Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away!!

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Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away

When I watch that last scene i'm always like 'Jeeeeeeezus Grissom, get your arm around her you muppit!'

In the earlier seasons they have the best interactions of any of the characters IMO. They just bounce off each other so well. Ahhh the old days rocked.
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away

i agree. i LOVED the old days. cath and gris had so much chemistry back then, it was unbelieveable. i'm so mad that they just.. flushed it down the toilet (so to speak). they had one of the best relationships and now... it's like they dont even know each other. it pisses me off because EVERYONE knows they have to best chemistry.. they complete beat sara and grissom's "chemistry". cath and grissom are different and that's what makes their relationship so interesting. I LOVE PUREJOY!
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away

Feeling pasionate about our ship are we Emily? You know what a normal day feels like for me then! I love PJ and always will do. I think its cuz i'm also a hardcore Mulder/Scully shipper too. So similar IMO.

I'm hoping TPTB read these boards and see that its not only us that miss Grissom and Catherines interactions. YOU LISTENING TPTB?! *pokes*
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away

lmao... yes, getting a liiiitle mad! haha. well... i've entered your world and i'm not gonna be able to get out until cather and grissom get their chemeistry back.

yes! please TPTB... read!! get your ideas from us! we'll provide you with lots of PureJoy happy moments!
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away

Or at least give us a little spin off series CSI: At home with PureJoy. LMAO, could you imagine that. Omg that'd rock. They should do that with every ship so they could please everyone! My god, im a genius (and a big head!) LMAO! C'mon that idea rocks LOL.

You may be in my world for a while then Emily, sniff sniff.
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away

omgoodness!! THAT'S A GENUIS PLAN!! aww... could you guys image grissom and catherine's children? and then linsday would get grissom as a dad:p lmao. but like, catherine making grissom's favorate cookies (chocolate chip?) and grissom's sitting on his favorite chair reading a forensics journal. and then, when he's at his favorite part (bugs... obviously!) his little son and daughter come running down the hall way and jump onto his lap. catherine bursts out laughing as she brings the batch of cookies into the living room. lindsay comes home with her boy friends, grissom shakes his hand and smiles at him. naturally, he looks at him a while, studying him. then, gaves linsday the approval and he goes to cath and wraps his arms around her:p . haha... wow, i'd love that!!

*tear tear* the only things we can survive on are fanfics!! wow... thank goodness for fanfics!!
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away

Omg how shippy! I love a bit of mush. You need to write a mushy fic.

I can see Linds linking Grissom as a dad. I can just see her now calling him 'Uncle Grissom' I don't think she could ever call him dad. Uncle Grissom, awwwhh thats adorable if I do say so.

If fanfics didn't exist I think I woulda spontanously combusted by now. They my outlet!
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away

lmao... i was thinking of writing some fanfics about my ships:p haha

yeah.. true. uncle gris sounds adorable! grissom being called dad... does really work. and, i dont think that she should call him dad because... she kinda alreayd has a dad, even though he's dead. kiiinda akward:p

OMGOODNESS... SAME! if there wasn't someting called fanfic.. i would spontaniously conbust!!
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away

I always say i'm gonna write one, I have a couple of ideas, I just never get around to writing them. I really should. Maybe in summer when I finish college.

I can't see Grissom being called Dad either. Dunno why. Maybe if he has his own kids some day.
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away

lol, yeah... i can always make a story in my mind um just... to lazy to actually write it out:p lmao

yeah... if grissom got is own children. omgoodnes... that would be so cute. *images in mind* grissom's eyes, catherine's features, grissom's smile, catherine' figure. man, i really want cath and grissom together!! ok well... i'm gonna be read some PureJoy and SNickers fanfic for a bedtime story...

