Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away!!

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Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away

I hope so too

I hope she gets mad at him too. He seems to lecture her about going out.. about Eddie. How can she not get mad at him for dating a subordinate. I like Sara but it's the fact that Grisosm is her boss.. anyway, I hope she already knows and saves it for him. To get real angry with him. :mad:
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away

Dardeile said:
People, I'm not an Avril fan, but OH GOD that "Girlfriend" song is perfect for us. :lol:
rofl. This is scary. I saw the music video on MTV last night and thought it would be a perfect song for C/G. Wow. Talking about unspoken agreements... :eek:

Glad to see you post here, LG. You know, you really don't need to watch the show to post here. If we all do, the thread would have gone dead. lmao! A lot of what we talk about here isn't related to what actually happens on the show anyway. :D
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away

That's true. I think some of us stopped watching after last year.

I like to watch the show just to see where they are going with it and to see if they can bring back some of the 'spark' between Grissom and Cath.

They might be seeing other people (we know Gris is for sure) but they will always be in each other's lives. I just wish TPTB would bring that back. ;)
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away

xfcanadian said:
I was pretty pissed off when I saw the spoilers, like it was some BAD fanfiction joke. I hope catherine gets mad at him, since he always gave her the lab ethics lectures the most. He didn't even want to take the money for Nick in Grave Danger because of the ethics! So I hope catherine and nick get mad, and point out what a hypocrite Grissom is because of this relationship, and I am hoping he realizes what a bad mistake it is and breaks it off....then we can pretend this whole season doesn't exist!

i COMPLETELY agree with you!!!
nick's gonna get mad at grissom too because... he's been going through the same thing and nick knows how she feels. but i think grissom is just gonna push nick out of the way and try and be a hero for sara. YEAH RIGHT!! i think cath will get mad. A) because grissom always does at her, B) BECAUSE HE'S HER (sara's) BOSS!! C) he didn't trust her with it D) because she loves him!! MUA HA HA HA HAAAA. (same things apply to nick being mad at grissom too)
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away

^ Aw I believe we all do, especially Catherine and Gil. Unfortunately it doesn't look like that we're going to get quality C/G scenes. I, for one, is glad that there's such a thing called fanfiction. lol.
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away

Amen to fanfics!

I think we all had the same brainwave when we heard Avril's Girlfriend. It fits the current situation to a T.

I'm still watching the show and holding out for the big GSR split. Wanna hear something kinda funny? I have three hopes for this season:
1. GSR split
2. GC get together
3. Greg's storyline with fannysmakin got finished.

So far one has come true...maybe the other two will too (hopefully)

So what's the deal with the finale? cuz I think I missed a major spoiler. Grissom's gonna tell the team about GSR? Something big is gonna happen to Sara like in Grave Danger? OMG Somebody point me in the direction of that spoiler!
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away

LMAO 27dayz. You can go to the LV forum and check out the season 7 spoilers thread. There you'll find the answers. If you go to BTA, there are even more detailed spoilers there. :)

Hm I doubt they'll break GSR in the finale, but it seems it's going to be intensive. Whatever, Cath and Gil will work together and that's all I care for. lol. Can you tell I'm so sick of the MCSK storyline?
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away

Now....the spoilers did upset me a little bit, and I don't think I should go into what I think Sara's fate is going to be. But simply about G/C...some people have been saying that perhaps Catherine will be the most understanding one because they have been friends for so long...and I believe that is precisely why she will NOT be fine with this. Yes she will say "How long as this been going on?" and I really don't know what's going to happen with them. One part of me wishes that they have a huge fight (because it adds to the angst, okay? I can't help it.), and that it creates this rift which Gil will try to mend later on, but another part of me just wants the negative end of Sara's fate to become Gil's realization about our ship. Perhaps that is too fanfiction-y, yes (kind of like my own, huh?) but a girl can dream.
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away

If they have catherine give him her blessing, be happy for him, and encourage it, I will go balistic! :mad: seriously, it will get ugly, people will hate me even more than they already do, lol
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away

thanks guys!
if Catherine is all understanding about GSR, I will NEVER watch the show again. :mad: It's perfectly alright is she's pissed at him and throws a tantrum in his office. I would just laugh and say 'way to go, cath'. But if the writers have her acting understanding and ok with everything, I will lose it, cuz 1) i don't support GSR 2) TPTB have made Gil out to be a hypocrite and he needs to be brought back to earth by the woman who has always been his rock 3)and its too OC for Cath
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away

^ ITA, but I guess we'll just have to wait and see what TPTB come up and hope its not OOC. I think they did quite well with her reaction to him in LLV, so hopefully it will be ok :)

And if not, we've always got the wonderful fanfics and seasons 1-5 to remind us of the real G/C relationship :)

Thanks for posting those pics ams :) Cool change was a great episode, especially the little "I came in case you need me" scene :)

And happy easter to everyone :D
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away

I think I'd like it if she just rolled her eyes and walked off, too disgusted for words - until later!

The scene in LLV was sooo old married couple and probably the only time the previous seasons were recaptured.
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away

LMAO xfcanadian I can't see that happening, i'd be uber pissed too.

I personally can't see Cath being ok and accpeting of GSR, she's too fiesy. And after all he said to her in past seasons, he has no room to talk. Cath will remember that, well, TPTB better remember it.

Anyway all this talk is depressing, i'm gonna have to post some pics to cheer us gals up.

Thank the sweet lord for fanfics.

Our sexy couple.
The look ;)


Hope that cheers us all up! ;)
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away

*sigh* Thank you, 19ams87, for the pics. Just the little lift I needed. I was talking about purejoy on a few facebook groups and have been getting totally slammed by GSRers. :mad:

I think I'd forgive TPTB a littttle bit for all this GSR stuff if we got some Cath/Gil angst sometime in the future. :p
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