looked like the exact same outfits? Is there a special avatar clothes designer I’m not aware of? :lol: And if you’re going to kill someone, why dress as the avatar to do it? Weird…

The Second Life interaction was actually interesting, having been on the NY Second Life thingy I can say it does look very similar, in fact when Mac’s avatar first goes in, the area does look a lot like the area in the NY game, but sadly (imo and as a complete Second Life newbie) it’s not quite as fun or fast as Mac and Adam make it out to be, nor is it quite that easy to pick up. :lol: If anyone is planning on checking it out and wants to see what it's like, here is my avatar in CSI: NY Second Life…

My avatar in the 'Venus Crime Lab'

Flying over virtual New York

In the 'Murder by Zuiker' game
• Can’t get the mambo song out of my head! Help!!
• The janitor’s dance was sweet, bitter and a little weird. Poor man! :(
• Don’t pick up Mac! Let the stalker press redial. LOL
• I want the cut out lines from Baba O’Riley back! :(
• That’s it. I'm never having plastic surgery!
• Cosmo? Dentist? Riiight Sid! LOL
• Danny – back in white. ;)
• Good to see Adam.
• Loved the look that Mac and Danny had. WHY? LOLZ
• Stella, don’t smile & don’t like him. Drew is creepy!
• Can avatars fall in love? LOL Danny.
• Adam is adorable. Be all you can be! He’s cute when he gets geeky and excited.
• Mac repeating hello in his girl voice. Stop that! LOL You like it too much!
• Mac, I love you, but you got no game.
• See, Stell’s got lots of it! LOL
• Danny & Flack! Love you 2!
• That was the shortest chase ever! But, it’s always making me happy!
• Danny being cute: He’s running! Gun Flack! lol
• Don is officially the free Shrink and the shoulder to cry on of the show! Love that! Made me all warm inside seeing how Mac turned to him. Again. They all do that! :)
• Beautiful how they put all the hard feelings behind them. At the end of the day is the friendship and the affection what matters. I think they have even more respect for each other now.
• Don is really good at being a friend. We’ve seen it with Danny , Stella now Mac. Listening, being there without cheap big words and advices. Keep these moments coming!
• “I don’t understand why would you stand up the woman you wanna spend the rest of your life with.” No Danny, you don’t get it why people who say they love, hurt you. :( And worst, you let them get away with it.
• Poor kid!
• Flack is well dressed. : O
• Dude? LOL Who’s your daddy? LMAO
• Mac listen to Adam, it could be bad. Too late…
• Love the chase and the kevlars. ;)
• I’m glad the killer is a woman. And she get’s away too. Brilliant!
• Kinda little Hawkes & Flack this episode. But I forgive you TPTB, for showing Adam some love. ;)
• Lindsay kept in the lab and just saying that she found trace of x or y makes her almost tolerable. Just say it. No long explanations, no jokes. It’s a good compromise. ;) Keep her light, please!
• Stella and the boys on the chase. Thank you TPTB. That was beautiful. ( They all left the lab, and met Flack, but only Mac, Stell , Danny & Flack made it to the chase. This means Hawkes is still a doc at heart? ;) Very nice! )
• Must say that I had little to no expectations from this episode, but it was a good surprise. I really enjoyed it!