Night Everyone.. happy PureJoy dreams!
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away

csiemily said:
lol, yeah... i can always make a story in my mind um just... to lazy to actually write it out:p lmao

yeah... if grissom got is own children. omgoodnes... that would be so cute. *images in mind* grissom's eyes, catherine's features, grissom's smile, catherine' figure. man, i really want cath and grissom together!! ok well... i'm gonna be read some PureJoy and SNickers fanfic for a bedtime story...

Night Everyone.. happy PureJoy dreams!

CSI: At home with PureJoy...

I'm so there. Sounds like a ratings winner to me :D

Would there be two versions? One on normal TV and one on PayPerView? ;) :devil:
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away

LMAO Anne I think that is another genius part to add to CSI: At home with PureJoy. Oh that'd so work!

Emily I'm in fanfic mood atm, considering writing my own while im still off for Easter. I read a good one last night, CSI: Blackpool LOL.

I did have a CSI dream last night actually, shame I can't remember it. GRRR!
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away

Hi! Delurking here because 19ams87 said I absolutely had to. *Waves to 19ams87* :D

I've been lurking in here for awhile and I guess the reason why is that I have serious issues with the current canon and have been afraid of piss... off the mods. (Cue me being unable to say anything other than 'What!' and 'NO!' and a few other choice words for 10 minutes and having to hang up the phone when I watched 'Way to go').

I've been watching CSI from the first episodes and I'm really sad that they decided to go canon with any ship. At least before I could actually watch CSI with out being a total bitch. Now everytime I see Sara I feel like switching my tv of, which is horrible. I have to admit I never liked Sara though. She annoys me. Probably because she, on some points reminds me of me. I also think that she is all wrong for Gil (obviously), mainly because they are too much alike. What on earth do you get out of dating yourself? It's too safe and too boring for me.

Cath and Gil however complete each other. The whole Yin/Yang-thing.
I hope they tone the whole GSR-thing down or, *praying to any God that will listen*, end it completely.

I think the spoilers for the end of the season and the fact that Jorja hasn't signed a contract yet (or has she?, I'm not sure anymore) is connected. They (TPTB) want to keep us guessing for as long as possible. They're messing with us, it's what they do and damn do they love it. Sods. :lol:

Okay rant over. :p
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away

Lunalove said:

I've been watching CSI from the first episodes and I'm really sad that they decided to go canon with any ship. At least before I could actually watch CSI with out being a total bitch. Now everytime I see Sara I feel like switching my tv of, which is horrible. I have to admit I never liked Sara though. She annoys me. Probably because she, on some points reminds me of me. I also think that she is all wrong for Gil (obviously), mainly because they are too much alike. What on earth do you get out of dating yourself? It's too safe and too boring for me.
i think grissom and sara are completely wrong for each other too. WAY to similar. that type of relationship would NEVER working or happen in the real world.

Cath and Gil however complete each other. The whole Yin/Yang-thing.
I hope they tone the whole GSR-thing down or, *praying to any God that will listen*, end it completely.
I AGREE!! cath and gil are PERFECT for each other. yeah, the have their disagreements and their differences, but that's what i relationship is! if you and dating someone exactly like you (sara and grissom) it's way to boring and... just annoying! PureJoy forever!!!!

I think the spoilers for the end of the season and the fact that Jorja hasn't signed a contract yet (or has she?, I'm not sure anymore) is connected. They (TPTB) want to keep us guessing for as long as possible. They're messing with us, it's what they do and damn do they love it. Sods. :lol:
yeah... that's what i was thinking too. like, if jorjia signed the contract for the next year, we'd all know that she was gonna stay alive and wont die, but with her not signing it... it leaves us hanging and wondering through tht whole episode if she's gonna die or not. i have to say... that's a genius plan:p
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away

PureJoy at home, now that would be a good CSI episode

Gil and Lindsey and Cath all at home. You know I'm still with the idea that Gil is Lindsey's father.
Grissom could teach Lindsey about foresnsics and Cath could fine tune Lindsey's skills on bloodspatter...awww wouldn't That be a sight to see?? :D
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