Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Away!!

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Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Awa

27dayz Aye I posted that Gentle Gentle scene but it's all good to see it again. Such a husband wife scene.
Cath:put this on your head.
Gil:I don't need that
Cath:Just do it.
*gil puts ice pack to his head*
LOL I love that moment.

OO OO Kaylyne, I love ya, it was killing me what episode that 'ogling' is from, do u know? I was searchin for that piccy!

Weeee I found a touchy moment nobody's mentioned. From the fantastic Grave Danger.
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Awa

i love ALL OF THEM!! i love it when catherine mothers grissom because he likes it. the feeling of someones actually caring about him... and it's cath:p haha. well, love all purejoy moments. hope there's more touchy scenes to come!!
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Awa

lol... we are all such pervs! I love it! :D

Loving all the touch moments! ahhh :D
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Awa

^^^ WE ARE :lol: but we can't help watching Gris and Cath pretend not to touch each other... ;)

I have to find more touching moments
ams I love Grave Danger
**runs off to find more pics**
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Awa

Grave Danger was like the best two hours of my life LOL. When I saw that scene I posted I was like 'oooh Grissom, was that a hand I saw?!' and rewatched about 100 times ;)

*hand up* I'm a admitted G/C Perv.

I love it when she mothers him too. Speshly that scene from Gentle Gentle, one of my fave Hubby/Wife scenes.

hhunter make sure you post the G/C goodies! ;)
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Awa

lol, i know. that's one of my fav scenes of them too:p. i love it when grissom was holding the baby and stuff and made it personal because that shows that cath has kinda rubbed off on him.

and we wonder why some people might be afraid of us... joking, joking:p
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Awa

Does anyone post on the official CSI forum thing? I swear to god people are nasty as feck over there. Anything other than GSR is seen as wierd etc. I got a bit of abuse but I dished it out though. I hate people like that dammit.

Theres another scene I can't remember which ep (suprise suprise) where they are sat sorta back to back on this blue seat thing? Any clues anyone? Think they at hospital or something?
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Awa

Tis the scene you were talking about, ams?


It's from Burked as well. Cath and Gil are at the station talking about the case. It's such a great moment. They think about the same possibilities and finish each other's sentences without any difficulties understanding what the other is talking about. That's the unspoken bound/agreement between them. :)

I don't go to the official CSI forum at all. I used to go there after it was opened but I got completely turned off by the posts. That board definitely needs some serious moderation. You're right ams, a lot of people there were quite nasty and didn't even try to show some respect to others. And the net speaking was hurting my eyes. I decided I had better things to do than reading that board so I left for good. I believe here is a much better place to discuss the show.
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Awa

^^Great Picture Erica
I have another 'almost touching' picture again from Burked (we seem to find alot of these scenes in this episode ;) )


Erica I heard that the CBS site is unmoderated so there is alot of nasty stuff flying over there.. I don't go there either :eek:
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Awa

^^haha, nice pics

yeah, i was over at the CBS forums and i didn't like it at all. they are all so rude. i like coming here because you guys actually respect me and my opions and you respect each other! yeah, we can get a little... out of hand but, dont dont go past a certain point which,i think, is really good. :D
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Awa

Ericayup thats it, thanks luv, drivin me mental tryin to find it. I think I shall watch Burked tnite ;)

I don't post much over there because people are so disrespectful of each other. Undermodded isn't the word. It crazy what some people get away with on there. This site is MUCH better.

You know I think Danny Cannon is definatly a G/C shipper.
They don't need to look at each other to understand each other. (Danny Cannon, Burked DVD commentary)
And on another commentary (when G gets mad at Sara and barks at her lol) Danny Cannon says 'oo, don't upset Daddy'
G/C are so the mummy and daddy of CSI.

Danny Cannon is SO a PureJoy shipper. So is Quentin Tarentino.
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Awa

Gil is still trying to get in a grope, even with Brass watching in ITB:

and I still can't get my mind off Gil's constant ogling sessions.
Try to tell me he's not checking out the boys here while peeking down from the attic!! :devil:


AMS, almost all of the writers and directors were PureJoy shippers in the first few seasons. Then new writers came along and totally changed the chemistry of the whole show and kidnapped our fun-loving characters. I think the APB alert is still out for them, but no one has caught sight of them for a few years.
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Awa

ARGH, that absolutly SUCKS! I know Ann Donahue was because of *that* quote, that glorious quote! You fancy trackin them down?! We need them back, desperatly. Awesome pics btw ;)
Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Awa

^^ oooo Love that! With brass watching! lol!!

lAUGHING at Ams .. (*hands up*).. haha. I think we are all okay with our potentially scary, but awesome thoughts! lol.

Im proud to admit where i stand! We love to see the touches! haha.

ooo.. i really want to watch burked now! lol

Re: Gilbert <3 Cathy #26: PureJoy--Layout Room. Right Awa

I am definatly gonna watch Burked tnite, I need some PureJoy loving. I keep watching the minihug from S7 on YouTube, i'm addicted. Just so cute. Awwhh I love it.

Ok, time for a bit of a depressing(ish) question. Imagine Gris & Cath got taken hostage randomly (lol) Do you think if it came down to it, that G would sacrifice himself for Catherine?
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